FLICKR changed again

The BB code seems to be like a pop up so could be blocked in some browsers - it is there if it works properly.
Their whole site seems very slow though.
Mine's changed again this morning.

Yesterday I didn't even have the icon that let me go to the share page!?

I'm having the same problem not being able to select the BBcode (or other for that matter)
Changes such as this will raise issues and am sure in time these will be addressed. Agree regarding letting Flickr know of these issues though.
I wish it was how it was before the idiots at Yahoo got hold of it. Nothing they have done has benefited. They have almost completely wrecked the community side of Flickr.

I hate grid views. What's the point of jumbling up genres of photography? I don't get it.

Oh, for those who like the abomination, here are some photos of your heroine, 95, who wants to turn it into another Instagram (another pointless site) or anything else she can turn it into that makes money regardless of killing off the paying customers who once made Flickr so great.

Dart Board
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They should at least offer the chance to Opt out or invite users to opt in. PayPal, Google etc can do that so why not Flickr ;/
Anyone found a way of copying the BB code on an iPad yet ?
They should at least offer the chance to Opt out or invite users to opt in.
Or better, let people switch between display styles. Like other photo sites do. They only offer one display and hope it suits everyone in the world.
Flikr do offer the "Old Uploadr" . Which is good. As the drag and drop one never, ever worked for me.
My page has changed to and I don't like the new layout.
It's now nigh on impossible for me to 'grab' the BBCode for copying and paste.......ARghhhhhhhhhhh.
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Is it my imagination, but it seems to run a little faster in the new look? Agree with many of the comments though - seems to be a step back in terms of looks.
Are you running an advert blocker? You need to add an exception for flickr or the sharing pop-up is blocked.