Fooly's 52 for 2010 - Week 5 - Speed (cop out)

very well done Simon, love it, but you're a far braver man than I....
Great shot - I assume you had a remote shutter? Also seems very stable considering the camera was moving around for 30 seconds. Good stuff - almost a shame that 'Street' came before 'Speed'!
amazing speed shot - you have more guts than me!

That one is Street, hence my annoyance with this weeks topic....

very well done Simon, love it, but you're a far braver man than I....

Thanks :)

Great shot - I assume you had a remote shutter? Also seems very stable considering the camera was moving around for 30 seconds. Good stuff - almost a shame that 'Street' came before 'Speed'!

Yes, remote cable release going out through the passenger window, and that mount is rock solid once you get it set up ;)

I realy like this shot simon. I would like to try it but i know first bend or bump in the road and my camera would be flying through the air as i am clumsy by nature. This is my favourite shot for this week.

It really does take a lot to move the mount, its actually quite difficult to get off once its attached...
Week 5 - Speed.....

How annoyed was I when this came out the bag after last weeks shot??

I had big plans for this one, was going to do a really long exposure at night up on the hills near me and show some star trails to show the speed of the Earth's rotation.....but then it decided that it would cloud over or rain every night since so I had to resort to another one of Simon's crazy clamp expeditions

This one was taken with the mount inside the car (it was raining and I cant go posting the exact same shot....) but I managed to get to about 50 without any problems and had a damned good time driving around the back roads near here :D

You must be :bang: when speed came out, cracking shot shame it didn't come out later so you didn't have consecutive similar shots.

Simple, effective and above all on point. Like this a lot.
nice idea, but I prefer the simpler approach of the other similar thread (jollyjack I think)
I find it hard to tell what I am meant to be seeing in the windscreen. Like the idea though.
I bet you were gutted when this theme was pulled out :LOL:
Slightly different take on last week's entry and very nicely done.

The only downside is that you spoilt us with last week's shot. Although this one is very good, it hasn't quite got the impact that you brought out in last week.
If I hadn't seen last week's entry, I'd probably be raving about this one but seeing the two side by side, this one is lacking a bit of oomph in comparison :(

It's got a lot going for it though. Interesting curvy trails, love the red reflection up the middle of the windscreen and I like the bit of wiper motion.
H Simon - Sorry this is the first time I've got round to commenting on your 52, but I like what I see here! (y)

YOu must have been gutted when Week 5 came out of the bag - it happened to me last year, so I know. :bang::bang::bang:

Street: This is amazing - I can't imagine trusting my camera to the outside of a moving car! Awesome. :cool: And I love the light trails - it makes sleepy Verwood look like a big city. :LOL:

Speed: As Sarah says, Street is the stronger image, but hey - I still like this one. The only (very minor) niggle - the sun visors interrupting the top line of the windscreen - but perhaps they don't lift any higher? Looking forward to Week 6. (y)

It's a bit different to the others, the trails look a bit busier. I like it... As for the startrails... you'll find that the clouds have a habit of doing that... especially if you are after something particular or there's a special event happening up there.
That street shot is MAD! Superb stuff. Hope you can find the time to catch up at some point.