Fuji X-E1/X-E2/X-E2S/X-E3 Owners Thread

some outstanding images being thrown up in this thread!

another portrait from me..

35mm f1.4 @ f1.4, flash through diffused beauty dish at 1/128 power with small reflector

by AlternatePixel, on Flickr
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I've thought long and hard about this and am thinking I'll continue to save for the 56mm f1.2. I did have a (Canon) 24mm f2.8 for my 50D and I struggled to work with the focal length - even for street work. I'm finding the focal lengths of 14/28/35 far more useful. If it had been a bit cheaper (or a lot cheaper and f1.8) I might have considered it, but I simply don't need that focal length.

Can anyone recommend a decent remote shutter release or should I just go with the official Fuji item ??
35mm f1.4 @ f5.6, flash reflected off white umbrella

And a crop
That's a cracking portrait there Bryan!

The more I use the combo of the 35mm & the X-E1, the more I like it. This portrait shot of #1 daughter was hand held at 1/50 sec, f1.4, ISO 1600, pop-up flash at 1/4 power to try and kill the fluorescent green lighting. Cross processing in post has done a bit more damage limitation to the green. The lack of noise at such a dark location is astounding. The fact I got the focus on that eye is a miracle :)

No big SLR, no need for a flashgun. Moment caught.

This is what photography is all about for me.

Just received my 14mm and the 55-200mm so that along with the 18-55mm should complete my spending spree for awhile.
maybe i will go for the 35/1.4 in the spring next year for flower shots with nice bokeh.
two portraits from me from last weekend...35mm f1.4@ f5.6, Yongnuo 560ii through beauty dish. I have read a few discussions this week on how rubbish 50mm lenses are for tight headshots due to distortion...makes me chuckle a little that the fuji 35mm displays very little distortion at all and laughs in the face of those comments!!

Uncle Paul
by AlternatePixel, on Flickr

john small
by AlternatePixel, on Flickr
Nice shot. I've seen some by Neil van Niekerk using those pilings as foreground interest that look good. Personally I'd crop out the half building on the right, but that's just down to tastes. Why B&W? I'd have thought this would look good in colour
Hi chaps, not sure if I'm posting in the right place, but my question is regarding write speeds on my Fuji XE-1.

Used the camera yesterday for the first time as a test to see how it performs compared to a Canon 5D Mark 3. Very impressed with quality, but when I shot 5 or 6 RAW files in a row, working with a model and a client watching, when I went to show her the shots, the orange and green flashing light flashed and flashed and flashed for what seemed like an eternity! It was embarrassing, and for that reason I'm asking if there's an answer.

I have the latest firmware on both body and lens, but did have noise reduction turned on which I have now turned off. This hasn't made a huge difference. What seems slow is that I can't review the shots whilst the buffer is writing them, so the client and I were left looking at the sky whilst the camera wrote the images.

This was using a a Micro SD card in an adaptor, Sandisk 32GB Ultra Class 10. I have read that some of you prefer the Extreme range for it's 95mbps speed. Is this my problem, my card is 'too slow'?
Extreme Pro is the card to get, i have just ordered a 2nd one as using a standard card takes ages to clear
Nice shot. I've seen some by Neil van Niekerk using those pilings as foreground interest that look good. Personally I'd crop out the half building on the right, but that's just down to tastes. Why B&W? I'd have thought this would look good in colour

Actually, here is the color version... you tell me, I kind of like the BW better...
View attachment 1211
Has anyone used the 50-230mm yet? I'm thinking of getting it instead of the 55-200 as its closer to my budget constraints.

I'm also interested if anyone has used the 27mm pancake as I might sell the 18-55 to fund the pancake. I've never really used primes though so it will be an interesting experience.
Mine turned up today, very happy with it.

Does anyone know where i can get the longer thumb grip from in the uk as most of the ones i found where in the US and wouldnt arrive until after xmas.
So the 18mm isn't very wide, I can't justify the cost of a 14mm and Fuji still refuse to make a fisheye. Then I thought, I know, that Sigma 8mm could be made to fit an X-E1.....


TBH I'm not thrilled with the quality. By the time you unpack it to a rectangular image and crop off the bits from the inside of the lens and make sure you're not in the shot you start to lose a lot of sharpness.

Anybody have the Samyang? Having fun with it?

Yeah, I should probably clean the sensor.....you should see it when I got back from Camber sand dunes........
So the 18mm isn't very wide, I can't justify the cost of a 14mm and Fuji still refuse to make a fisheye. Then I thought, I know, that Sigma 8mm could be made to fit an X-E1.....


TBH I'm not thrilled with the quality. By the time you unpack it to a rectangular image and crop off the bits from the inside of the lens and make sure you're not in the shot you start to lose a lot of sharpness.

Anybody have the Samyang? Having fun with it?

Yeah, I should probably clean the sensor.....you should see it when I got back from Camber sand dunes........

Ordered the Samyang today and should be with me tomorrow :) will hopefully be getting out with it at the weekend.
Ordered the Samyang today and should be with me tomorrow :) will hopefully be getting out with it at the weekend.

Oh cool. Let me know how it goes. Going on hols in a couple of weeks and want to take something fairly wide with me.
Also interested in seeing how the Samyang performs, I cracked and bought a 18mm for £149 brand new, pretty impressed with it so far although not had a chance to use it properly and as you say it's not 'wide-wide'.

Where did you get one for that price??!
Same question as on the X-Pro 1 thread......anybody with a Samyang 8mm who can share a couple of raw files with me?
Sounds like a silly question, I know, but apart from the Fujinons, what mount lenses can be used, and which adapter needs to be used?
I apologise for asking what has almost certainly been asked before.
This looks like a great system for a walkabout.
Best bet for something with a small mount is leica thread mount (m39) or leica m mount. Carl zeiss, Jupiter, Leica, voigtlander, old canon ltm, old nikkor ltm. Quite a few actually.
Sounds like a silly question, I know, but apart from the Fujinons, what mount lenses can be used, and which adapter needs to be used?
I apologise for asking what has almost certainly been asked before.
This looks like a great system for a walkabout.

Hi, I use some of my manual focus Nikkor AI lenses with my X-E1 and all perform extremely well. I bought an adapter from ebay (there are loads of different ones available). One thing you must do when buying an adapter is to make sure it's one that will allow you to focus your lenses at infinity (not all of them allow this).

You will of course have to focus manually and any lens you use must have an aperture ring. You will only be able to use aperture priority or full manual exposure modes and will have to stop your lenses down to the taking aperture manually before exposure.

Hope this helps.
Sounds like a silly question, I know, but apart from the Fujinons, what mount lenses can be used, and which adapter needs to be used?
I apologise for asking what has almost certainly been asked before.
This looks like a great system for a walkabout.

The Fuji lenses are the only ones that will fit without an adapter and auto-focus. Almost any other lens you can think of will probably be adaptable to fit, but will be manual focus and manual aperture. As with micro-4/3rds, there are countless different adapters available, but it makes little sense to buy a small-format camera body and stick a massive heavy lens on it, so people tend to prefer the small lenses like Leica M or screw-mount, Contax G and a few of the 35mm-SLR breeds like Olympus OM, Pentax-K, Nikon etc etc. I've not yet seen adapters to go between Fuji and Sony NEX, or micro 4/3rds (smaller format than Fuji/NEX), but I'm sure if there's a demand someone in China will make one...
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Thank you very much for the replies. I'm considering getting a small camera for when I go walking etc and of all of the ones that I've seen the Fujis seem to be my favourites.
Another quick question if you don't mind.
Is there any really obvious advantage which I'm missing of the XP-1 over the XE 1?
It seems like a small set of differences to me, but as I say, I may well be missing the point.
The xp1 has a hybrid finder, better LCD, better build, "better" size for larger lenses and zooms. It's just more of a premium model. I've had both and I like them both but at the moment the xp1 deal makes it much better IMO.