Fuji x100

Sorry to hear that mate but when needs must..The x100s looks very nice I have to say!
Ordered mine refurbished from the Fuji store, will be with me tomorrow. Can't wait!
Toni, congrats. You will enjoy it. I assume its not the latest s model as its a refurb?

Stuart, at least I had it to sell, and someone got a real bargain!
Still, I can wait a couple of months for a new one, I just saw a Youtube vid from fuji about the new 100s, looks pretty good with faster AF and decent manual focus at last.
Now, if they just put a little lever on the focus ring so you could turn it with one finger in MF, it would be perfect.
No Allan, not the s model :) They have a black refurb on too but there's just something about the silver that I love more.
I prefer the silver one as well. It looks classy. Funny thing. When the X10 came out people asked if they were going to do a silver one Now the new X20 is out it is silver. People are asking if they are going to do a black one! I suspect a black x100s will be along soon too
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My choice was the silver as well. Took delivery today! Just haven't managed out of the house yet due to weather. Had some fun with high speed flash sync indoors. Hopefully a better day tomorrow to get outside.
I have a genuine case to go along with my x100 but im looking for metal rings/triangles to attach the strap too the camera. The problem is I cannot think what they are called to search on ebay for them and im sure i seen them in the pages here.

Anyone help?

It might just be worth mentioning that the circular ones are preferable as there are reports that the original triangular ones that were supplied with the camera wear the eyelets on the camera as the metal is soft.
It might just be worth mentioning that the circular ones are preferable as there are reports that the original triangular ones that were supplied with the camera wear the eyelets on the camera as the metal is soft.

I just purchased the triangular ones but for a few quid i'll get a set of the circular ones aswell. Cheers for the heads up. :)
Well, she arrived this morning :) A little over 500 shots taken (I bought a refurb). She's going to take some getting used to! :eek:
Sorry for the double post... but did anyone else have a hard time getting used to shooting manually with the x100?
I finally managed to sneak off for an hour in the snow last week and got to play properly with the wide angle adapter - I'm shocked how sharp it is!

Whittlebury Tree by dave.proctor, on Flickr[/IMG]

Do not know if this Tip has been aired in the previous pages if it has Sorry.

If you happen to have an Apple iPad, iPod, or MacBook charger lying around, that charger likely came with a removable piece that plugs into your electrical outlet. If you remove that piece from the Apple charger, it should fit into the Fujifilm charger and let that charger plug directly into the outlet without using the power cord.

Received my X100 yesterday from John Lewis. I've had to dip into the overdraft for it, but I'm a John Lewis partner and had to get in quick before we sold out so I could get my discount on it!
Quite a step up from my Lumix LX5 and it's gonna take some time to get used to the ins and outs of it, especially the fixed lens.
However, I love the viewfinder and the whole look and feel of it. Reminds me of my father's camera (a Zenit something-or-other) which was the first camera I ever got my hands on.
These are some of my first shots, taken along the Thames in West London. Nothing special, a bit random, but thought I'd share anyway :)






Very much pleased with the X100, great little camera, seems to command respect like a film camera. Dont want to waste frames with it.

Also fits in my pocket, got this in Kings Cross the other day which I particularly like

How are LR and ACR at working with x100 raws? I know the JPEGs are wonderful - how do the raws look when imported into LR? Is that wonderful fuji color present in the JPEGs there in the raws when imported or do you need to adjust sliders to bring it back? Thanks !
How are LR and ACR at working with x100 raws? I know the JPEGs are wonderful - how do the raws look when imported into LR? Is that wonderful fuji color present in the JPEGs there in the raws when imported or do you need to adjust sliders to bring it back? Thanks !

Ive found that with all my cameras, raw needs manipulating. Ill try and remember to post some jpegs vs standard raw vs edited raw when i get home.
The Fuji makes a great travel camera. Along with a Pentax super a, I was in retro mode yesterday!
I am looking for something to compliment my D7000... and kept getting drawn back to the x100... but would be used a lot by my wife to take stuff of our kids 4 & 2 year olds... would the af cope??
I am looking for something to compliment my D7000... and kept getting drawn back to the x100... but would be used a lot by my wife to take stuff of our kids 4 & 2 year olds... would the af cope??

Like most users I employ the focus and recompose method - it really is the only way of using the camera. Will your wife be happy with that?

I have a 2 year old and 6 month old. I do lots of head and shoulder shots. For this I need the macro mode - given the distance of subject. The macro mode is slow and patience is needed to get a good image.

Normal focus speed is quite alright - not super fast, but using the "mash the button" method *, it's pretty nifty!

PS I have a D7000 too but the X100 gets all the photo time in the house - the silent shutter is a real win.

* don't wait for the green "in focus" box, just press the shutter release all the way!
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I am looking for something to compliment my D7000... and kept getting drawn back to the x100... but would be used a lot by my wife to take stuff of our kids 4 & 2 year olds... would the af cope??

If you can afford the extra then I'd wait for the X100S as the AF is supposed to be a lot better and unless your wife is a camera nut then she might find the X100's quirks a bit annoying.

If nothing else, the X100's second hand price will drop a bit more once the X100S is released so you'd save a few quid.

I loved my X100, only sold it last month as I will be getting the X100S, in the meantime I'm making doing with my Sony RX100 which is a cracking camera but not half as nice to use.
I am looking for something to compliment my D7000... and kept getting drawn back to the x100... but would be used a lot by my wife to take stuff of our kids 4 & 2 year olds... would the af cope??

Don't expect the same AF speed as your D7000 or you'll be disappointed. Moving subjects aren't the X100's forte. Get your kids captivated enough to stay still in low light or move in the same focus plane in good light and you'll improve your chances of getting a shot in focus. The AF works much better in good light.
Hi guys,

Been meaning to join in with this thread for a while as I ordered a refurb X100 silver from Fuji a week or so ago.

The first camera had a dead aperture - wouldn't open. I was somewhat disappointed, but sent it back to Fuji who had a new one with me within a week... Been out with the new one a couple of times and starting to really love the camera - there's nothing else like it and it nicely combines old-school design and features with the great image quality that digital can deliver.

Well, almost.

I would really appreciate it if I could show some of my higher ISO shots, which are suffering from banding, and other X100 owners would comment as to whether this effect is normal for an X100 or not. I'm getting noticeable banding at 1600, and by 3200 it's unusable in my opinion. All the reviews I've read seem to suggest that it's a great high ISO camera so I'm a bit confused by this outcome and need some comparators.

Before we go any further, I should mention I've read about this issue and heard tell that image review after using the OVF can cause this problem. Image review was turned off after I initially set up the camera so isn't the culprit here.

Let's get down to the images.

This is the image that first brought this issue to my attention: [ISO 3200, f/2, 1/90s]

DSCF0173 by martsharm, on Flickr

This one is similar: [ISO 3200, f/2, 1/90s]

DSCF0180 by martsharm, on Flickr

I only discovered this when I returned home and checked the results. So I made some test shots of a banal subject simply to see what the banding looked like at various ISOs. Here are the results. (All JPGs straight out of the camera.)

ISO 800. This looks fine to me, nothing to complain about here. You can click through to see the full-res images if you like.

DSCF0338 by martsharm, on Flickr

ISO 1600. It's subtle, but there's definitely some banding creeping in, most notably on the dark TV screen.

DSCF0337 by martsharm, on Flickr

ISO 3200. It's all pretty obvious by now, and to my eye, unacceptable.

DSCF0334 by martsharm, on Flickr

ISO 6400. Bleugh.

DSCF0335 by martsharm, on Flickr
I don't know if it's normal martsharm but I too have a Fuji refurb and experience the exact same as what you are.
[following on from previous post]

ISO 12,800. Just for kicks, really.

DSCF0345 by martsharm, on Flickr

I can't find any online examples that demonstrate this problem to this extent, so I am inclined to think I am in possesion of Lemon number 2. However, I would appreciate any comments from the X100 owners gathered here as to what their higher ISO results look like.

Just out of interest, here are a few samples from other reasonably comparable cameras, all with the same exposure settings. [ISO 3200, f/2, 1/100s].

Panasonic GF1. This is very noisy, and actually a touch of banding, but nothing like as bad as the X100.

P1040145 by martsharm, on Flickr

Panasonic G3. A generation better than the GF1, and no banding to speak of.

P1050001 by martsharm, on Flickr

Nikon D3200. The best of the bunch, by a country mile.

DSC_0377 by martsharm, on Flickr

And again, just for comparison, the X100 at ISO 3200.

DSCF0334 by martsharm, on Flickr

I'd appreciate any comments!
Sorry, that was meant to say "experienced". My camera doesn't do it anymore which makes me think it was something I was doing. I'm not sure how though? The first time I used the camera, I ran through the ISO's cause I'd read it was a great high ISO camera and experienced banding. I didn't question it - not sure why - and just stuck to below 3200. A few days later, I was taking some snapshots and needed to push the ISO right up; there was no banding issues this time :wacky:
Does anyone own a X100 and X-E1, I was wondering if they made a good partnership if the X-E1 had the 35 and 60mm prime? I have the X-E1 with 35, 60 and zoom and am thinking of sellng the zoom and getting a X100.
I thought they would make a good pair (an XP1 in my case) but found I rarely used my x100 so sold it. I don't do much wide angle stuff and had the 18mm prime which I was happy to use. Then I found I missed having the x100 so bought a black limited edition version. But I didn't really use that either so I've sold it too!

I found the main gain of the Fuji system to be the small size, so carrying spare bodies kind of defeats the purpose, even if they are small.
My WCL-X100 arrived at the end of last week and it seems like a lovely bit of kit.

Had to work all weekend so not had a chance to properly use it yet. :(
Something's been niggling at me but I've told myself it's my imagination. Until now when it's glaringly obvious.

When shooting RAW on aperture priority, the photos look beautiful on the LCD. Open them in camera raw and they're really rather underexposed... :thinking:
Something's been niggling at me but I've told myself it's my imagination. Until now when it's glaringly obvious.

When shooting RAW on aperture priority, the photos look beautiful on the LCD. Open them in camera raw and they're really rather underexposed... :thinking:

Does the histogram confirm the underexposure? If so, your camera LCD brightness is probably too high. Mine is set to +1 which seems about right.