
smoothedit said:
Oo yes please if anyone can still invite....

matt (at)

Thank you very much fine TP Folk!

Invite should be sent (y) It's the first one I've done so I hope I've done it right!
An invite would be greatly appreciated.

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Thanks Jamie and Keith! Much appreciated.

Nothing received as yet so either they are now limiting them, or it takes a little while to come through.

Looking forward to seeing it all (y)
smoothedit said:
Thanks Jamie and Keith! Much appreciated.

Nothing received as yet so either they are now limiting them, or it takes a little while to come through.

Looking forward to seeing it all (y)

Hmm strange, I invited spudgun in after you and he's already joined. If nothing has come through by morning let me know and I'll try it again.
Yes please Jamie. May possibly be because I have that email registered for invites when avail.

As long as they are not limited in number, would you mind sending one to google (at)

Thank you very much once again!
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If they're any going spare, an invite would most appreciated.

matthew.biggs (at)

Thanks :)
Invite would be much appreciated if there's any left - ************ - thanks
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Aye - think they may be holding them up/stopping them - not received any either.

Will update as soon as I get anything.

Thanks guys!
The 2 invites kindly sent my way late last night arrived in my mailbox this morning, so a good 7 hours later..... so be patient.

Unfortunately, I still can't sign up.

Google+ said:
Already invited? We've temporarily exceeded our capacity. Please try again soon.

Booooooooo! :thumbsdown:
ziggy© said:
ok i just sent one to that email address. Hopefully it works :)

Thanks mate. I got an invite sent to both addresses, would not let me sign up with the @googlemail but did let me sign up with the @gmail account. All up and running now. Thanks for the invites fellas

Thanks mate. I got an invite sent to both addresses, would not let me sign up with the @googlemail but did let me sign up with the @gmail account. All up and running now. Thanks for the invites fellas


Wierd, wonder if its the googlemail problem at my end? (where the invites were sent to)

if someone else could send one to zarch1972 at that would be great so I can see if that is the problem? :D
That's invites sent to all those who put their emails up. Fingers crossed that gets you in. As I said it took 30 hours for me to get in but my invite did come through straight away.
Jamie - just got your test message - when I clicked on the red box it took me through to register!

Thanks dude! May be worth sending others the same message - I never did get any invites!
tcr4x4 at gmail dot com if anyone has one spare would be appreciated!
Jamie - just got your test message - when I clicked on the red box it took me through to register!

Thanks dude! May be worth sending others the same message - I never did get any invites!

That's great you've got in! I sent that message to everyone so hopefully you'll all be in now. Glad we got it to work!
Jamie - how are you doing the invites? Add the user via email to a circle and then mention them?
Jamie - how are you doing the invites? Add the user via email to a circle and then mention them?

Yeah that's right. I created a circle called invites and added users to there with their email. I then went to the home screen and shared a message having added that circle or the individual user (y)
It's not working with Gmail accounts just now. Send the invites to a non-gmail account and it should let you in immediately.
The g+ Android app is really slick. It took me quite a while to realise that you can get to Nearby and Incoming feeds by swiping left or right. Thought I'd mention it in case anyone else is as brain-dead as I'm feeling right now... :)
Thanks Jamie, I've got your invite. Google+ now working with my gmail account.
If someone could post me one i'd appreciate it

Ben [at] mail167 [dot] com
Also be great if DONE could be added to someone's list :)

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Thanks for everyone who sent me an invite, i've sneaked my way in now! :D