Handmade equipment - tripod/camera mount design

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for quite a few years my dad was interested in making a camera mount that could be shouldered like a rifle. He went through many versions. Several are pictured below. Usually made from aluminium bar, wood for the stock and steel bolts. Probably suitable for small lenses. I think the aim was to catch birds in flight. Unfortunately, I did not have the opportunity to ask him which design works best if at all.


He also bought a commercial version by Kaiser that uses a ball joint.


This is really posted for interest's sake.
Even if you don't use them they're nice keepsakes. Maybe if you don't use them they could be repurposed somehow?
I converted a theodolite tripod into a photography one, it was easy enough, just needed a plate for the top and a tripod screw, great tripod, not fun to carry around though, oh and if theres wood floors they'll love you (it has points on the legs)
They look great - from an age of ingenuity on the personal level.

Nowadays IBIS makes astonishing inroads into making long lenses easier to handle. Taking a ahot at 600mm equiv at 1/5 of a second should be impossible!
You would also need a trigger to fire the camera shutter wouldn't you?
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Good items I looked at that idea for years , but the advent of lens i.s and now I.b.I.s makes it unneeded