Beginner Help Using A Light meter...

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Just bought a Sekonic L308-S light meter and am trying to learn how to use it. I have seen a few youtube video's and have had a quick read through the manual but for some reason cannot get the same reading each time.

I am using a YN565ex on a light stand 45 degree from the object, the flash is triggered using a YN622n on the flash and a 622n tx on the camera. I am using the test button on the TX to trigger the flash to take a meter reading. The meter is in the correct non corded flash mode.

As per the two pic below, one is showing F8 and another F1.3, so what am I doing wrong to get these incorrect readings. Also not the one at F8.0 look a bit under exposed.


Thank you

Hi Matt,

No the triggers are in manual mode.



Flash is in TTL, triggers in manual and the flash fires fine with the test button, but the issue is with the reading on the meter. I keep getting random f stops each time I fire the flash.


I don't have the same meter as you do, but...
In the second photo there is no box visible around the little flash symbol.
Could that be relevant?


The box was flashing fine, I did take a few tries but did not get constant f stops.


Okay, thanks.

Do you mean place the flash on camera, set to manual and take a reading?

Sorry if the above is a silly question.

Flash is in TTL, triggers in manual and the flash fires fine with the test button, but the issue is with the reading on the meter. I keep getting random f stops each time I fire the flash.

You need to isolate what's changing, just take the flash off your camera and fire it manually and see if your light meter returns consistent results or not.
You need to isolate what's changing, just take the flash off your camera and fire it manually and see if your light meter returns consistent results or not.


Tried that and got the same results 3 times that I tried.

What next?



Thanks, could it be faulty triggers on or just user error?

Make sure the meter is in the right mode (as above the 2 readings are in different modes).

Flash in manual, 1/4 power, and check readings.

Then add trigger and set mode and use trigger test button

Then add camera
Thanks Phil, will give it a go in a bit and report back.


The meter was in the correct mode but the square was not showing when the picture was taken in the second one.
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Did as suggested by Phil, I get constant f stops however as soon as I set the flash to TTL I start getting random results. When using a meter should I be using the flash in manual even if I am using the Yn622's or is there an issue with my triggers?

Thank you
Did as suggested by Phil, I get constant f stops however as soon as I set the flash to TTL I start getting random results. When using a meter should I be using the flash in manual even if I am using the Yn622's or is there an issue with my triggers?

Thank you
If you can adjust the flash power with the triggers when the flash is in manual, leave the flash in M and re-test. It should be fine.

No idea re. the Nikon flashes though. Some Canons need leaving in ETTL but some don't.
Did as suggested by Phil, I get constant f stops however as soon as I set the flash to TTL I start getting random results. When using a meter should I be using the flash in manual even if I am using the Yn622's or is there an issue with my triggers?

In a controlled environment you should be using manual, TTL when you need to rely on the equipment to help get you the shot.

That's besides the point though, I think the first response was right and some of your readings are from the pre-flash (it might look like only one flash is occuring to the naked eye) but again that's fine as you don't want/need TTL when you're using the light meter anyway.

Same issue with the Nikon flash, I cannot adjust the power from the triggers when the flash is not in TTL from the triggers. Any other way round this?

It takes longer to adjust the power when the flash is inside an umbrella style soft box.



Okay, thank you.

In a controlled environment you should be using manual, TTL when you need to rely on the equipment to help get you the shot.

That's besides the point though, I think the first response was right and some of your readings are from the pre-flash (it might look like only one flash is occuring to the naked eye) but again that's fine as you don't want/need TTL when you're using the light meter anyway.

Some people may not be aware of this but

YN622N TX to have manual control of a flashgun needs the flashgun t be in TTL mode

This means you have manual control of the flash, it is not using TTL, it is just the way the 622N TX talks to the flash

Some people may not be aware of this but

YN622N TX to have manual control of a flashgun needs the flashgun t be in TTL mode

This means you have manual control of the flash, it is not using TTL, it is just the way the 622N TX talks to the flash


Yes this is the same as PWs as if I remember correctly I had this issue with the TT1/TT5 Pocket wizards, I couldn't get how the flash had to be in TTL mode to control it manually from the triggers, just the way they have to be set up though.