
Yes, I asked her out. Was a bit of a chase since she was the first to leave the class and I was on the other side of the room. Unfortunately, she's attached.

Amazing thing is, I feel much better now than I did two weeks ago when I was kicking myself for not asking at all. :)
They all say that - keep trying, she'll come round eventually. Women are like Monkeys - they never let go of one branch til they have a hold on the next...
They all say that - keep trying, she'll come round eventually. Women are like Monkeys - they never let go of one branch til they have a hold on the next...

PMSL :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :woot:
They all say that - keep trying, she'll come round eventually. Women are like Monkeys - they never let go of one branch til they have a hold on the next...

Yeah. I'll keep talking to her. :p
Or you could sing her the musings of the infamous Kevin Bloody Wilson (Google him if you're a grown up :) )

b*****d, that got the coffee going :D Does you're dad own a brewery was a popular intro. When the answer came back no a knowing nod of the head and "Excellent" brought many puzzled female looks.
.... and what happens next...
Are you going to torment an idiot?
women are like buses actually, you wait around for freakin' ages for one and then two (or more) show up at once!! ...at least thats the way it is with me!
You are absolutely right of course, but I'd rather keep my best mate than lose him and maybe get the girl! I'll see if I can talk him into it.

She's actually going out with someone else at the moment, but the vibes I'm getting mean I dont think she is happy.
to para-phrase one of my favourite movies:
"Why don't you just take her?
When you want cattle,
you take the cattle.

When you want food,
you take the food.

When you want a woman...
you just take the woman.

Why don't you just take her?"

god I love the three amigos...such class.
But as we've said - that means nothing - besides, you never miss a slice off a pre-cut loaf...
Unlucky Kamion
(mods, please move to Off Topic, thanks.)

Well, kind of on the same saga of my life (neverending I'm afraid), but last night was my first "date" in about 4 years. :eek: Actually, it was a double date with a colleague of mine and two girls we met off speed dating a few weeks back.

Boy, was it a crash that rivals an Extinction Level Event. :LOL:

The girl I've been emailing was just texting on the phone all the time. When she wasn't texting, she was a really good laugh. Then towards midnight, she disappeared for 15 minutes. I think she was texting someone to inform them where she was because when we got asked to leave the bar, we found her downstairs talking to some other people.

We moved onto another venue and then she bumps into a guy she tells us she's not seen for 5 years or something. And then after that, she was spending more time with him than with us. At the end of the night, she went away with her long lost friend.

On the positive side, I think my friend and the other girl are on the start of something. (y) They've met up separately 3 times already and seems to be getting on well.

Just thought I'd share this cause it was really surreal and quite a funny situation. :LOL: I have a suspicion the long lost friend was an ex of some sort. Either ex-bf or ex-husband. :cautious:

Oh well. :shrug:
At least getting a date is an improvement from when I started this thread (from a positive point of view). :nuts:
Aww Kamion - like you say, at least it was a date, even if things didn't turn out well for you. Don't give in - just make the most of it and enjoy yourself along the way. You'll find a girlfriend when you least expect to!
Thanks for reading and commenting, Joe, min and Adam. :)

I did have fun last night so it's ok. :) What happened doesn't really bother me that much but I was just left a bit flabbergasted by her behaviour overall. :LOL: You can imagine my jaw just hanging open from her actions throughout the evening. :LOL:

Cambridge is really such a small place. I met a guy who is a housemate of another colleague, and I saw a guy I met last year while viewing places to rent. I think if I were to be a bit more active going out, I would be on first name basis with everyone in Cambridge in a few weeks. :LOL:
Lots of nice Lithuanian/Croatian/Latvian/Ukranian girls hereabouts, if you like that sort of thing, you know: achingly beautiful, supermodel figures (like a size 6-8, I guess), not too full of themselves, know how to treat a bloke with respect...

OK, OK. Poor and desperate to get out of the former E-Bloc sh*thole they were born in...
Still, if you're an unscrupulous hound like me...:naughty:

:nono: Bad Rob...
heh. I doubt they'll even bat an eyelid to me. Have fun, Bad Rob. :)
If you could see some of the Bosnian Used-Car salesmen that try to pass for Suave and Debonair (more like Swave and De-Boner) individuals round here (complete with cheap leather coats and 5-day stubble, B.O. and faux-Timberlands), you'd realise that any Englishmen is like a God to them here...
Lots of nice Lithuanian/Croatian/Latvian/Ukranian girls hereabouts, if you like that sort of thing, you know: achingly beautiful, supermodel figures (like a size 6-8, I guess), not too full of themselves, know how to treat a bloke with respect...
now your teasing, where's the pics? :p
I'll take some on my phone next time I'm out. Might take a few of the Pad's Wives as well so you can experience the full Horror.
Yes please. I don't think I get what "pad wives" are...
Married Soldiers are known as 'Pads' - perhaps unfairly, some of the 'Pads' wives are, shall we say... 'generous' with their affections and not always exlusively to their spouses.
In the 'old'days, it was common to see packets of 'OMO' washing powder left on windowsills to advertise that the Old Man's Out.

Nowadays, 'Pad's Wives' is a generic and unflattering nickname for the sort of predatory growler that one might associate with low-rent Army Garrison Life both in the UK and abroad.
Nowadays, 'Pad's Wives' is a generic and unflattering nickname for the sort of predatory growler that one might associate with low-rent Army Garrison Life both in the UK and abroad.

Well, you learn something new everyday.... I bet Aldershot is swarming with them :LOL:
Actually Ina - there are more Women in Comfortable Shoes in the Military now than Conventional Forces.
The RAF Women's soccer team is known as the RAF Lesbian Football Team as the captain is the only straight girl there. She showers in the Gents changing rooms...(no, really...).
Whatever floats yer boat, I say.
Army, where the men are men and so are the women!

well, some of the men are nancies...
It is indeed the Navy - Matelots are a Rum Bunch and no mistake.
As Churchill remarked when one Admiral took umbrage at proposed Naval Reforms (Churchill was 1st Sea Lord at the time) complaining that it would erode Naval traditions:
"Naval traditions? And what are they pray? Rum, Sodomy and The Lash!"

Or as we now call it; Rum, Bum and Baccy...