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Tonight, I wanted to ask a girl out from my Spanish class... we were walking together towards the car park alone, and I was on the verge of asking her out for drinks... but I bottled it! :bonk:

Then I was kicking myself as I drove away because it's half term next week. :bang: I was half hoping she'll catch up with me at the lights so I get another chance, but she didn't.

Then I got home and found an email from the tutor to all of us just to remind us that next week is half term, so now I have her email address. (y)

But I don't know if it's a good idea, surely a nice girl who drives a Subaru Impreza WRX (and previously owned two Civic Type R's) must already have a boyfriend. :crying:
we were walking together towards the car park alone, and I was on the verge of asking her out for drinks... but I bottled it!
Been there, done that. She was a stunner and we got along great together. But I was the problem - was married at the time. :nono:

Later found out that she had a boyfriend anyway, and she eventually left work because she was pregnant.

Just have to take it on the chin sometimes and move on. I've obviously never forgotten about her though.
Kamion - you've been with the girl all night, you've only got to engage her in casual chat and ask her *slap* :D

We've all been there mate, but this thread is well named... he who hesitates is lost. ;)
well, I sent her an email to ask if she'd like to meet up this weekend for drinks or something... here's keeping fingers crossed. :D

Yeah, I know it's the chicken way to ask a girl out (via email). :p
I hope it works out for you too.............although if you look like your avatar I dont think you have a snowball's chance in hell! :D
Good luck with that Kamion. Never assume anything when it comes to stuff like that. :nono:

I would have asked her face to face if I were you, most women love confidence in a guy! (y)


Jewel :)
Think I would have gone with the approach of meeting up to help each other improve your spanish. That way its not a date your classmates studying, which could move on to bigger and better things.

Did this when I went back to college (different subject) worked for me :D
I assume you made it a quick one-liner email along the 'fancy a drink? pub at 6?' -lines rather than the embarassing torent that some plonker had sent around offices worldwide, professing his love for some girl. needless to say she declined.
fingers crossed for you Kamion
You could have done the email in spanish for that novel effect :D Ableit a little cheesy :D
Thanks for the encouragement. No reply... yet... :p

Confidence when it comes to women is not one of my strong points.

Yeah, I just sent a very short email casually asking if she'd like to meet up for a drink or something over the weekend.
you should have just said what was on your mind, a direct approach will always let the other party exactly whats on the table.

Why would you think that she'll be attached because she drives a scoob? I know a female scoob owner who quite frankly couldn't pull in a room full of teenage male virgins......munter is not the word, but i'm going off topic :D
Always ask - I still regret not asking the lovely Carla out when I was at college 20 years ago. I'd rather remember a rejection than a missed opportunity.
Regret is a horrible emotion...

Better to have tried and failed than never to have tried at all...
Always ask - I still regret not asking the lovely Carla out when I was at college 20 years ago. I'd rather remember a rejection than a missed opportunity.
Regret is a horrible emotion...

Better to have tried and failed than never to have tried at all...

Yup, that's what I always tell myself... but can't seem to be able to open my mouth when it comes to putting it into practice. :bang:

Anyway, no reply. I got a "email delivery delayed" message from my email server late on Friday. :( I suspect it's her work email addy. :shrug:
I remember the first girl I asked out in school. She was 14, just like me (or thereabouts), and I fancied her like mad.

My mate and I concocted a plan to nick the class register to get her phone number :D

I remember one friday night I worked myself up, got ready and rang her...and asked her if she wanted to go to the pictures or something. Her reply "No I don't think so".
So I said "Why?"........cue deadly silence...lmao and a "Er er er I have to go now".

I was crushed.
Never had the confidence to ask anyone out since really. With my wife, we just sort of 'fell' into coupledom.
I well remember the cringe-making horror of that silence that preceded the "err...no I don't think so..." or whatever.
But I'd rather have that than the thought of lying on my death-bed and thinking "what a waste of a life that was..."
I'll always remember the words of an old friend of mine when I was crying on her should after a painful split with a boyfriend....

If you don't climb the mountain there's no risk of falling, but then again you'll never see the view......

So true.
Or in the words of Ross and Chandler from friends. Why climb Everest when you can see it on video :D (j/k)
Or in the words of Ross and Chandler from friends. Why climb Everest when you can see it on video :D (j/k)
PMSL at you Marcel!

My own personal opinion is that I like a man to be upfront about his intentions...but ... persue me a little too intensely and Id run in the other direction.

Complicated breed, us women! :shrug:
Very interesting story there Marcel, a good looking guy like you and your afraid to ask a girl out? :thinking:

I was quite the wallflower when I was young. Too shy you see. Never even really got a proper snog till i was 16, and that was with a girl who had a bigger moustache than me :(....Ahh those were the days....Wendy Willin' was her nickname...lol
LOL I find that very hard to believe, Marcel. ;)

Perhaps you knew Ivy, good up against a wall but no good in a bed!! ;)
PMSL at you Marcel!

My own personal opinion is that I like a man to be upfront about his intentions...but ... persue me a little too intensely and Id run in the other direction.

We call that 'stalking' now...
There's a fine line between stalking and persistence........Your honour :D
Why all this bother kamion...:thinking:

Just ask her "do you or don't you"..:nuts:
Or you could sing her the musings of the infamous Kevin Bloody Wilson (Google him if you're a grown up :) )
Why all this bother kamion...:thinking:

Just ask her "do you or don't you"..:nuts:

Yeah. I *know*. But when it comes to actually putting words into action, I freeze. :shake:

No response yet btw. I will definitely ask after the next lesson. :LOL:
Or you could sing her the musings of the infamous Kevin Bloody Wilson (Google him if you're a grown up :) )

Is that SFW? :p
Well he sells CD's, even Amazon sell them, and he does tours :D
The lyrics do contain naughty words though.

Think Chubby Brown, but Australian.......and funny....very funny.