Hmm, time to dump flickr and finally build my own website?

Its obvious from some of the comments here that people do consider Flickr to be cloud storage, making direct comparisons to Prime photo storage is just bizarre.

When I advertised for business I had a website and FB Page, I use Amazon as my off site backup, and Flickr as a convenient space for image sharing. All the change means to me is that I’ll have to be smarter with culling my shared images (though atm it’d take me several years to reach 1000 images).

I personally find it odd that people would use Flickr as storage, but there’s nowt so queer as folk!
I would upload my best images at full resolution for sharing... the "offsite backup" factor was a significant bonus IMO.

The solution for me seems easy enough... spend some time deleting garbage images; I'll be well under 1k in a jiffy.
I must admit for me originally I did use Flickr for cloud storage but then got involved with groups connected to various hobbies and events that I am involved in, this unfortunately in my opinion will be what suffers most, the history to some of these events will be lost as people either are forced to ditch older photos or have them removed when Flickr does its chop. I have also heard it said that in the future Flickr (and other sites) could be used as a reference to historical events, trends and cultures but of course all this will be ditched and connections between groups lost. One of the groups I am involved in is the Whitby Goth festival and I really cannot see where photos of this and such advents will be stored for future reference where anyone involved or interested could look. I of course understand that someone has to pay for it but think that most will just give up. I at present have just shy of 4000 images on Flickr with more on Photobucket. At least Flickr have forewarned it users. Mine are now downloaded and I am looking into a way of storing them in multiple addresses and storage types.
Thinking about it, I reckon a dual layer 'Pro' would have been more popular.

$25 for 20,000/unlimited images, group sharing/linking, etc as per the current 'free' Flickr.

$50 for unlimited images plus other more professional/business style benefits such as the ability to buy prints etc
Tut tut, anyone serious about their finished images would be foolish in my opinion to solely rely on ANY online or up in the clouds location to store their valuable work.

Keep your feet on the ground and stop moaning about a few dollars.

Either stay with Flickr whether Free or Pro or leave. Why complain about it? - You could be spending your time doing more positive things.
Thinking about it, I reckon a dual layer 'Pro' would have been more popular.

$25 for 20,000/unlimited images, group sharing/linking, etc as per the current 'free' Flickr.

$50 for unlimited images plus other more professional/business style benefits such as the ability to buy prints etc

.... Who says that's not going to happen?

Contact Flickr and suggest it.
Keep your feet on the ground and stop moaning about a few dollars.

Either stay with Flickr whether Free or Pro or leave. Why complain about it? - You could be spending your time doing more positive things.

Pretty much my attitude tbh. My only "worrying" is more in my role as staff on here, in that I can see the eventual consequences to older threads on this forum, especially some of the "resources" that were added a while ago.

As I think I said before, the price of $25 was in place for quite a long time - i'm not sure how long exactly, as frankly I CBA to dig through my bank statements, but i've a email reciept from APril 2009 for $24.95... Basically, it's not changed in price for 10 years a least. I've been expecting the price to go up every year for the past 5 years and it hasn't so, I'm not really going to sweat it changing now.
Tut tut, anyone serious about their finished images would be foolish in my opinion to solely rely on ANY online or up in the clouds location to store their valuable work.
And similarly foolish to rely solely on any local backup solution...
About a decade ago my house was robbed and I lost pretty much everything digital (computers/external drives/CDs-DVDs).
I’ll ask a couple of questions when you post to Flickr do you.
1 add it to subject specific groups
2 have contacts on there
3 do you comment and fave other peoples and contacts photos
4 use it to link your photos from

If your answer is yes to all these then your using it correctly if the answer is no then in all honesty dump your account and find somewhere else

All of the above but should do more of No3.

I really don't understand the "I want it free" mentality. We don't expect camera gear free so why should we expect the resources to share and display the results free?
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And similarly foolish to rely solely on any local backup solution...
About a decade ago my house was robbed and I lost pretty much everything digital (computers/external drives/CDs-DVDs).

.... You never do read my posts properly do you. I wrote " solely rely...

My point is that it's unwise to rely on Flickr for storage backup. Obviously it can provide a degree of backup if you want to use it that way but.
Keep your feet on the ground and stop moaning about a few dollars.
It's not really about the money for me, but rather where I spend the money and focus my efforts/attention.

Remember smugmug bought flickr only 6mo ago; and at the time they claimed things would remain status quo for the foreseeable/near future.

My point is that it's unwise to rely on Flickr for storage backup. Obviously it can provide a degree of backup if you want to use it that way but.
I similarly said "solely" in my reply... The only reason Flickr is a bad choice is that they can change any/all of the terms, or even just cease service, at any time with no liability to you the user/client. Paying for the pro subscription w/ unlimited storage going forward is no different from previously having accepted the 1TB storage for free.
The only reason Flickr is a bad choice is that they can change any/all of the terms, or even just cease service, at any time with no liability to you the user/client.

.... Are there any such hosting/storage/similar online organisations which offer liability to the user? - I think not but stand to be corrected.

I don't see how offering liabilities, even with the best will in the world, would be practical.

So, you paid ~50 dollars for a service which unexpectedly ceased before the paid for period had ended. So what? It was good while it lasted.
I don’t use Flickr as storage, I use it mostly for groups ( although most of them are no where near as active as they once were), research if I’m interested in a lens etc I very often take a look on Flickr and uploading my better photos!

I was a Pro several years ago but didn’t really see any return on what I was paying for so let it lapse.

I’ve checked and have just over 600 photos so well under the 1000 limit but won’t be upgrading as I don’t use the site enough to warrant it.
I do think that deleting photos is the wrong way to go though!
I use flickr mainly for sharing images for here - I've got just over 1000 images in my collection... I used to spend a long time browsing Flickr for inspiration but over the last year or so, the number of photos being added seems to have decreased significantly - some of the groups I follow used to buzz with activity, not now...sad, because was a fantastic resource.
I use flickr mainly for sharing images for here - I've got just over 1000 images in my collection... I used to spend a long time browsing Flickr for inspiration but over the last year or so, the number of photos being added seems to have decreased significantly - some of the groups I follow used to buzz with activity, not now...sad, because was a fantastic resource.
This is probably due to the rise of Facebook and instagram etc ,Facebook with its groups system being particularly time consuming . But as a photo display medium I find it poor to say the least .
Flickr will go one of two ways after this , it will either sink to obscurity or arise from the ashes back to its former glory . I for one am glad to see that silly bitch Marissa Meyer gone as in my mind she destroyed the whole Flickr set up . And yes having to pay for something that was free is a shock to the system .but as they say s*** happens
This is probably due to the rise of Facebook and instagram etc ,Facebook with its groups system being particularly time consuming . But as a photo display medium I find it poor to say the least .
Flickr will go one of two ways after this , it will either sink to obscurity or arise from the ashes back to its former glory . I for one am glad to see that silly bitch Marissa Meyer gone as in my mind she destroyed the whole Flickr set up . And yes having to pay for something that was free is a shock to the system .but as they say s*** happens

.... I assume you are referring to Facebook groups when you say it's a poor display medium and not to Flickr, Jeff.

As you know, I have created and admin a couple of wildlife groups on Facebook which are based on members posting their photos. They work very well to display photos until they disappear down the Timeline but the Photos tab shows an extensive archive and my group's purpose is to network and share current sightings information. Flickr doesn't offer effective social interaction in this way but does display images far better and at higher quality. Posting pics at 2048px on the longest side is the trick for Facebook.

Instagram has developed into a very inspiring medium and is used by a lot of creatives. My daughter gains quite a lot of business via Instagram but if you looked like her, Jeff, you would too :D. It works really well as a display medium for mobile devices such as phones and tablets rather than desktop and laptop computers.

t***ter as I call it, is utterly shallow and temporary in my opinion. I use it but only rarely and don't enjoy it, especially as it is a medium for the birding paparazzi.

Photobucket is the closest to Flickr but lacks portfolio style display. I only use it as a host sometimes and as Talk Photography is all about photography, then Flickr is a far better choice both as a host and to enjoy viewing.

So what I'm saying is that all these media offer something different - You pays yer money and takes yer pick, simples.
Yes it does. It tells you on the home page banner. At least, mine does. Big bold numbers. Can't be missed.....although I notice it doesn't show on the app, just the browser page.

Aha yes, not on the home page ( but on my Photostream page. No marks to me for observation! Thanks...
oh well that didn't hurt to much ,now a PRO again . its only plastic after all :exit::exit::exit:
Just stumbled upon this thread...I didnt notice anything about it on Flickr, but then why would i! i dont venture beyond my stream, my groups, and several of my Flickr friends streams.
I like Flickr, ive been using it since 2011...I have to date - 2286 images on there. Several years ago i paid for membership...but then i just stopped paying one year...I couldnt see any benefits(for me personally) by being a paid member.
People dont like change, thay are happy to just coast/cruise along, in their own little worlds, doing...what they have done for years.

Im not gonna panic over this, i have 3 months before someone on Flickr pulls the plug/deletes some of my images...hey, maybe with all the complaining going on, they might change their minds on the number of images a freebie user can have? Who knows?...........................................One thing i did notice on Flickr tonight (when uploading 5 fresh images) it did seem quiet on there, for a Monday evening?!
Maybe everyones frantically removing their images?...Maybe i will remove my own images, rather than let Flickr have the honours.

As i said, i like Flickr...but do i like it enough to lash out 50 bucks(per year) for membership............No, Im a "tightwad" by nature, hell, i get by on 2ndhand old camera gear! Im just a keen wildlife hobbiest.
I only ever upload small files to be fair, i dont have much choice, my cameras peak at just 12 megapixels!!

So yeah, its all change on Flickr...people will bitch, moan, threaten to leave etc etc...But Flickr will survive this.
Pretty much my attitude tbh. My only "worrying" is more in my role as staff on here, in that I can see the eventual consequences to older threads on this forum, especially some of the "resources" that were added a while ago.

As I think I said before, the price of $25 was in place for quite a long time - i'm not sure how long exactly, as frankly I CBA to dig through my bank statements, but i've a email reciept from APril 2009 for $24.95... Basically, it's not changed in price for 10 years a least. I've been expecting the price to go up every year for the past 5 years and it hasn't so, I'm not really going to sweat it changing now.

The price has not changed since 2005 according to this post and it is not going to yet for those who have grandad rights
I’m wondering what images will be deleted over the 1000, who decides, or do they just delete the latest uploads until they reach their target?
I’m wondering what images will be deleted over the 1000, who decides, or do they just delete the latest uploads until they reach their target?

Somewhere in this stream of 222 posts I think somebody said "oldest to newest" - so the latest 1000 uploads remain
The price has not changed since 2005 according to this post and it is not going to yet for those who have grandad rights

.... Having read some of the comments by Flickr members in that linked thread, I greatly sympathise with what Flickr's management team have to deal with! People constantly bitching about small amounts of money, eh. There is more to life than such small minded ranting. Cameras aren't perfect, media websites aren't perfect, people should get over it and enjoy their photography with whatever tools suit them best.
.... Having read some of the comments by Flickr members in that linked thread, I greatly sympathise with what Flickr's management team have to deal with! People constantly bitching about small amounts of money, eh. There is more to life than such small minded ranting. Cameras aren't perfect, media websites aren't perfect, people should get over it and enjoy their photography with whatever tools suit them best.

You're right, I never can fathom that people will happily spend thousands on camera gear and related equipment and then whinge over a £8/month LR subscription or £50/year for unlimited image storage/hosting.
Unfortunately it's the "give me" mentality that everyone seems to have nowadays. Somehow they think that these software packages just magically appear or that the 1000's of servers and the electricity to power these hosting/storages facilities is gifted to the companies that run them.

Everyone wants the best but it has to be free. :rolleyes:
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Well said both Elliot and robin , by paying up I know that for the next year at least I can pull a 10 year old photo up if needed to illustrate a point on a forum or faceberk etc , or to see what week of the year short eared owls or waxwings arrived in previous years .
Well said both Elliot and robin , by paying up I know that for the next year at least I can pull a 10 year old photo up if needed to illustrate a point on a forum or faceberk etc , or to see what week of the year short eared owls or waxwings arrived in previous years .

.... Exactly! Flickr can also be another useful tool for historical reference.

I thought you only went on faceberk to be rude to people, Jeff :LOL: ;)
.... Exactly! Flickr can also be another useful tool for historical reference.

I thought you only went on faceberk to be rude to people, Jeff :LOL: ;)

only rude to muppets robin , just perused a few recent shots I have posted on there robin before going PRO again , and I have been averaging between 20 to 35 faves per decent shot . so the argument that the community spirit on there has been lost is not exactly true either . and looking at the hard core poster/commentor contacts I have that are suddenly going pro then it looks like its the right move
just perused a few recent shots I have posted on there robin before going PRO again , and I have been averaging between 20 to 35 faves per decent shot . so the argument that the community spirit on there has been lost is not exactly true either . and looking at the hard core poster/commentor contacts I have that are suddenly going pro then it looks like its the right move

.... Methinks I shall be joining you as a PRO on Flickr in the not too distant future. Supporting a business helps a business support its customers/clients - Simples.
I thought you only went on faceberk to be rude to people, Jeff

Apparently facebook is not required. ;)

The strength of reaction against Flickr is likely to be because a) it's changed and that makes people feel unsettled & insecure and b) because the new cost of entry is quite a bit more than it was before.
Apparently facebook is not required. ;)

The strength of reaction against Flickr is likely to be because a) it's changed and that makes people feel unsettled & insecure and b) because the new cost of entry is quite a bit more than it was before.
Dont even temp me Toni , I don’t need a holiday :banana:
As I said from the beginning, it's not really about the $50 for me... I've wasted more than my fare share of money on things photography related that I don't use (equipment/accessories/software/plugins/etc). But it all adds up and probably should be considered.

Those who think that free flick'r accounts are somehow some kind of burden on them are seriously mistaken IMO. Using flick'r for "free" is what they really want/need... they make their money off of us regardless. They make their money off of advertising sales (primarily), pro account sales (also advertising), sales agreements (blurb/adobe/etc), and "stock photo" sales. Without the free accounts flick'r would have next to no market and commercial value.
I use it as a hosting site, I couldn't give a stuff about "Explored" (what ever that is)
or any of these groups I keep getting invited to "post one, comment on three"
No, just no.

So what has flickr actually done for me or the 1000's like me?
I pay $25 a year to host / store / share my images and I'm happy with that.

Doubling the price is taking the p*** IMO and we have parted company, or will do on the 22nd of this month when my account runs out.
That is unless they entice me back with a hefty discount on the new price.

edit and what is it with these people that "Fav" a pictures of mine, and yet their site is just full of other "favs" of the same thing?
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I use it as a hosting site, I couldn't give a stuff about "Explored" (what ever that is)
or any of these groups I keep getting invited to "post one, comment on three"
No, just no.

So what has flickr actually done for me or the 1000's like me?
I pay $25 a year to host / store / share my images and I'm happy with that.

Doubling the price is taking the p*** IMO and we have parted company, or will do on the 22nd of this month when my account runs out.
That is unless they entice me back with a hefty discount on the new price.

edit and what is it with these people that "Fav" a pictures of mine, and yet their site is just full of other "favs" of the same thing?
Then basically your not using it to your advantage hiss ,

First off never ever join any group that is post one like three etc . .

Add sensible people to your contacts list as I do either because there Flickr stream is orient end towards the same interests as you or after viewing there profile they got big tits

Explore used to be quite a worthy guide to how you were actually performing, if your one of the 300 a day on there you must be doing summat right

I only fave contacts photos that are actually worthy of a fave or comment if it’s crap they won’t get either unless they have big tits or the photo contains big tits

Now stop being grumpy and pay your 74p a week ,there no pockets in a shroud
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Then basically your not using it to your advantage hiss ,
I still don't see an advantage beyond hosting ...( for me) I'm not out to make a name for myself. ( I have loads already :p )

First off never ever join any group that is post one like three etc . .
First off, I never join groups I don't see the point. ( ok I lied slightly there is the TP 52'ers that I start every year along with the challenge)

Add sensible people to your contacts list
I have a few friends that I know personally on there. Handy for comparing "meet" images.

if your one of the 300 a day on there you must be doing summat right
Who cares? I don't.

I only fave contacts photos that are actually worthy of a fave or comment
I NEVER fav an image, never have, never will...

Now stop being grumpy and pay your 74p a week

there no pockets in a shroud
I'll only be "gone" 3 days ;)