Holryn's Photo 52 - Part 2 - Weeks 48, 49 & 50 added.

Nice catchup - I like all three shots. Black and white really suits the first one and the space is a smashing silhuoette. I like close, but I think it could do with a fraction more contrast.

Good to see you catch up.

Lead: I like this. I did think of a pencil lead for my own entry but couldn't think what to do with it. You and your daughter have made a really interesting composition and the mono is just right for it.

Space: lovely colours and silhouette and you have managed the lighting beautifully. Like the others I would crop a bit off the bottom, though.

Close: really like the minimalist, high-key approach which works well.

Lead, Great idea, I did think of something similar, but could I find anything that would let me do this ... Good composition and well lit

Thanks John. I keep kicking myself, as after I've taken the shot, packed everything away and loaded them up ion the computer to process - I think, 'I should have taken a picture of the setup' :bonk:

Space, I like it, very simple, yet fulfils the theme on several fronts

Close, I had the same idea ;)... The softness of the background really fits nicely with the feel of the shot.

Thanks again for the comments.
DISTORTION: your edited version is great, really works well ;)
LEAD: great idea, nice use of angles, maybe a bit of added grain would work too?
SPACE: nice and simple works well - I might be tempted to take an inch of the bottom
CLOSE: very nice a great soft image and quite abstract

well done :)

Thanks for the catchup Dade.

I did think about adding some grain on Lead, actually I took out just a little. I'll look at posting up a revision.

Same with Space. I'll repost a crop.
Hi Paul, you're actually well ahead this week.

Lead: I did not think of this interpretation. I like the way you have done it with the curvy shavings. It adds interest (y)

Space: That's an interesting interpretation and I like the simplicity, but I agree with Dade, I would have trimmed a little bit off the bottom.

Close: I really like this one (y) I especially like the composition and the minimalist feel, but I would have been interested to see a colour version, too.


Thanks Jenny. had a tiny bit of spare time early this week so took advantage.

I'll put up the original of Close for you a bit later.
Nice catchup - I like all three shots. Black and white really suits the first one and the space is a smashing silhuoette. I like close, but I think it could do with a fraction more contrast.


Cheers Phil. I'll repost a more contrasty version of Close when I get a chance.
Good to see you catch up.

Lead: I like this. I did think of a pencil lead for my own entry but couldn't think what to do with it. You and your daughter have made a really interesting composition and the mono is just right for it.

Space: lovely colours and silhouette and you have managed the lighting beautifully. Like the others I would crop a bit off the bottom, though.

Close: really like the minimalist, high-key approach which works well.


Thanks Tracer. It was my daughters idea for the set up and the mono conversion, I was going to stick with colour. I'm going to have to watch her :D

I will put up a crop of Space as mentioned previously.
OK. So here are a couple of edits and the original of the past few weeks.

Thanks for the comments and advice.

This one is for Jenny:

This one is for Phil:

It does look better with more contrast Phil. Thanks.

And this one for Dade, Jenny and Tracer:

Close: like the version with more contrast, the centre of the flower seems sharper.

Love the tiger moth picture.
A wee bit of a catch-up for me on your thread Paul.

Distortion I think this is a great image Paul, bang on theme but so much more about it. I like the lighting and the colour tones, this looks like it could be used in an advert, not sure for what but its just got a commercial feel to it IMHO.

Lead - A sharp, contrasty image which although simple in its composition, is a well constructed photograph. Who is taking the credit for it? You or your young assistant?:D

Space - I think this works well from the negative space aspect, the subject is instantly recognisable. Again, lovely lighting here and great colours in the sky too.

Close - I like all your edits/versions of this but think the high key contrasty one just gets my vote. An abstract image which makes the viewer 'work it out'. I think this would work well as a large print.

Thanks for upping the contrast on Close for me - I much prefer this version!

Hi Paul.
Merry Christmas to you and your family. I hope you've had a good one.

Another thread that I'm massively behind with, sorry.

Close : Beautiful. I don't normally like mono flower shots, I often think that you're missing the point by losing the colour. But this one works perfectly as it is and I far prefer the B&W to the colour version. I think Phil was right with the contrast though.

Space : Lovely silhouette. The revised crop is a definite improvement from a composition point of view, but everything else in the original was perfect. Lovely lighting, just the right amount of detail peering through the silhouette on the edge of the wing and the distant field.

Lead : :bonk: I struggled with this theme, why didn't I think of that?
Very strong composition, perfect DoF and very well executed with the assistance of your helper. For me the black on the pencil is a little too black though, I think I would have preferred a slightly lighter colour (if that makes sense?)

Dsitortion : Again re-edit is a huge improvement and you've ended up with another stunning shot. brilliant idea, great colours and the effect through the glass is fantastic.
A wee bit of a catch-up for me on your thread Paul.

Distortion I think this is a great image Paul, bang on theme but so much more about it. I like the lighting and the colour tones, this looks like it could be used in an advert, not sure for what but its just got a commercial feel to it IMHO.

Thanks Iain. This was my eldest daughters idea. She asked me to take the photograph, just happened to be the theme for the week :D

Lead - A sharp, contrasty image which although simple in its composition, is a well constructed photograph. Who is taking the credit for it? You or your young assistant?:D

My youngest daughter this time! She has now decided to 'get in on the act' and do a 52 herself for 2011. She certainly has the ideas.

Space - I think this works well from the negative space aspect, the subject is instantly recognisable. Again, lovely lighting here and great colours in the sky too.

Close - I like all your edits/versions of this but think the high key contrasty one just gets my vote. An abstract image which makes the viewer 'work it out'. I think this would work well as a large print.


Thanks again Iain.(y)
Hi Paul.
Merry Christmas to you and your family. I hope you've had a good one.

Thanks Sarah - Christmas was a little short lived as I was back at work on Boxing Day!!

Another thread that I'm massively behind with, sorry.

Close : Beautiful. I don't normally like mono flower shots, I often think that you're missing the point by losing the colour. But this one works perfectly as it is and I far prefer the B&W to the colour version. I think Phil was right with the contrast though.

Thanks. Yes Phil was right about the contrast. Much improved for it I think.

Space : Lovely silhouette. The revised crop is a definite improvement from a composition point of view, but everything else in the original was perfect. Lovely lighting, just the right amount of detail peering through the silhouette on the edge of the wing and the distant field.

I'm very pleased with this shot. The lighting was lovely and not too much PP either.

Lead : :bonk: I struggled with this theme, why didn't I think of that?
Very strong composition, perfect DoF and very well executed with the assistance of your helper. For me the black on the pencil is a little too black though, I think I would have preferred a slightly lighter colour (if that makes sense?)

Well, as I have said previously, I can't take the credit for the idea. I did think of using coloured pencils but this idea was much more on theme.

Distortion : Again re-edit is a huge improvement and you've ended up with another stunning shot. brilliant idea, great colours and the effect through the glass is fantastic.

So finally onto the last two weeks.

I have to say I have really enjoyed the past year. I have learnt an awful lot and (I) think I have improved quite a bit too. It's been a challenge some weeks but I am really pleased I didn't give up.

Huge thanks to Simon for pulling each weeks theme and posting it up. And massive thanks for each and everyone who commented and gave advice. It has been very much appreciated and very useful. Thank you. :)

So onto the last two photos:

Week 51 - Romance.

Really struggled with this theme- I don't appear to have a romantic bone in my body (or mind) :D

Week 52 - Together.

Some pals and I went for a mini trip to London and I tried some street photography for the first time. Pretty much distance stuff but feeling a bit bolder now.

So for my last photo of the 52, this is two people going to 'Lunch Together'

So that wraps my photos for 2010 52. I'm not sure I will continue and do another for 2011. My youngest has decided she would like to have a go, so will definitely be involved to some extent.

Thank you all again for your help and guidance over the past year. (y)
Well done for catching up!

Romantic: I like the colour scheme and composition of this very much.

Together: I wasn't sure about this at first but it is growing on me. It is a bit busy but urban scenes often are. I like the way you have caught the silhouettes in the gateway.
Congratulations on getting to the end Paul :clap:
Out of the 150 or so that started there aren't many of us left here in week 52.
I'm glad that you've got something out of this and a big thank you for all your help and support on my thread.

2 lovely shots to go out on too.
For someone without a romantic bone in their body I think you've done brilliantly with the interpretation :LOL:
Love the soft colour palette against the white b/g. Good composition and the focus on the heart is spot on - I know that small, shiny jewelry isn't easy to get right and you've absolutely nailed it.

Together. Unusual in that the 2 main subjects are in silhouette while the background is correctly exposed, but I think it works. It's good to see something different from time to time and this really appeals to me. I also like the way that you've used the doorway to frame them (y)
Two good and very differnt shots to finish on. A strong studio shot and a lovely outdoor candid composition which works well in B&W.

I've enjoyed seeing your photos this year and commenting on them. Thank you for taking the trouble to comment on mine.

Happy new year,

Paul, Congratulations on making it to the end, and a good finish too. Romance, works great for me, the colours suit the image nicely and the silver heart just sets it off.

Together, great idea, fits the theme, I like how it's lit, and well done on being brave enough to give this a bash.

Thanks for taking the time through the year to visit and comment on my thread also. Happy New Year
Congratulations on completing your 52, Paul. There were not many of us who made it over the finish line!

I love your romance shot. The composition, DOF and colours are just right. (y)

Together must have been a tricky shot through that archway, but it works well. I also like the B/W treatment.

All the best,

Well done for catching up!

Romantic: I like the colour scheme and composition of this very much.

Together: I wasn't sure about this at first but it is growing on me. It is a bit busy but urban scenes often are. I like the way you have caught the silhouettes in the gateway.

Thanks Tracer.

Congratulations on getting to the end Paul :clap:
Out of the 150 or so that started there aren't many of us left here in week 52.
I'm glad that you've got something out of this and a big thank you for all your help and support on my thread.

2 lovely shots to go out on too.
For someone without a romantic bone in their body I think you've done brilliantly with the interpretation :LOL:
Love the soft colour palette against the white b/g. Good composition and the focus on the heart is spot on - I know that small, shiny jewelry isn't easy to get right and you've absolutely nailed it.

Together. Unusual in that the 2 main subjects are in silhouette while the background is correctly exposed, but I think it works. It's good to see something different from time to time and this really appeals to me. I also like the way that you've used the doorway to frame them (y)

Thanks so much Sarah for all your positive comments throughout the year. I'm really pleased to have got all the way though. I've had fun and feel I have improved as the year has gone on.
Two good and very differnt shots to finish on. A strong studio shot and a lovely outdoor candid composition which works well in B&W.

I've enjoyed seeing your photos this year and commenting on them. Thank you for taking the trouble to comment on mine.

Happy new year,


Thanks Phil. A Happy New Year to you too.

Paul, Congratulations on making it to the end, and a good finish too. Romance, works great for me, the colours suit the image nicely and the silver heart just sets it off.

Together, great idea, fits the theme, I like how it's lit, and well done on being brave enough to give this a bash.

Thanks for taking the time through the year to visit and comment on my thread also. Happy New Year

Thanks John.

Congratulations on completing your 52, Paul. There were not many of us who made it over the finish line!

I love your romance shot. The composition, DOF and colours are just right. (y)

Together must have been a tricky shot through that archway, but it works well. I also like the B/W treatment.

All the best,


Thank you Jenny.

Thank you all for your comments over the year. (y)
Congratulations Paul.

A fine pair of images to end teh year with.

Romance - pastel colours and soft focus is spot on and the lighting for the jewellery has worked perfectly.

Together - bang on theme again. Black and white works well. I'm not so sure that it would have worked in colour. I love street photography but have never been brave enough to try it.
