Holryn's Photo 52 - Part 2 - Weeks 48, 49 & 50 added.

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Part 1 can be found here

Week 27 - Art......................Week 39 - Rage
Week 28 - Relaxation............Week 40 - Console
Week 29 - Grace..................Week 41 - Distant
Week 30 - Endings................Week 42 - Secret
Week 31 - Electric................Week 43 - Urban
Week 32 - Transform............Week 44 - Train
Week 33 - Mobile.................Week 45 - Share
Week 34 - Surfaces..............Week 46 - Faith
Week 35 - Light...................Week 47 - Distortion
Week 36 - Project................Week 48 - Lead
Week 37 - Film....................Week 49 - Space
Week 38 - Dirty...................Week 50 - Close

Please feel free to offer comments and advice - I'm here to learn and improve.
Last edited:
Still catching up. Here is my take on the theme Art. I have subtitled it Holryns Sunflowers. :D (even though they aren't sunflowers)

The first shot is wonderful, the crop might be a little to tight, but other than that it is superb.

the second shot I like the contrast between the relatively busy looking garden and the not so busy occupant of the chair! I don't like the shadow being cast on the lawn

I would have been tempted to shoot at a different angle to get more of the chap sitting in the chair and less of the fabric of the chair,

The first shot is wonderful, the crop might be a little to tight, but other than that it is superb.

Thanks Stuart. I deliberately kept the crop close to mimic the painting.

the second shot I like the contrast between the relatively busy looking garden and the not so busy occupant of the chair! I don't like the shadow being cast on the lawn

I would have been tempted to shoot at a different angle to get more of the chap sitting in the chair and less of the fabric of the chair,


This was a quite a rushed shot. It was anything but relaxing. Think I took about five minutes to set up and shoot. I originally had another shot planned, but it was an overcast day. With the light on this day and at the time I took it, it would have meant shooting into the sun.
Paul, I like your art image a lot, I immediately 'got it' with the reference to the original painting. Lovely bright colours in there, this would work really well as a print.
Your relaxation image works well to the theme but it looks like you were working against harsh lighting, my eye is drawn to your? shoulder. It looks a wee bit blown on my laptop screen. I had thought of a similar idea for my relaxation image but conditions were against me.
Good catch up, keep going, just grace to do and your there :D Iain
Like your idea behind relaxation and I really like the composure.

It just feels like the levels have been pushed a bit too far in processing, almost looks HDR.

Wouldnt really work in less harsh sunlight as the sun wouldnt be shining so cant change that really,

Good effort
Love your shot for art (y)
Not sure if it's the result of the backlighting or if you've applied a filter in PP, but it's got an almost painted feel to it.
And yes, even though they aren't actually Sunflowers, the reference to Van Gogh is immediately apparent.

Relaxation : For a quick set up the composition is really very effective in this one.
Lighting is a bit too harsh for me though. The left shoulder and upper arm look almost blown out on my monitor.
I think it's a concept worth revisiting or playing around with in PP if you have the time.
Art - I really really like this one :clap::clap:. Composition, colours and lighting are spot on.

I thought of doing something similar but didn't have any of the necessary props. You should do a large print and hang it on your wall.

Relaxation - certainly says relaxation to me and I quite like the composition, but agree with the others that it is almost blown on the shoulder and leg. Also there is a funny edge around the foot, as if it had been cut and pasted from another photo. Is this some side effect from the PP?
Art, excellent, got the reference immediately, and that oof blur behind really helps...

Certainly relaxation and fits the bill... nicely composed, but I think there's a little too much, almost blown bits... I'd guess something to do with the processing
Finally I have managed to get back here and catch up - missing weeks to follow.

Paul, I like your art image a lot, I immediately 'got it' with the reference to the original painting. Lovely bright colours in there, this would work really well as a print.
Your relaxation image works well to the theme but it looks like you were working against harsh lighting, my eye is drawn to your? shoulder. It looks a wee bit blown on my laptop screen. I had thought of a similar idea for my relaxation image but conditions were against me.
Good catch up, keep going, just grace to do and your there :D Iain

Thanks for the comments Iain.

Like your idea behind relaxation and I really like the composure.

It just feels like the levels have been pushed a bit too far in processing, almost looks HDR.

Wouldnt really work in less harsh sunlight as the sun wouldnt be shining so cant change that really,

Good effort

Cheers Dan. Agreed the processing added to the blown areas. I was really rushed in taking this shot as I have mentioned. I haven't had a chance to go back as see if I can rescue it.

Love your shot for art (y)
Not sure if it's the result of the backlighting or if you've applied a filter in PP, but it's got an almost painted feel to it.
And yes, even though they aren't actually Sunflowers, the reference to Van Gogh is immediately apparent.

Thanks Sarah. I tried to get this right in camera as much as possible and it has had very little PP. Just a small boost to the yellows and a small reduction to the reds.

Relaxation : For a quick set up the composition is really very effective in this one.
Lighting is a bit too harsh for me though. The left shoulder and upper arm look almost blown out on my monitor.
I think it's a concept worth revisiting or playing around with in PP if you have the time.

Definitely, will give it another go when I have the time.

Art - I really really like this one :clap::clap:. Composition, colours and lighting are spot on.

I thought of doing something similar but didn't have any of the necessary props. You should do a large print and hang it on your wall.

Thanks Tracer - I might well do that.

Relaxation - certainly says relaxation to me and I quite like the composition, but agree with the others that it is almost blown on the shoulder and leg. Also there is a funny edge around the foot, as if it had been cut and pasted from another photo. Is this some side effect from the PP?

Same photo - didn't notice it until you mentioned it. It's the shadow falling across just the foot that makes it look wrong and the processing I think.

Art, excellent, got the reference immediately, and that oof blur behind really helps...

Certainly relaxation and fits the bill... nicely composed, but I think there's a little too much, almost blown bits... I'd guess something to do with the processing

Thanks John.

Love your sunflowers Paul, it fits the theme perfectly and its bright and vivid.
Relaxation i like the processing, i would like to see it in a larger version.

Thanks Chris. I hope to rework the shot to reduce the blown areas and will post it up to my Flickr.
So, unfortunately I've been getting way behind with my 52. Finally I have been able to get some photography in and post back here.

Week 29 - Grace - really struggled to think of something for this week - so here goes:

I thought I'd try some high key shots.

And in B&W

Not sure they scream "Grace" but as the definition is "elegance or beauty of form", I will settle for the beauty that nature provides.
Had a few thoughts for this week. Settled on the first but have put the alternatives in too:


I originally had the idea of "the ending of Summer":

So, finally caught up. Here is Electric, along with an alternative:

Paul, your last image for endings gets my vote, it says more end of summer to me, the background is a bit more stark as opposed to the leaf with the grass/sunshine background. Both simple but well conceived and produced images.
#2 in your electric images gets my vote, I like the composition, dof and tone in this image. #1 just needs a little bit more to add some interest. Well done on catching up. Iain
Endings - Don't think we need to look past your first shot here. A good atypical take on the wedding day ring shot. Clearly meets the theme, although by that stage of my marriage my ring had been hammered to a pulp in frustration :)

Electric - Two good ideas. I like the angle and tone of the first. The second would be even better for me if it didn't have the white wire travelling horizontally across and under the other two wires.
How did you achieve that effect in the grace shots? Was that just backlighting or is there some PP involved too?
I absolutely love the end result. Very graphic and simply stunning. My only problem is that I can't decide between the colour and the B&W :LOL:

I agree with your choice for endings too.
It's a dark take on the usual wedding day ring shots; well executed and really quite poignant and thought provoking.
I would have liked slightly more DoF so that the whole of "divorce" was in focus, but that's not a major issue for me.

And electric : I like the processing on both of these. It's got that urbex feel to it, but I suspect that it's a real working building.
I'm leaning more towards the second shot here. I like the angle of the first, but I'm not so keen on the bright ceiling - where in the second one the darkness and the dusty floor add a feeling of neglect.
Paul, all of your endings shots are technically great. I think i prefer the last one of the leaves. I like the sentiment and the colours are great. Just one problem i can see, what summer are you referring to?

I love the processing on the first shot, ive seen this style in a lot of Urbex shots, what exactly did you do to it?
Paul, your last image for endings gets my vote, it says more end of summer to me, the background is a bit more stark as opposed to the leaf with the grass/sunshine background. Both simple but well conceived and produced images.

Thanks Iain. That was the shot I originally intended.

#2 in your electric images gets my vote, I like the composition, dof and tone in this image. #1 just needs a little bit more to add some interest. Well done on catching up. Iain

Here's another take on the first one:

Adjusted the levels a little to bring out some detail.
Endings - Don't think we need to look past your first shot here. A good atypical take on the wedding day ring shot. Clearly meets the theme, although by that stage of my marriage my ring had been hammered to a pulp in frustration :)

Electric - Two good ideas. I like the angle and tone of the first. The second would be even better for me if it didn't have the white wire travelling horizontally across and under the other two wires.

Thanks Darren.

I see what you mean on the second.
How did you achieve that effect in the grace shots? Was that just backlighting or is there some PP involved too?
I absolutely love the end result. Very graphic and simply stunning. My only problem is that I can't decide between the colour and the B&W :LOL:

No much to it really. Just a white background against a window. A little distance between the background and subject. Took the shot wide open at 1.8 on my 50mm with diffused on-board flash. Tweaked in PP to completely whiten the background. The room wasn't particularly bright. I can take a shot of the set-up if you wish.

I agree with your choice for endings too.
It's a dark take on the usual wedding day ring shots; well executed and really quite poignant and thought provoking.
I would have liked slightly more DoF so that the whole of "divorce" was in focus, but that's not a major issue for me.

Thanks - I chose this one as it is quite clearly on theme. My original intention was the second leaf shot indicating the end of summer.

And electric : I like the processing on both of these. It's got that urbex feel to it, but I suspect that it's a real working building.
I'm leaning more towards the second shot here. I like the angle of the first, but I'm not so keen on the bright ceiling - where in the second one the darkness and the dusty floor add a feeling of neglect.

The urbex feel was what I was after. And you are right it is a working building - well shed anyway.
Paul, all of your endings shots are technically great. I think i prefer the last one of the leaves. I like the sentiment and the colours are great. Just one problem i can see, what summer are you referring to?

I love the processing on the first shot, ive seen this style in a lot of Urbex shots, what exactly did you do to it?

Cheers Chris. I sure we had a summer a few weeks back. Even got a glimpse of the sun today, but I think Autumn is rushing towards us :(

The processing on the electric shot is a LOMO style. The shot was taken with my HTC phone using a app that applies the processing straight away, so I didn't need to do much other than levels/curves in PP.
Hi Paul - just catching up on your catch up! :)

Art: excellent take on the theme and vry clever, too. :)

Relaxation: It looks relaxed - even if it wasn't! - and you were really battling against the odds with that bright sunshine. You must be getting more rain than us - your garden looks amazing, while ours is all brown and withered. If it looks amazing because you've kept it watered, I apologise! ;)

Grace: I went for a similar interpretation. :) I like both but the b&w is exceptional - without the distraction of colour the graceful form of the petals is enhanced. Beautiful :clap:

Endings: Two very different interpretations, but all the images are well composed and lit. It's impossible to choose a favourite. :bang: A good week indeed.

Electric: Interesting processing which suits the subject matter. I prefer the second view of the firt shot - the composition works well for me. :)

Well done on catching up Paul...

Grace, great idea, for me, the mono works better, it may just be my monitor, but there's some oddness in the white background on the colour, and as Jean said, the graceful petals have come out more.

Endings... I'm not sure having the two rings atop one another really says endings, fitting with the paperwork behind... perhaps having the rings apart would show that more... so for that reason, the ending of summer fits better for me... I can't decide which..

Electric... the processing works really well, although on my laptop, the second looks a little bit dark. The edit of the first is my fave.
Hi Paul - just catching up on your catch up! :)

Art: excellent take on the theme and vry clever, too. :)

Relaxation: It looks relaxed - even if it wasn't! - and you were really battling against the odds with that bright sunshine. You must be getting more rain than us - your garden looks amazing, while ours is all brown and withered. If it looks amazing because you've kept it watered, I apologise! ;)

Grace: I went for a similar interpretation. :) I like both but the b&w is exceptional - without the distraction of colour the graceful form of the petals is enhanced. Beautiful :clap:

Endings: Two very different interpretations, but all the images are well composed and lit. It's impossible to choose a favourite. :bang: A good week indeed.

Electric: Interesting processing which suits the subject matter. I prefer the second view of the firt shot - the composition works well for me. :)


Thanks for catching up on my catch up Jean :)
Well done on catching up Paul...

Grace, great idea, for me, the mono works better, it may just be my monitor, but there's some oddness in the white background on the colour, and as Jean said, the graceful petals have come out more.

Endings... I'm not sure having the two rings atop one another really says endings, fitting with the paperwork behind... perhaps having the rings apart would show that more... so for that reason, the ending of summer fits better for me... I can't decide which..

Electric... the processing works really well, although on my laptop, the second looks a little bit dark. The edit of the first is my fave.

Thanks for the comments John.

I tried to blank out the background on the flowers as much as possible, even desaturated them.

I take your comments about the rings - didn't really occur to me.
Well here we go with Week 32.

How we transform heat energy into light energy:

Shooting light bulbs is much more difficult than I imagined.

Best viewed on Black.
Incredibly difficult to capture, unless you can control the power with a dimmer switch, then it gets a little easier :) Whilst I like the exposure and composition, I think the depth of field is too shallow for this shot and needed to encompass the whole of the bulb. Would be very useful to see intact exif data here, but I believe flickr strips it all out?
Some cracking shots in the last few weeks. Really like your B&W Grace shot and all 4 of the endings. I prefer your 1st shot on electric rather that the 2nd. Keep up the good work
Incredibly difficult to capture, unless you can control the power with a dimmer switch, then it gets a little easier :) Whilst I like the exposure and composition, I think the depth of field is too shallow for this shot and needed to encompass the whole of the bulb. Would be very useful to see intact exif data here, but I believe flickr strips it all out?

Thanks for the comments Darren. I thought about a dimmer but haven't got one. Maybe a trip to the DIY store beckons. This is the EXIF:


Processing was some spot healing to remove some marks and cross processing for the colour.
Some cracking shots in the last few weeks. Really like your B&W Grace shot and all 4 of the endings. I prefer your 1st shot on electric rather that the 2nd. Keep up the good work

Thanks for positive comment Darren - I feel I am improving and this 52 is certainly helping.

I really like your transform picture. It is superb on black. A good idea for the theme.

Thanks Sue. Was difficult to capture but I'm pleased with how it turn out.
Like your second shot of electric Paul, the one with the bare wires. Nicely done.

Actually think your transform shot is better suited to electric... I like it. As has been mentioned, it is very hard to take. Would have liked to have seen the full bulb but really well done.
Catching up here...

Grace - beautifully simple / simply beautiful. I think I prefer the colour version but it is a close call. :clap:

Endings: Your first choice is well executed but I prefer the last one - the leaf on the path - for its composition, colours and perfect DOF.

Electric: Definitely the first one for me - something to do with the angles and the way the eye is led through the picture. I love the processing too.

Transform: this would have done for electric too. :LOL: It works really well as an image. It must have been a pig for exposure but you have done it brilliantly.

Another (y) from me on transform Paul, you have captured a difficult subject well. I like the composition but as has been mentioned, the full bulb would have been good but thats just a small point. The viewer can see exactly what it is, so it works either way. Good job, Iain.
Like your second shot of electric Paul, the one with the bare wires. Nicely done.

Actually think your transform shot is better suited to electric... I like it. As has been mentioned, it is very hard to take. Would have liked to have seen the full bulb but really well done.

Thanks Dan. The bulb was a small clear candle shaped bulb. I cloned out the edge as I thought it was quite distracting.
Catching up here...

Grace - beautifully simple / simply beautiful. I think I prefer the colour version but it is a close call. :clap:

Endings: Your first choice is well executed but I prefer the last one - the leaf on the path - for its composition, colours and perfect DOF.

Electric: Definitely the first one for me - something to do with the angles and the way the eye is led through the picture. I love the processing too.

Transform: this would have done for electric too. :LOL: It works really well as an image. It must have been a pig for exposure but you have done it brilliantly.


Thanks for the comments Tracer. Much appreciated. (y)
Another (y) from me on transform Paul, you have captured a difficult subject well. I like the composition but as has been mentioned, the full bulb would have been good but thats just a small point. The viewer can see exactly what it is, so it works either way. Good job, Iain.

Cheers Iain.
Well, a little uninspired (read: absolutely no idea!!) with this weeks theme.

So inevitably I went for the obvious phone shot:

Comments/thoughts appreciated as always.