How do you deal with Teenage Idiots

Send them to Iraq or Afganistan - they'd soon grow up I reckon!!

Sorry but i wouldn't really want the in Iraq or Afanistan, becasue the wouldn't be able to hack it then they would be putting all the other guyand gals at risk. why should our brave forces babysit these idiots.
Have you thought of waking up nice and early, there are no chavs about then! :)

I'm a teenager, but wouldn't ever do something just for fun to a stranger if it is going to **** them off. :)

I was out at 5.15 this morning taking snow shots, in the time it took me to stand up my tripod (legs already out) I heard a door open behind me, it was a little old lady wondering what I was doing, amazing I'd only been there 30 seconds at most, and she'd got to the door in that time as well.
If the chaves are that quick we are doomed! :bang: Wayne
I was out at 5.15 this morning taking snow shots, in the time it took me to stand up my tripod (legs already out) I heard a door open behind me, it was a little old lady wondering what I was doing, amazing I'd only been there 30 seconds at most, and she'd got to the door in that time as well.
If the chaves are that quick we are doomed! :bang: Wayne

Chavs are to stoned and drunk to move that quick!
All this reminds me of a time when some chavs were hassling me and an ex-girlfriend. The ring leader was shaking his hand in front of his genitals and shouting to her "do you want some of this love"? He didn't know where to look when he got told that "doing that wouldn't make them drop any quicker". Instant humilation, we walked on, he walked away trying to regain his credibility with his mates...

His mother always did have a quick wit :D
thats a zinger :LOL:
i dont think thats true. We do send alot of violent people to war but thats because they are the ones who dont mind killing...innocent or not... But there are lots of good men and women in the army and most immature violent kids come back with more respect for life and people
Round up the most violent and immature people in the country, give them guns and send them to kill foreigners? Wow, what a great respect earner that would be :bonk:

Sadly, we do this. :help:

What do you mean give them guns? have you been to south London recently?? Wayne :LOL:
south london....and any major city north of it :LOL: Tottnham gun crime nottingham machester, the list goes on
most immature violent kids come back with more respect for life and people

I once watched a programme about a really abusive teenager, proper chav, and yet his mum wasnt THAT bad but he was a right git. She couldnt control him and he had a real violent tempter. The programme sent him away with the navy on some training excercises as thats what he want to do with his life, and that totally changed him around. He calmed down alot and totally changed his outlook on life.

Alot of these inbred morons lack guidance. Maybe a stint in an army style prision instead of these luxury style hotels they call "Young offenders institutes" would give them guidance instead of a reward for being a total little ******
i am a teenager but im nowhere near a chav lol. chavs are the irritating truth of society and if gordon brown was any decent prime minister he would open death camps and line the chavs up the wall and shoot them (ok so this is a bit graphic:wacky:)
When they leave school give em 12 months to find a proper apprenticeship, none of this YTS or whatever they have today. Let's invest in their future so that they can earn our respect and put something back into society. No apprenticeship, then shove em into the forces to learn respect.
i had dream once of just this. I was prime minister and i order for all people under suspicion of claiming benefits because they had M.E or just couldnt be bothered, had them all shot and started the uk again in a multi cultural chav and looser free country.

If only
When they leave school give em 12 months to find a proper apprenticeship, none of this YTS or whatever they have today. Let's invest in their future so that they can earn our respect and put something back into society. No apprenticeship, then shove em into the forces to learn respect.

I was about to say "What, set them out into work forces so we can breed further generations of retarded plumbers" but then the latter point made me chuckle :p
I once watched a programme about a really abusive teenager, proper chav, and yet his mum wasnt THAT bad but he was a right git. She couldnt control him and he had a real violent tempter. The programme sent him away with the navy on some training excercises as thats what he want to do with his life, and that totally changed him around. He calmed down alot and totally changed his outlook on life.

Alot of these inbred morons lack guidance. Maybe a stint in an army style prision instead of these luxury style hotels they call "Young offenders institutes" would give them guidance instead of a reward for being a total little ******

I'm sure that guidance is what they need, but I don't think the army is the right way to give them guidance. I don't see how getting our idiots to fight our wars for us is a good idea. Not to mention the experienced people with good judgement that are out there having to put up with them.
Ewan, its not a case of "here is a gun, now go shoot some terrorists" is it now! Its a case of discilpine, and guiding them into careers. Alot of them might turn out to be mechanics, engineers etc, there are alot of careers through the army that might interest them. And so what if they want to stay as someone with a gun in the front line, if they want to live with the passion and pride of fighting for our country, then thats what they should be allowed to do. But if its a case of disciplining them for something they did wrong and also guiding them into a career instead of leeching benifits all their pitiful lives, then whats wrong with that?!?
I'd also like to see a blanket curfew on all kids under 16, maybe 8pm ... If they wanna be ****s, let em do it at home.
line up all the disgusting chavy, mouthy ones and charge people to shoot them for fun..... only joking. im 16 my self but im nothing like them! there just scummy chavs with no brains and less money i think you handled it well but id be careful most of them will act hard but wont do anything but some will stab you just for looking at them!
Well i am afraid i have no patience for the junkies or scumbags of this world,i would have wispered in his ear **** off or i will break your ******* nose.:)
Which i have done in the past.:bat:
i had dream once of just this. I was prime minister and i order for all people under suspicion of claiming benefits because they had M.E or just couldnt be bothered, had them all shot and started the uk again in a multi cultural chav and looser free country.

If only

Sorry, could you clarify that please, because it looks like you have something against people with M.E. :thinking:
I do... its not a real ilness. clear?
how blunt. i beleive it is but i do think many people self diagnose themselves with it when they dont really have it.

it is a scientificaly proven ilness in the end.
Thing that strikes me here is how rapidly the threads have developed. Clearly widespread concern over the little scroats that pollute this country.

I have seen Cathus's posts and the threads on the DSLR forum and it too has attracted much attention.

There is no political will in this country to deal with the scumbags and, that being so, there is no solution.
wwoooo a website... awesome :LOL: why does it bother you? Would you say you have M.E?
wwoooo a website... awesome :LOL: why does it bother you? Would you say you have M.E?

No, I have MS, but some of the symptoms are similar and I have a friend with ME. I pointed out the website to give you the opportunity to do some research but it's obvious you prefer to take the p*ss and continue with your bigotted views.
I think the guy who mentioned teenagers today being as bad as they were 35-40 years ago is looking thru the current situation with rose-tinted glasses.

I'm not of a dissimilar age, and sure we used to muck about & upset a few folk, chucking snowballs etc. BUT if someone got upset about it we ran away, we didn't front them up & offer to kick their heads in for a bit of sport, we didn't wander the streets at 1am, talking to each other like we were in different towns, we didn't walk down the street kicking wing mirrors off cars or running over the bonnet & roof & the only weapons we used to carry were elastic bands.

Nor did we threaten police officers (we hid from them). In all my time at school I never heard of anyone being stabbed or murdered in any way & I never knew anyone who ever carried a weapon, it wasn't necessary to be searched going in to a football game or a pub or night club, the only people who smoked dope were the ones who brought it back from 1st year at uni.
Ewan, its not a case of "here is a gun, now go shoot some terrorists" is it now! Its a case of discilpine, and guiding them into careers. Alot of them might turn out to be mechanics, engineers etc, there are alot of careers through the army that might interest them. And so what if they want to stay as someone with a gun in the front line, if they want to live with the passion and pride of fighting for our country, then thats what they should be allowed to do. But if its a case of disciplining them for something they did wrong and also guiding them into a career instead of leeching benifits all their pitiful lives, then whats wrong with that?!?

I said nothing about terrorists :thinking:

I don't think people should be in the army because they need to learn to respect people. Respect should be a requirement.
wwoooo a website... awesome :LOL: why does it bother you? Would you say you have M.E?

thats a bit rude wether you think its an illness or not respect other peoples thoughts atleast.
No, I have MS, but some of the symptoms are similar and I have a friend with ME. I pointed out the website to give you the opportunity to do some research but it's obvious you prefer to take the p*ss and continue with your bigotted views.

bigoted is spelt with 1 T... And i dont disagree with you i just have my own views to bigot would be to flat out say that your views are inacurate and stupid which isnt the case... (y)

This thread is great but when people voice opinion this freely theres bound to be disagreements. Also smilies are the only way to distinguish tone and meaning but i forgot to put one in...i wasnt taking the ****
I do... its not a real ilness. clear?

Well thanks for your informed diagnosis Dr Dom its appreciated (y)
Not all people with ME are Chavs and not all chavs have ME

My daughter has ME and has been diagnosed with such by a Doctor who has had ME in the past.
So as it is recognised by the medical profession I guess it must exist :shrug:

Instead of sitting around claiming benifits she runs a reasonably sucessful on line business (y)

Another tar / brush / all the bloody same post
Nice one!
Well thanks for your informed diagnosis Dr Dom its appreciated (y)
Not all people with ME are Chavs and not all chavs have ME

My daughter has ME and has been diagnosed with such by a Doctor who has had ME in the past.
So as it is recognised by the medical profession I guess it must exist :shrug:

Instead of sitting around claiming benifits she runs a reasonably sucessful on line business (y)

Another tar / brush / all the bloody same post
Nice one!

Yes thats exactly what i said isnt it all chavs have ME(y)

i like your dramatisation of other peoples posts...:shake: