How do you deal with Teenage Idiots

Cobra, I hope your daughter gets better soon. I had enough stick about M.E throughout high school, which I tried to just ignore, but its just something that is too close to my heart to let people tease me about. Once they have all the facts, fine, I dont mind for them to make their own judgement, but many people dont have a clue about it, its not just a tiredness issue, and how can they make a judgement when they dont know everything.

Amy x

Thanks Amy (y) she is better than she was 5 years ago inasmuch as she has more "good days"
than "bad"
Good luck to you also (y)
I just walk away quickly before they hurt me. If they hurt or kill you, they only go to prison and enjoy free food which comes from our tax, if you hurt them trying to protect yourself, you will be fined, go to prison, or they might come back to retaliate. Its a no win situation.
Last night I dreamt I was strangling a cat and it managed to sink a fang into my finger during its demise. Today I woke up and found a single puncture wound in my finger and not a cat in sight.

Did the dream cause the injury? :shrug:
Last night I dreamt I was strangling a cat and it managed to sink a fang into my finger during its demise. Today I woke up and found a single puncture wound in my finger and not a cat in sight.

Did the dream cause the injury? :shrug:

did you bite yourself in your sleep?
do you own a cat...
My first ever 200-post thread.

I'm so proud, I'd just like to thank my agent, my parents, my children whom I love dearly, and all chavs everywhere...

:LOL::LOL::LOL: (y)

Sorry Marc :D

can i quickly ask what M.E is?
i have had a quick glance through that website that was linked and i cant it anywhere, it is always just referred to as M.E

as of the topic in hand, a monopod sounds like a useful piece of equipment to have with you on togging trips but apart form that if i were to get into a fight im fairly sure i would come off worse so i would be avoiding them...

pot shot x
M.E. = Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

WOW, I haven't read all the posts in this thread but it's fantastic that a thread that begins with a picture of a yob in the snow reaches the point were it explains what ME is. I love it.
M.E. = Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

Which I believe the americans call fibromyalgia - easier for them to spell :D.

If it's not the same, it's very similar... Quite a debilitating illness which severely affects not just the sufferer but also their family.
I wouldn't wish M.E on anyone, as Spence said, your exhausted all time, and even after the most longest nights sleep you never wake refreshed. Its not all tiredness which the majority of people believe it to be, I loose my eye sight if I do slightly too much, my arms are legs are heavy all the time, and its hard to just move them at times. My glands in my throat swell up, making it hard to breath and eat. I loose my appetite and thus, because im not getting the right foods, its makes you worse. You catch nearly every cough and cold that goes around because your immune system is weak, and because of that it consequently means it takes longer to get over them. Depression sets in easily as your not able to do the things you love or use to do, and you have to adapt your life majorly. Personally to me, it affects my memory terribally, someone can say some to me, and 5 minutes later, I cant remember what was said. I cant even cook a meal because standing at the cooker stirring something uses all the energy that I have.

The list goes on and on, and that is only a few things that M.E is, it also differs from person to person.

Amy x
As i already said in my PM to Cobra i apologize for my comments, they were of bad taste and i did not mean to personally attack or offend anyone. :coat:
As i already said in my PM to Cobra i apologize for my comments, they were of bad taste and i did not mean to personally attack or offend anyone. :coat:

I can confirm that (y)
After reading several threads here and elsewhere about teens and police hassling photographers in public I was pleasantly surprised earlier today. Arriving at the road from the local park I spied a group of about 8 teens and half expected shouts of "p***". Instead my only problem was them jostling each other to get their pics taken. Before I had to work out how I was supposed to get these pics to them (asking them for their email seemed so much more suss than taking their pics), my saviour in the form of a community officer came by. Suddenly snowballing him was more interesting.
Unfortunately for him he appeared to be more interested in watching me than them and didn't see this snowball coming:


He followed that up with an excellent demonstration of poor warfare tactics. The kids obviously realised holding the high ground was the way to go!



(That'll teach me for speed reading.)


Not your fault Spence it was only the last couple of posts that made it public
it was indeed a PM or two (y)
After reading several threads here and elsewhere about teens and police hassling photographers in public I was pleasantly surprised earlier today. Arriving at the road from the local park I spied a group of about 8 teens and half expected shouts of "p***". Instead my only problem was them jostling each other to get their pics taken. Before I had to work out how I was supposed to get these pics to them (asking them for their email seemed so much more suss than taking their pics), my saviour in the form of a community officer came by. Suddenly snowballing him was more interesting.

Unfortunately for him he appeared to be more interested in watching me than them and didn't see this snowball coming:

He followed that up with an excellent demonstration of poor warfare tactics. The kids obviously realised holding the high ground was the way to go!


That's what kids should be doing - fooling around and having fun. Good on the CSPO for messing around back and not being obnoxious and having a go at them (y) more like these please!
I am sure the Police would be interested- chances are they already know them, and they can go into the file for the next time. I am sure the lad has a bright future in British industry .

-Probably in Mailbag manufacture.
i dont know what it was like 35-40 years ago, but i do remember the early 80's when you could hardly go on a train for fear of teenage skinheads going on the rampage.
give me a choice between having a snowball fight with a kid in a hoodie or a fight with a load of skinheads i know which i would prefer.
seems a lot of people on here have forgotten those 'good old days'

anyway, god only knows what this thread has to do with photography anymore, it seems to have turned into a flaming match about M.E.

Let me recount some of my experiences growing up in Gorton , Manchester in the 70’s

1, Someone trying to stab me in the school dining hall

2, Graffiti written in four foot high letters on the side of the school naming teachers and using language that would make a Marine blush

3, Use of Amphetamines and Diazepam ( Know then as Purple Hearts and Valium, the latter which you nicked off your mum)

4, Skinhead and Greaser fights using lots of make shift weapons

5, The police did search people at football matches as one of the favourites was to throw darts into the opposing crowd.

6, Theft of motorcycles, repairing and driving mopeds without Tax , Insurance or helmet and being chased by the police in Mini Panda cars

The list could go on and on, but isn’t the real difficulty here the reaction of some posters who see young people as the enemy ?

Let me tell you about an incident which happened to me a few years ago, I was in a country park taking photographs of squirrels when a group of youths, male and female walked towards me.

They started clapping and swearing and scared away the squirrels, they thought it was funny, so I asked the ring leader if he would like a go at taking a picture of a squirrel .

Within five minutes I had a silent engaged group of young people staring at the LCD of my camera at the pictures they had taken which to be fair were out of focus and full of camera shake, the point was an adult had involved them.

The added bonus was for the next ten minutes some of them started asking passers by to be quiet and sssh as you might scare the squirrels!!

Did I take a risk engaging with young people I did not know in this way? Yes I did, I am sure that some wet behind the ears social worker could accuse me of all sorts.

But I ask the question, Is it a bigger risk to alienate our young people who can be pains in the behind, calling them chavs and scum ?

And what responsibility to we have when modelling so called adult behaviour?

Oh yes , as to the poster who wanted to get rid of people with disabilities, or skin colour, someone has beaten you to it !!

I think he was called Hitler :shrug:
Let me recount some of my experiences growing up in Gorton , Manchester in the 70’s I asked the ring leader if he would like a go at taking a picture of a squirrel .

Within five minutes I had a silent engaged group of young people staring at the LCD of my camera at the pictures they had taken which to be fair were out of focus and full of camera shake, the point was an adult had involved them.

I doubt very much if the lad in the OP's photo had any interest in taking photo's, invited or not. Quite frankly, it would be more likely he would snatch it and flog it...

Like you I grew up in the 70's, but in the dockland area of Birkenhead. Rough (and poor) was an understatement but I can't say I encountered the incidents you describe. I'm not saying they didn't happen, as I do recall oft reported skinhead & mod clashes. But the big difference between then and now is the respect for elders we had, even if we didn't respect each other. When our parents spoke, or were likely to hear back about our actions, we soon started behaving. That just doesn't seem to exist for some of todays kids. They know NO respect...
****ing Idiots
Give them a good slap round the face would help!

Few years back my old man was on the train and got some abuse from 4 teenagers , he rang me up and said you want to give someone a beating. I got in my car met him at the train station and stood up to the little *****.

My old man got one and pinned him up against the wall and he was crying , i well gave some punishment to another. The other two ran off

True Story
I think the guy who mentioned teenagers today being as bad as they were 35-40 years ago is looking thru the current situation with rose-tinted glasses.

I'm not of a dissimilar age, and sure we used to muck about & upset a few folk, chucking snowballs etc. BUT if someone got upset about it we ran away, we didn't front them up & offer to kick their heads in for a bit of sport, we didn't wander the streets at 1am, talking to each other like we were in different towns, we didn't walk down the street kicking wing mirrors off cars or running over the bonnet & roof & the only weapons we used to carry were elastic bands.

Nor did we threaten police officers (we hid from them). In all my time at school I never heard of anyone being stabbed or murdered in any way & I never knew anyone who ever carried a weapon, it wasn't necessary to be searched going in to a football game or a pub or night club, the only people who smoked dope were the ones who brought it back from 1st year at uni.

I am probably a tad older again and was brought up in a hard part of a hard city and I have to agree 100% with Cathus.
I never knew of violence and vandalism on a noticeable scale. Nor were there disruptive pupils in the schools I attended or drunken youths in the streets. People were desperately poor, but they were honest and right minded.
Holden C

As I said, there have always been incidents you described from the 70s.

The important question however, is do you think it is worse today, better, or the same?

It's very easy to pick individual events from both today & the 70s. I could recount a story of a gang rape in 1980 & another yesterday where a teenager stroked a dog & walked a granny across the road. They are completely meaningless unless taken into account with the overall picture of society at that time.

So, better, worse or the same now compared to 1970, straight answer.
talking to a memeber of the army yesterday about youths of today and what he said i echo. Not all youths are bad most are great and would be most welcome into the army. but you can keep the bad ones why the hell would we want them.. we are not babysitters and all it is going to do is create more had work for us and then the peeps a colly.. and would the general public like to see thier hard earned and paid taxes wasted on these idots more than they are now??
Things are I would think, if anything, better now than they were. You can see complaints about the bad behaviour of the 'youth of today' in documents going back over a thousand years. Try reading any contemporary accounts of life in the 17th/18th/19th centuries. For a laugh try stuff from the dark ages.

You have a choice. Its a simple choice. You either encourage integration and involvement in society, or you have outlaws. Problem being that they are not hollywood robin hoods.

sorry, I don't want to misunderstand you, are you saying things are better now than they were in the 1970s/80s or better now than they were when we were cavemen (or in the last thousand years).

Also, you can encourage integration & involvement by any number of means, how do you deal with people who refuse? Are there no consequences in your world?