How was this photo edited

Edit My Images

One of my clients sent me this and is asking if I can edit her photos in a similar style. I've been at it all night and I can quite seem to get the same feel. Any advice? How are these photos edited and what would you call this style?
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i can't post the photo so her Instagram handle is indiaearl, please look her up and let me know what you think. Sorry for the inconvenience

??? no pict!?!?!

Sorry, I don't login in any social media!
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Kodiak, I appreciate your reply none the less. I will try and post photo again
Did your client see any of your work before booking you?

In my opinion the this situation is a bit like going to an Italian restaurant and asking for an Indian dish, each photographer has their own style and the client should be aware of this at the time of booking.
yes, she saw, and she asked and i want to try this for her. do you have any tips or no? I love the style and would like to learn it also. thank you!

One of my clients sent me this and is asking if I can edit her photos in a similar style. I've been at it all night and I can quite seem to get the same feel. Any advice? How are these photos edited and what would you call this style?
You need to investigate a style best summed up by Looks Like Film..

And whaddayaknow, she's been featured in LLF - ;)

My guess is that a combination of VSCO/ASE/etc. is involved in the processing,plus some very individual tweaks. But remember, getting the look starts with the decisions you make before you press the shutter. If you're trying to edit the wrong type of starting shot, no amount of rolling it in glitter will get you to the result you're aiming for.
You need to investigate a style best summed up by Looks Like Film..

And whaddayaknow, she's been featured in LLF - ;) (AWESOME!!!)

My guess is that a combination of VSCO/ASE/etc. is involved in the processing,plus some very individual tweaks. But remember, getting the look starts with the decisions you make before you press the shutter. If you're trying to edit the wrong type of starting shot, no amount of rolling it in glitter will get you to the result you're aiming for.

thank so much! yeah, i'm realizing maybe only one or two photos from her session will work. it was my first shoot so i have a long way to go! What would you say were the setting for this particular photo when it was shot? can you tell anything distinctive about it? thank you!
Looks like it was shot with very warm, directional but soft light. It's well lit from the right, but the shadows are dark. The skin colour of the couple is slightly tanned so you'd struggle with a pasty brit.

It's a tough one to replicate. Looking on her site, All of her photos have a muddy tone to them so definitely going to need a warm tone to the highlights.

Good luck if you try to replicate it. I'd be more tempted to edit yourself first in a style that suits the way you shoot and present that to the client and see how they feel about them.
thank so much! yeah, i'm realizing maybe only one or two photos from her session will work. it was my first shoot so i have a long way to go! What would you say were the setting for this particular photo when it was shot? can you tell anything distinctive about it? thank you!
Just a few guesses..
  • She's chasing the soft light, could be the canyon blocking direct sun and using the sky overhead as a soft light source or it could be time of day. This is critical to the end look.
  • I'm guessing at a fast 35mm prime wide- or near-wide open.
  • She's picking and choosing young and attractive couples as clients and posing/directing them into relaxed, fun poses.
  • She's picking the right location and backdrop.
If you read her Instagram/Facebook/blog text and comments you'll probably find quite a few hints.

Hang around the LLF Facebook group and check the LLF Daily Update (on the LLF website) and you'll start to get a feel for which presets are quoted against which looks.
Just a few guesses..
  • She's chasing the soft light, could be the canyon blocking direct sun and using the sky overhead as a soft light source or it could be time of day. This is critical to the end look.
  • I'm guessing at a fast 35mm prime wide- or near-wide open.
  • She's picking and choosing young and attractive couples as clients and posing/directing them into relaxed, fun poses.
  • She's picking the right location and backdrop.
If you read her Instagram/Facebook/blog text and comments you'll probably find quite a few hints.

Hang around the LLF Facebook group and check the LLF Daily Update (on the LLF website) and you'll start to get a feel for which presets are quoted against which looks.

Yeah i'm loving that site so far, already learning so much. Thankfully I'm in AZ, where a lot of her photos are taken, and most of my photos are of the desert, i love it here and this style just compliments the desert and the canyons so well but i look forward to developing it my own way. you've been super helpful!! thank you!
Looks like it was shot with very warm, directional but soft light. It's well lit from the right, but the shadows are dark. The skin colour of the couple is slightly tanned so you'd struggle with a pasty brit.

It's a tough one to replicate. Looking on her site, All of her photos have a muddy tone to them so definitely going to need a warm tone to the highlights.

Good luck if you try to replicate it. I'd be more tempted to edit yourself first in a style that suits the way you shoot and present that to the client and see how they feel about them.

thank you!! :)
Most of the shots onher blog look like they have been edited with Tribe LXC presets (y)
Honestly you should forget about editing like that unless you're shooting in similar locations. What might work for one or two shots will screw up the rest as a set.

Look at every single photographer on LLF and you'll notice that they're all consistent with the way they shoot, locations and edits.

Slap one of those presets on a community centre wedding and you'll get a very different outcome :D
Just shoot and process in YOUR style.
Trying to copy some-one else's is a mistake IMHO.
Their pics look that way probably because they have spent ages honing their style to be just the way they like it.
There's nothing wrong with being inspired by someone's style, but you will be disappointed if you try and copy it.
You could probably get a similar look using Photoshop - it seems like the midtones and highlights have been brought down and quite a lot of contrast applied. Seems to have been split toned too (orange highlights and blue/green shadows possibly - you can play in the Camera Raw filter) and maybe a warm photo filter applied on top with a vignette to finish. Agree about finding your own style eventually but you can learn a lot by playing in Photoshop and emulating others
Honestly you should forget about editing like that unless you're shooting in similar locations. What might work for one or two shots will screw up the rest as a set.

Look at every single photographer on LLF and you'll notice that they're all consistent with the way they shoot, locations and edits.

Slap one of those presets on a community centre wedding and you'll get a very different outcome :D

The OP appears to be in Arizona, so there's little risk of either having to manage a community centre shoot or photograph pasty-faced Brits. ;)