Insomniacs club.

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Ah, now even I can appreciate Patrick Stewart. Not only did he revive Star trek but he gave bald men hope! ;)

Today I got a haircut, watched Pie in the Sky, Caught the tail end of Deal or no Deal, visited some friends, got taken out to dinner, and found a really useful clamp I intend sticking on my boot rack so I can take some cool car shots. :)

How about you?
job hunting:(

patrick stewart is lush, i went to my uni because hes the chancellor...:D
surely you went there for some other reason too? Like they offered the course you want...
hmm kind of. moving in my third year though, need to move to a big city:)
Manchester and Birmingham are great cities. As is London, though way too expensive. Where did you have in mind?
manchester, love the place, boyfriend used to live next top oxford road station, absolutely incredible. mini london but friendlier and without the bloody subway:)
Yep, gotta agree. My parents lived there for around 20 years. I always enjoyed the times I visited.

And on that note, my bed beckons. nite nite!
I get the chance to join the club and you've all deserted the ship. :bang:

Is it something I said ? :shrug: :thinking: :cautious:
i did not force anyone.:p

wow, 200 posts in 6 days, not bad..
far too serious in the pervert thread...

how is everyone?
I've spent the last 20 minutes taking photos of myself brushing my teeth.
hahaha why?
thats awesome.
Stupid 365. I've committed myself to doing one so must continue. I took pictures of a lamp post yesterday. I need more ideas. I did think about taking a picture of myself sitting upside down on the sofa with a cup balancing on my left foot and the tv remote on my right, but I injured myself last night dancing at the Santogold gig.
im enjoying doing mine:)

stick it up on yours
you gots a flickr? I'm doing my one on Flickr for the time being.
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nope. sorreh.

jasus where is everyone? im so boredddd
Hi Zooki, just been browsing and posting but will be off to bed soon.
Hi Whittie, so you never fancied going into the building trade, not that there is much work to grab lately, they are starting to struggle up our way.
booo. argh, i've been asked to write an article about uni life, i have absolutely no inspiration.
Woohoo 5am gone and I'm still up :D bed now though. Sleep deprivation hurts.
Huzzah 6.21am and im not tired yet.
mmm spikey
my hair. i got a perm, i look like the guy from toploader/the ginger guy in the british heart foundation advert with gordon ramsey:)

i look like a right noob so ignore that but the hair is awesome.
aye although ill be the first to say the guys from The Feeling popped my bouncey castle when i was 6:eek:

jasus im bored. i have no inspiration for anything tonight, do not know what to do.
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