Insomniacs club.

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a fly that big would scare the holy crap out of me..
i did but i love jeff so it tainted his image for me a bit.
I am going to risk it and say I think he is one of the hammiest actors in my opinion:exit:
hes another patrick stewart, old but LUSH
bonjour monsuier, ca va?
I'm not so good tonight thanks Zooki. Been one of those days and to top it off i've dumped the GF.

How are you?
im ok.

need to vent?
Not really, thanks anyway.

Suffice to say I made her a priority in my life but I was just an option in hers. No one else involved, she's just that type of person. I've a bit too much self respect to let that kind of relationship continue, so it was time to deal with it.
good on you, women suck. the right one will come along though:)
ah yes, money for equipment. Well my goal is a mk1d3 and a couple of white lenses. So... just a few grand to amass eh? lol
good on you, women suck. the right one will come along though:)
Of course. Thing about this one was we seemed a good match. No, we were a good match. But she was too "part time" and I think scared of letting herself get too close.

Her loss!
maybe she'll realise and change:) if its meant to be she'll see the error in her ways
She might... I've left it open for her to do that but I'm not holding out any real hope, nor prepared to let things carry on as they have been. I'm too old and long in the tooth to do that...
Next 24 hours will be crucial one way or the other.
Yes, I expect so. Although i'm feeling rather good about myself having told her the issue and to sort it out or clear off.

and on that note i'm off to bed as i need to be up early in the morning. Night all, and thanks for the support. :)
:eek: you mean hillwalkinggirl isnt her real name??
im gona say dave at this point in time.
Hello. :)
now i dont know. :( stop confusing me!
Zooki, been away half an hour come back and you have changed your avatar:)
its my Wofro! (white girls afro) you like?
You looked happier in the other one can we not have one of you smiling, sorry mine can not smile:D
i do not smile in photos usually, i have a really small mouth that looks worse if you stretch it ie smile.
Especially when they outnumber the men:(
i know arent men *******s:p
i do not smile in photos usually, i have a really small mouth that looks worse if you stretch it ie smile.
It can't be as bad a Cherie Blairs' smile
it is.

oooooooooooooooooooo i wrote my first piece for a student magazine today and sent it off, hopefully ti will get published:D
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