International rugby - Barbarians v Australia

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Not been having a great season so far pic-wise but pleased with the set from Twickenham at the weekend. Got one in the nationals which was pleasing as it's been a while! I've finally figured out that unless you have a 600mm, shooting from behind the try-lines at Twickenham on a FF body won't cut it with most cameras. East/West stands give you much closer access and whilst I'm not a fan of running around chasing the action, I did have a wander or two at the weekend and it seemed to help. Feedback, what's good what's not etc greatly appreciated as always, be as harsh as you like. Cheers

All shot with 400mm + Nikon D3s






6. (won't be to everyone's tastes I imagine)
Wonderful set (y) that penultimate on has to win it for me as I love seeing and capturing action just like that (y) though I also like that last one something about the supporters using camera phones to capture the image and you capturing them do that (y)

The question is... which one made the nationals.

Nice set... When I looked at them the other day I thought you'd taken the west stand. Good choice....

Great set as per always. The only one I have a comment on is number 9 where his face is a little dark, but that it and I know why it is. Love 'em tho.

Fantastic ! having played rugby for 7 years myself I know some of these moments of pain and elation all to well for me 2,4,8,9,10 stand out the most what a great set !

4,8,9 especially have something about them for me. 2 nailing the pass just at the right moment, and there is something sorta cheeky or cocky about the expression on the face of the guy passing the ball like he's just said "here you go, you have it".

8 - has those all to real memories of breaking away on a run and being deep in the other side's half on your own so close to the line but just surrounded and isolated, it has an intensity to it, desperation, fear, and "nearly there" feel to it. Did he score a try in the end?

9. Victory!
Thanks all. Helen, it was your great set from the England Wales game that tempted me to try the west stand! You run the risk of missing the really great try shots, but I think it's worth it given how much more you can shoot of the match itself.

Damien, no sorry missed Matfield's conversion.

Tom thanks v much, the player in #8 set up a score with that run but he'd also scored a try of his own a few minutes earlier! Impact sub bringing on the aussie captain!
No 7 is the stand out shot for me.

Great action with them highlighted against the dark background.

All look super sharp to me.
Great set of my favourite game...

I like 4... the off load just as the tackle is flying in.