Introducing the new, free, TP mobile app. Now on iPhone/iPad !


If your on android on market look for a program called Metro Qr

Load that then run it.

Point your phones camera at this sqaure and hit the open in browser button.

I'm not going to say which TP member showed me how to do this but it's a cool way of doing things :D
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Just installed on Dell Streak.

Works well.

Only problem and it maybe user error.

I can't see how to reply to a topic without replying to a particular post (I.e. click on the balloon). If I hit the menu buttom on the phone it gives me multi quote option.

Runing Android 2.2 with a bit of 2.3 :)

just search for "talk photography" it comes up with the developer "End of Time Studios" underneath

Comes up with 50 results, none of which are the TP app.
I am downloading it now, what version of Android are you running?

This is the QR code (scan with barcode scanner).

If you scan this and still can't find it, it's probably not available for your version of Android.
The reply button is on the menu press.

Hmm yes it is was obviously being a pillock before.

Anyway for those that don't have a barcode scanner (which should be an essential app anyway) it looks like this in the market place.

Just trying it now.
Looks good and works good :)
not sure whats going on there then, its 3-4 down from the top of 170 odd results like on the screenshot above..

try searching for "end of time studios" instead?

Sounds like it might be an OS/hardware issue as the search only finds about 1/3rd the expected results. For example if the app can't handle small screens and the phone is a HTC tattoo (or any other QVGA screened phone) your stuffed.
Sounds like it might be an OS/hardware issue as the search only finds about 1/3rd the expected results. For example if the app can't handle small screens and the phone is a HTC tattoo (or any other QVGA screened phone) your stuffed.

HTC hero running Android 2.2
Just installed the app on my HTC Desire and have to say it is much better than using the standard browser

knew there was another reason I didn't buy an Iphone :LOL:
Works really well. Good job guys.
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Nope, because I'm on the phone just now, and don't have internet on the PC atm. Oh well, it works fine in opera anyway, I probably wouldn't use it.
This is awesome :D

Don't worry about the eyephone app... one day they will see the light and get an Android :p
Great app, works good on my HTC Desire, only thing is I can't see the classifieds section even after logging in, was this left out ?
Come one apple. Aprove the iPhone version!
I spoke too soon. It's not working on my Motorola DEXT running android 1.6 at the moment. I get the following message shortly after the splash screen.

The remote server sent an unparsable result. This could be a result of the forum software plugin being outdated.

Might be because I'm on a crappy GPRS connection in work. Will try at at home on 3G and WIFI but maybe it doesn't work with 1.6:shrug:

Tried it again at home on the wifi so can only assume it doesn't like the GPRS connection at work. Will try again with 3G some time.
Awesome!! Any mods know when the Iphone version is likely to be approved??
Works great on my nexus one running 2.2

Only thing I would suggest to be changed is the word for new posts. Its says 'current' at the moment which can be a little confusing
Pheraps 'recent' or 'new posts'
Out of curiosity what is going to be the difference between the TP app for the iPhone and connecting to the site as we do now ??
the 'end of time studios' is the name of the developer, it would be another fee per year to have it as our own and we'd have to jump through a lot of apples hoops to get it.

The iphone app should be along soon, if apple approve it before Christmas that is...
just search for "talk photography" it comes up with the developer "End of Time Studios" underneath

Out of curiosity what is going to be the difference between the TP app for the iPhone and connecting to the site as we do now ??

speed really is the main difference, I'll be doing a little guide for the iphone version..
Windows phone 7 per chance???
i cant wait for the iPhone version. Hurry up apple, whats the hold up?
Any idea when the iPhone version will be approved?