Introducing the new, free, TP mobile app. Now on iPhone/iPad !

Amazing apps, thanks very much. Simple interface and more importantly very, very quick to load.
Works great on my iP4, thanks to all involved :D
Just wondering, in case i missed it, is there a way to upload photos from the iPad app? Seems like that would be the primary driver to have an app for TP, since Safari doesn't support it itself. Did try copy and paste, but won't let me.

Still very good for browsing though.


you can upload photos as attachments, but only in the phoneopgraphy sharing section. At somepoint we hope the developer will have sorted out uploading to galleries...
Ahh, didn't realise the different forums worked differently. I actually realised i was probably doing it wrong anyway - i can easily upload to my online gallery, and so can just put in a link to that (hopefully...):


Edit: hurray it worked :D
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Got prompted to download it automatically when I entered the TP site on my iPhone yesterday.
Very good indeed! ;)
Another vote of thanks - a very nice app - a good user experience on the iPad.

Thanks Guys.
Post removed as problem seems to have gone away.
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I love the app, but I'm clearly being stupid here - how do you see the list of notified items? I can see the list of all subscribed threads and also see messages, but is there a way to see the equivalent of user CP where updated threads and messages are collected?


current shows all the latest threads/posts i think?
current shows all the latest threads/posts i think?

It shows the most recent post in each forum.

I'm after a list of all the threads I subscribe to that have new posts on them.

philthejuggler said:
I'm after a list of all the threads I subscribe to that have new posts on them.

On the iPad there's a "Subscribed" button on the bottom, just along from "Current Posts". Not sure how the interface differs on the smaller screen, may be down there, or may have been moved to the "Others" button. It'll show the number of unread subscribed threads as a little notification number on the button.

On the iPad there's a "Subscribed" button on the bottom, just along from "Current Posts". Not sure how the interface differs on the smaller screen, may be down there, or may have been moved to the "Others" button. It'll show the number of unread subscribed threads as a little notification number on the button.


Aaah, ok...this is sort-of what I was looking for.

I had noticed this before, but dismissed it as it was listing all subscribed threads, not just those with new posts.

On closer inspection I can see that threads with new posts show in bold. Ideally it would gather these together at the top of the list!


philthejuggler said:
On closer inspection I can see that threads with new posts show in bold. Ideally it would gather these together at the top of the list!

It sort of does, in the sense that they're sorted (on mine at least) by most recent post at the top. But i suppose if you have a lot of subscribed threads and don't read them all straight away, they could move down before you've read them.

Not sure if there's any workarounds, though you can (if you haven't found it already) make it load more threads / posts by default in the iPhone's main Settings (outside of the TP app).

It sort of does, in the sense that they're sorted (on mine at least) by most recent post at the top. But i suppose if you have a lot of subscribed threads and don't read them all straight away, they could move down before you've read them.

Not sure if there's any workarounds, though you can (if you haven't found it already) make it load more threads / posts by default in the iPhone's main Settings (outside of the TP app).


Many thanks again - I'll have a play with settings!

Just to let everyone know there's been an update pushed to Google Market for Android.

As usual, iPod/Pad/Phone version is waiting google approval.

It should sort out the thread prefix issue :)

Many thanks for this app. So much better than using the web on the phone. One thing though is when you post on the iPhone it inserts NSWF..?
Amazing, love it chaps!!!

On android here and if works. But some pics arent shown in threads?
RSMarco said:
Many thanks for this app. So much better than using the web on the phone. One thing though is when you post on the iPhone it inserts NSWF..?

Just press "cancel" on the popup that appears. Apparently it'll be fixed in a new version due very soon!

I had an update for this app on my Desire today... now running 1.2.0

Not sure what's been updated though - not started a thread using my phone yet :bang:
the update removes the need to click cancel when making a new thread
As usual, iPod/Pad/Phone version is waiting google approval.

Software awaiting Apple products awaiting Google approval? That might take some time!
What do the badges display on the iPhone version?
jimmy83 said:
What do the badges display on the iPhone version?

Number of unread messages + number of subscribed threads you haven't caught up with yet.

However mine sometimes shows "2" on the badge when there's only one outstanding thread, so suspect it may not be entirely accurate :)

Been using it on the iPad, first time today on the iPhone and boy is it quick over 3G. Very nice scrolling through to get to the forum pr posts you want.
I've just downloaded the new version (y) and it says it can take pictures :) ........ How's that work then? :shrug:
New update at the apple store...
ive been busy, lol
Excellent app, prefer using it to my Mac now! However it does randomly force quite - anyone else?