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Windows is like a kitchen. Keep it clean, and you'll have a pleasure using it. Small, regular clean ups, tidy everything away properly, organise your pots and tins, wash the dishes and put them away. If you let the chaos and the mess and the dirt pile up, you'll hate it. It will be useless. You'll have to spend hours sorting it out, cleaning everything top to bottom, re-organising stuff, before it works properly again.

I have had one or two Windows 7 crashes...nothing to write home about. I too am extremely careful though not to clog or abuse a PC. Vista, freshly installed, was a dog. On about 4 PC's too...the 64bit version, a little better, but still a bit of a mutt. Nothing to do with user error, it just sucked from the off.

You'll struggle to make this point stick I think...

I don't like the interface. It, in my opinion, is too simple. As I've said, when I next use it, I'll make a mental note of why I don't like it.
Interesting household analogy. In that case my Mac is like a lounge. I use it, do what I want and it cleans itself up (actually my girlfriend cleans up but the point is I don't have to do it).

I find the minute amount of tidying (defragmenting every few months, organising folders and uninstalling unnecessary programs) is a small price to pay for what I feel is a pleasure of an operating system.
These are not difficult things to do, they just are not taught or kept. People are curious as to why their computer has crashed, and when you explain that they just let it slowly rot, they say, "Oh, well that's stupid."
No, it's not. I agree that the fact Apple doesn't break is great. But Windows breaking constantly, as I've said, is a myth started by lazy or misinformed people.

Not the only thing, but if it was, why is that bad?

It's not :)

As previously stated in the thread, some of us don't want to be computer geeks. It's nice to turn the thing on, use it and then turn it off again.

Totally agree. Mine turns on, works wonderfully, and then I turn it off again. Every 3 months I spend an hour or so cleaning it and then, as said, it works a treat. I probably wouldn't have to do that, but it helps my computer to last.

Contradicts what I've seen, how do you work out your PC is 4 times faster?
Actually all the real world evidence I've ever seen shows a "lower spec" mac running faster than a slightly "higher spec" PC. I can't get figures anymore, as most of the family now run macs.

I have no statistics to prove it, but put it this way, after testing it out of curiousity, I could have more programs open running more things than the iMac could before the computers crashed.

sounds like the interface on the non portable products too :)

As I've said, I don't enjoy using it :)

Sorry I should have stated that most of that was opinion. No hard feelings, just personal opinions.
I have had one or two Windows 7 crashes...nothing to write home about. I too am extremely careful though not to clog or abuse a PC. Vista, freshly installed, was a dog. On about 4 PC's too...the 64bit version, a little better, but still a bit of a mutt. Nothing to do with user error, it just sucked from the off.


Vista did suck extremely hard, 7 on the other hand is a dream.
It should have an sd card reader too

you mean like this?


Agreed, at least should have had one of them.

Looks like the user will have to use iTunes to add content to it.
As good as it may be, it'll be very limited if you don't already have a computer, or buy one at the same time. That makes it seem pretty obvious that it's not intended to replace anything current tbh.

I think I'd like one, but won't be chucking my money in its direction just yet.

OK so I was wrong there, text from under the picture on the website.

iPad Camera Connection Kit
The Camera Connection Kit gives you two ways to import photos and videos from a digital camera. The Camera Connector lets you import your photos and videos to iPad using the camera’s USB cable. Or you can use the SD Card Reader to import photos and videos directly from the camera’s SD card.

So at least it will be easier to import media, albeit with an extra dongle to pay for, that makes it more useful :D
Vista did suck extremely hard, 7 on the other hand is a dream.

Yup, loving Windows 7. I can't really make a call between it and OSX, and I don't see the point in doing so. They are both awesome, both can be as simple or as complex as you want them to be, and both of them have been designed to make using our computers fun. Double win :D

Yeah let's get back to the iPad.
I want one for my ultra modern, ultra stylish, open-plan contemporary home.

When I can afford one.

And when I'm older and wiser :p

It's gonna be a slick device for what it is, I think I'm gonna end up with one - and probably, a slate too. Can't have too many cool toys :D

I'm really excited about slideshow potential of the iPad.

Yep, this is the iPad thread, have to say I'd continue to disagree that spending more time than I need to keeping my computer running is a good thing...

However, my iPhone also needs no maintenance and this iPad jobber certainly seems to look a hell of a lot like a big iPhone/iPod Touch, so I'd hazard a guess it's also likely to "just work".

Looks great for doing what it's there to do, which is view stuff. If you want to make stuff, then it looks to be a no go.
Also I'm not convinced it's the "BEST" way to view photo's. Does it beat an actual physical photo? Or a computer with a bigger screen?
if aperture or lightroom get release in an iPad version, then i'll more than likely get one, and would make doing quick edit's on photo's nice and easy sat on sofa chilling out
I can't see it being much use for Aperture or LR.
They are real resource hogs, resources the thing just doesn't seem to have, one of the factors that limits it to viewing and not really making much new content of its own.
If there isn't an aperture or lightroom, I wonder if Chase Jarvis will update his Best Camera application for specific iPad support with some new features. Could be a good way for him to get a solid foothold in the iPad photographic software market before others do. :)
if aperture or lightroom get release in an iPad version, then i'll more than likely get one, and would make doing quick edit's on photo's nice and easy sat on sofa chilling out

This is what I was thinking of. Although I doubt it will produce enough horse power to push out the RAW files.

If it could be used as a live viewer / storage device it would be perfect. A RAW viewer on the go. This would tempt me, especially on those long assignments where you might run out of digital film (memory cards). It would have to blend directly with Aperture on a full machine. This would give Epson, Canon and Sony? a run for their money the RAW backup thingy majiggy world.
This is the Apple tablet that I want and after finding out that I have been paid rather a lot of money short over the past 6 years and will be getting it back next month I might well manage it too :)





This is the Apple tablet that I want and after finding out that I have been paid rather a lot of money short over the past 6 years and will be getting it back next month I might well manage it too :)






Now THAT'S the kind of thing I was hoping for, not a big iPod touch :)
I feel the same, but nothing seems to be coming my way :LOL:

I got stuffed into a job I didn't want to do for 5 years which didn't attract a bonus then found out that it actually does in my circumstances so 5 years worth of bonuses.... A toy each and a really nice fambly holiday :)..... but where to go :shrug: The Modbook looks like what Apple SHOULD have done and as I was going to buy Mrs_C a new macbook pro I can use her macbook as the basis for this for $699......
The Modbook is SERIOUSLY good it is basically a Macbook with the screen removed and then the keyboard/touchpad removed and then a 13" Wacom Cintiq stuck on top! The modbook pro does not look anywhere near as good but it is much more powerful.

and look, you can even buy them in the UK....... LINK
The Modbook is SERIOUSLY good it is basically a Macbook with the screen removed and then the keyboard/touchpad removed and then a 13" Wacom Cintiq stuck on top! The modbook pro does not look anywhere near as good but it is much more powerful.

and look, you can even buy them in the UK....... LINK

Yeah, but thats easily 3 times the price of one of these. Its like comparing a D40 to a D300. Yeah its better, but its also in a different league!

Plus it doesn't have any sort of warranty whatsoever.
I was actually just about to post that one myself. ;)
it's called genius on ipods.

it's not about comparing feature to feature and pointing out what is and isn't there, it's the whole package. Nothing works perfectly as well as an ipod.

Not quite the same, the system is built into the walkman to begin with, not a bit of 3rd party software. Also I got my walkman over a year ago, this only recently came out. Interesting to know Apple has brought it to their mp3 players though. :)

Both the likes of Sony and Cowan have excellent UI's as well as SQ and other features.

Prove me wrong and name a better one?

There is a reason it is the most sold, most successful and that is because it works the best

Cowan and Sony (specifically with the Sonys, the S-series (not the latest one) and the X-Series, both regarded as better than the equivilent iPods).

The Modbook is SERIOUSLY good it is basically a Macbook with the screen removed and then the keyboard/touchpad removed and then a 13" Wacom Cintiq stuck on top! The modbook pro does not look anywhere near as good but it is much more powerful.

and look, you can even buy them in the UK....... LINK

Now that looks VERY good, that's what I was hoping for (although I knew it was going to be a touch type device.

Just been looking round at the lower spec machines and came across a "few" android based tablets, some looking very swish (although none seem to have large HDD's, but with removable storage). http://www.engadget.com/tag/android,tablet

Firstly the Notion Ink Adam . 10 hours battery life? Pah, what's that, 40 hours or 400hours! Perfect colour e-reader from the looks of it, dunno about anything else. Around $300 apparently.

Then MSI's offering. Looks to be a direct competitor and likely to have flash and probably better at the idle internet surfing. It also appears to be widescreen, dunno about the resolution but I guess it's about 1026x600 ish as well as a camera, all for aorund $500.

Then the Viewsonic with a 1024x800 9" widescreen and camera for around $450.

I love the idea of so many Apple products, just they always somehow have to spoil the fun with some kind of stupid error. First the iPod Touch and they forced it to use iTunes now this tablet with the lack of flash support and myriad of other complaints.:(
from what i see - and hey waht do i know - but looks like a slightly larger iphone which doesn't make calls. Now as an iphon euser, yeah i'd love one as a gimmick / toy, though I fully expect the $price to be a £price over here - i.e. from $499 = from £499.

Which is about 1/2 to same price of a netbook, which is more practical, if not as sexy.
from what i see - and hey waht do i know - but looks like a slightly larger iphone which doesn't make calls.
So a larger ipod touch then? :)
So a larger ipod touch then?

um.................. yeah! I forgot all about iTouches as mine got "borrowed" about 18 months ago by the better half, when I got my iPhone - which is an ITouch where you can talk to people as well...:LOL: and haven't seen it since.......
um.................. yeah! I forgot all about iTouches as mine got "borrowed" about 18 months ago by the better half

I think I mentioned earlier, but a jumbo sized iPod touch is exactly what I'm after, so I've almost convinced myself I'll be getting one of these now.

I just have a couple of questions I still need to be answered regarding its camera connectivity, USB & WiFi features. Obviously though, these are questions that won't get answered until the product is released and I can get one in my hands, or Apple can somehow read my mind provides answers beforehand along with the other to-be-published specs and features (which I doubt).
Yeah, but thats easily 3 times the price of one of these. Its like comparing a D40 to a D300. Yeah its better, but its also in a different league!

Plus it doesn't have any sort of warranty whatsoever.

Other than the warranty that it has !

I don't think the iPad is all that great really, it depends on what price it is. Yes it is like comparing a D40 to a D300 but would you choose to buy the D40? No its a good camera but I would choose the D300 the D40 is a compromise based on price.

The iPad needed a camera, removable storage and 3G built in. If you get the 3G option and the larger storage space then you are going to be looking at $829 or maybe £699 here against £1300 or whatever for the modbook which has a camera, upto 500Gb storage easily changed, an optical drive, a bigger screen, Mac OS !! etc etc.
Why didn't they just make a net book.

I can't buy it, it has no hinges.

The cat will sit on it, I will balance boiling hot mugs of coffee and cans of Guinness on it, I will eat fish & chips/dribble curry, write cheques and cut cocaine on it.

At least you get a stand with a photo frame.....

and a USB port.....:|

Other than owning another piece of Apple hardware......what's the point ?
It's a fisher price iPhone :)

It is just a shame that they didn't go further !
Don't you just love people who come into threads that are 8 pages long and just repeat what everyone has already said because they haven't read a thing.

"this is just a big iPod touch/iPhone"

yes we know we've spent the last 9 pages saying that, why are you repeating it?
Not quite the same, the system is built into the walkman to begin with, not a bit of 3rd party software. Also I got my walkman over a year ago, this only recently came out. Interesting to know Apple has brought it to their mp3 players though. :)

Both the likes of Sony and Cowan have excellent UI's as well as SQ and other features.

Err, third party? You need to brush up on your iPod knowledge. Genius isn't third party it's built right into iTunes. Genius has been out for at least 2 years. But you are right it's not quite the same. Genius is much better.

iTunes stores all this data about the type of music it is anyway because it is tagged inside the mp3 it doesn't need to be played and analyzed it's there all ready.

Personal choice may make you think these Sony ones are better but 2.5million people would disagree with you and I think that says something about which actually is better
Err, third party? You need to brush up on your iPod knowledge. Genius isn't third party it's built right into iTunes. Genius has been out for at least 2 years. But you are right it's not quite the same. Genius is much better.

iTunes stores all this data about the type of music it is anyway because it is tagged inside the mp3 it doesn't need to be played and analyzed it's there all ready.

Personal choice may make you think these Sony ones are better but 2.5million people would disagree with you and I think that says something about which actually is better

By your logic that more people owning = better, can I presume Windows is the best OS by quite some margin???
You can assume the way they went about marketing it was better.

Exactly, so why not apply identical logic to the IPOD? You can't selectively choose which arguments to apply to which side of the fence. I have stated 100 times, I enjoy both APPLE and MS products, and heck, I even have a hard on for a Canon lens (85mm f1.2!)....it affects me not one bit which brand ultimately sells more, as long as there is competition we should all be OK. I don't see the point in playing the "more people have it, must be better" card. If people want to stick by that, apply it across other products as well...

By your logic that more people owning = better, can I presume Windows is the best OS by quite some margin???

My logic is nothing to do with how many people own them. It's how many people have made a choice about which model to buy, and they chose the iPod because they believe it to be better.

With windows, 2/3rds of all people that use it had no choice about what to buy because they are at work and someone else made that choice for them. An mp3 player is an individual choice
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