Isolation: Any Gamers? Even Old Ones?

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So I've been gaming since Jetpac & Manic Miner in 1983. Things have moved on a bit and it's now 37 years on!!

I'm not a twitch gamer and the closest I get is War Thunder, but I'm terrible at it. It's so pretty though and it takes me back to my 1/72 scale modelling as a kid.
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I quite like slow games or tactical ones. And for Isolation, it's hard to beat Kerbal Space Program. One of the few games you can completely screw up and still do ok. Landing legs on the wrong way round? No problem! I've learnt more about orbital mechanics than I ever thought I'd need to know. Fascinating game and a ton of fun.
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Same for European Truck Simulator. Quite, solitary and very calm inducing. Apart from when I'm driving.

Then there's a couple of my favourites. I've got about 1,500 hours in Factorio. But as a performance and capacity "person" that's probably no surprise... It starts out so simple and before you know it, you're dealing with huge complexity without actually realising it. I didn't think my brain would be big enough but the game design is so brilliantly simple it just develops into chaos naturally.
Trains though.... Damn...

And almost 2,600 hours in XCOM2. Big fan of the old versions, but the 2016 version is my absolute favourite. Turn based strategy at its absolute best in my opinion. With the capability to mod the game within the grasp of almost anyone, you can set your own difficulty which is really what sets it apart. Alien invasion anyone? Fancy saving the world? In a green pullover?

I've also got a lot of hours in Project Zomboid - another phenomenal game with no twitching skills required. And my turn based life is complete with Darkest Dungeon, Battletech and Battle Brothers.

So are there any other gamers out there - especially non twitchy ones? Any turn based recommendations? (apart from anything Civ or Total War related - Stellaris was my limit with that sort of thing)

Anyone fancy sharing Steam IDs? Or their own game screenies?
Or is this a dead post....?
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I've just taken up World of Warships, seems to be a good strategy game. So far though, all that I've managed to do, every time, is to kill my ship's company:)
Waiting for the bad weather to come back before starting to look for my old PS2!
So I've been gaming since Jetpac & Manic Miner in 1983. Things have moved on a bit and it's now 37 years on!!

I'm not a twitch gamer and the closest I get is War Thunder, but I'm terrible at it. It's so pretty though and it takes me back to my 1/72 scale modelling as a kid.
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I quite like slow games or tactical ones. And for Isolation, it's hard to beat Kerbal Space Program. One of the few games you can completely screw up and still do ok. Landing legs on the wrong way round? No problem! I've learnt more about orbital mechanics than I ever thought I'd need to know. Fascinating game and a ton of fun.
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Same for European Truck Simulator. Quite, solitary and very calm inducing. Apart from when I'm driving.
View attachment 273179

Then there's a couple of my favourites. I've got about 1,500 hours in Factorio. But as a performance and capacity "person" that's probably no surprise... It starts out so simple and before you know it, you're dealing with huge complexity without actually realising it. I didn't think my brain would be big enough but the game design is so brilliantly simple it just develops into chaos naturally.
View attachment 273182
Trains though.... Damn...
View attachment 273178

And almost 2,600 hours in XCOM2. Big fan of the old versions, but the 2016 version is my absolute favourite. Turn based strategy at its absolute best in my opinion. With the capability to mod the game within the grasp of almost anyone, you can set your own difficulty which is really what sets it apart. Alien invasion anyone? Fancy saving the world? In a green pullover?
View attachment 273184

I've also got a lot of hours in Project Zomboid - another phenomenal game with no twitching skills required. And my turn based life is complete with Darkest Dungeon, Battletech and Battle Brothers.

So are there any other gamers out there - especially non twitchy ones? Any turn based recommendations? (apart from anything Civ or Total War related - Stellaris was my limit with that sort of thing)

Anyone fancy sharing Steam IDs? Or their own game screenies?
Or is this a dead post....?
That war thunder looks good.
They are Billions.

It won’t relax you but it will be September before you know it!

It's in my wishlist.... How much of a panic is it to play? I'm not a great RTS player. Like to take my time. The Total War games I struggle with because I'm continually pausing.
That war thunder looks good.

I love the air battles, but once I get to the higher tiers I just get murdered constantly. The low tier stuff is great though. Not done anything with tanks or ships. Planes are what interest me. Russian planes are silly strong though.
Been playing a bit of Plague Inc since I started self isolating last Thursday. Decided to give it a rest...not doing my anxiety any good! Dabbled with Portal 2 today
It's in my wishlist.... How much of a panic is it to play? I'm not a great RTS player. Like to take my time. The Total War games I struggle with because I'm continually pausing.
It can be slow to start with some panic but you can pause at any time and even do a lot of stuff whilst paused.
Late last year I bought the original Doom series from GOG. I have the version I bought when it came out but it won't run on Win 10. The version I bought (cost less than £2.00) allowed me to enjoy killing monsters again.

Playing through the Gears of War games on my xBox, when thats done its likely to be Halo.
Got a few nice Backgammon boards and sets of men so keep swapping them round to ring the changes!
This is my issue with the twitchy games.

Wishlisted! Looks fun. And I like DoubleFine games.
On playing the game you eventually come across a computer. On that you can play another game called Maniac Mansion . That one is practically impossible. You've been warned! ;)
I used to really like the Mechwarrior series, but I don't think I have a machine that could run any of those games now after I cleared out a bunch of old base units.
I’m into Skyrim and Elder Scrolls online
ESO is an online multiplayer has PVE and PVP elements
It’s real fun playing with a team of 4 or 12 people chatting on headsets
I normally don’t play as much springtime onwards as I’m out with the camera but that’s not happening this year
I used to really like the Mechwarrior series, but I don't think I have a machine that could run any of those games now after I cleared out a bunch of old base units.

There's always Battletech if you like turn based mech battles. Not so heavy on the PC requirements either.
ESO is an online multiplayer has PVE and PVP elements
It’s real fun playing with a team of 4 or 12 people chatting on headsets

I get my MMO kicks from City of Heroes. Very very fun on big teams - especially 24 player leagues. Not much PvP though, mostly PvE.
Edit - and completely free!
Manic Miner! Jeez I remember that! XCOM was also a favourite of mine and XCOM 2 I enjoyed.

I sometimes jump onto a bit of Division 2 but it gets rather repetitive and my son now dominates the Xbox. So, I've just downloaded ARMA 3 and it really does suck you in slowly but strongly. Huge simulation.

Other games I occasionally play on Steam and can recommend for the more strategic side of things:

This War of Mine. Amazing atmosphere and really connects you with the characters.

Frostpunk. Same developers and again great atmosphere.

Prison Architect. Basic visuals but the gameplay and near unlimited options is so addictive.
Frostpunk's been on my list for a while... Am waiting for a silly sale I think.

Have the other two, and can also recommend Rimworld & Banished for colony building type games. Oxygen Not Included is also fun but I found it a bit "you have to build things in this order".
Frostpunk's been on my list for a while... Am waiting for a silly sale I think.

Have the other two, and can also recommend Rimworld & Banished for colony building type games. Oxygen Not Included is also fun but I found it a bit "you have to build things in this order".

Ha! I was going to say Rimworld but I wasn't sure if the graphics would be too basic. It's crazy how addictive it is, yet so basic in its appearance. Alas I ran out of time to really discover all the crafting processes etc. But a pretty cool game if you can look beyond the graphics.
I wasn't sure if the graphics would be too basic.

I love many (but not all!) games like this. Stuff that will run on a potato relies on good game design because it can't rely on the shinies. FTL, Darkest Dungeon, Factorio... All brill little games.

Not a fan of the pixel art platformers though. Mainly because they're too quick for me.
Just logged into my Epic account for the first time in ages (some games came free with my new computer) and I notice they have World War Z free for a limited time. Just had a quick blast with it and it's a lot of fun - and somehow appropriate for the times :)

I also checked UbiSoft and noticed that since I last played Assassin's Creed (um, 2008?) there seem to be a *lot* of options. Anybody know a good way to get started with this? Do I just buy the classic game for about 3 quid and work my way through the saga or can I jump into one of the other story lines with a bundle?
Frostpunk's been on my list for a while... Am waiting for a silly sale I think.

Its on Gamepass. Gamepass ultimate lets you play the PC and/or xBox version. I'm pretty certain first month can be had for £1.
Going to fire up the htc vive, pass a couple of ours, there’s some good stuff on there, it’s just trying as hell after an hour.
I've been an avid PC gamers for as long as I can remember. As you can see from my avatar, I'm a HUGE Homeworld fan and strategy games in general, followed by single player FPS and action-adventure games.

Now not so much free time so less gaming. Unfortunately my gaming PC is at home while we "escaped" to North Somerset before London coronavirus kicked off. Fortunately we now have many streaming solutions, so I can stream all my games from home PC onto my lightweight laptop. Super fast pace game like Doom Eternal doesn't work with ~50ms ping, but slower games work well enough.

Lately, I've been revising Red Alert 2 and Halo MCC on PC. Last game I completed was Jedi Order, great game for any Star Wars or action-adventure fan. Nier Automata is also a memorable masterpiece.

Currently, top of my catch-up list:
- Control
- Doom Eternal
- Company of Heroes 2