Its my 52 - Week 48 & 49: MECHANICAL & DISTANT

wow, those are killer boots.. stunning against the white b/ground

all fab shots.. agree the card has great impact.. nice ideas
IAN: Sorry about that I had changed the settings and forgot others cannot see other sizes, I have changed it back so feel free to check it out!

the cards!? Darn it! I picked the rose because of the sentiment and also the fact that most of my images are so colourful - I get that the red on black has impact, just wanted to try something else.
Thanks for the opinions folks, at least I know Im moving in the right direction ;)

You may have noticed Im missing last week - its proving a tough one, I need a subject/skill and time - I will post 2 weeks in one by Monday hopefully.
See you then i guess
Hi Dade,

Sorry to hear about your job :(
I've been there too, but things have a way of sorting themselves out for the best. I know you're probably not feeling particularly enthusiastic right now, but make the most of every free minute you have. It won't be long until you're back to the daily grind.

I'm a bit late dropping in on this week, but they're all fantastic as usual.
I'd have to go with the majority and pick the cards as my favourite, but the coffee beans come a very close second.
As much as I like the rose image, it's just not as unique or having as much impact as the other shots.
Hi dade,

I will go against the majority on this I think.

I really like the red boots. Nicely lit and a very strong image. I can just imagine this on a large canvas hung on the wall (y)
Nice to see your images still as strong and colourful as ever like the boots best maybe I have a foot fetish :LOL: sorry to here about your work, its happening too often these days hopefully it will be for the best, you never know just what,s around the corner good luck on the job front.
Wonderfully imaginative, colourful shots! :clap:

I'm really sorry to hear about your work problems and do hope that something sorts itself out for you soon.
Wow. That larger shot is really really good. You can even pick out the texture in the card. Nice stuff!

Ian: Glad you liked the shot in the end ;)
Sarah: Im sure it will work out, I have a few things I would like to look into - my time here is Spain is done for now I feel anyway.
Daddy Day Care: hung on a wall, really!! Wow im flattered
Aztec: Im no longer scared of looking around corners ;) - foot fetish, huh!
Tracer: Cheers for the kind comments

As promised here is the 2 for 1 special. Weeks 8 and 9.
Challenges for me this week - time, working with 'models' and cheap equipment!






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Week 8 & 9 are both great shots. When I commented earlier in the thread I hadn't looked back at earlier shots - some really good use of colour! I especially like the reflections on the cutlery.

Two good shots you've selected for your weeks 8 & 9. Particularly like the pencil shot where the difference is very subtle. The angle and lighting on it are perfect :clap:
Phil: Cheers for taking a look back at the others - quite a bit of work and thought went in to them, shame not to see them :D
Darren: Cheers for the comment, yeah it is subtle, I had an idea for the shot but wanted... ...something. Then the idea came to me to break off the tip - simple but effective (y)
Superb shot for portrait, the eyes leap out. Odd One Out... I like the one you have chosen, it took a moment to spot the odd one out.
A nice collection of images.

The portrait is stunning. Great processing.

The pencils made me smile. Another good use of colour this week. You might convert me to try one colour shot in my 52 at this rate.

The portraits are great. Those are what i like to call envy generators :D

Damn i wish i thought of the pencil shot. So original. Really up there with my favourite photos i've seen. Great work :clap: :clap:
John: cheers, glad you liked the portrait, O.O.O. is subtle (thats why i like it)
Ian: YES!! come to the bright side, at least one colour shot. - thanks for the praise
Rich: envy generators - yeah mine go crazy every time I see everyone elses super shots, glad you liked it ;)
I seem to have missed your thread for the last couple of weeks. Sorry to hear about your job.

For week 7 I think I prefer the boots. Very strong, colourful image.

I think your week 8 is fantastic and week 9 is very clever indeed.

I am really enjoying your thread.

Beautiful shots again from you Dade.

Week 8: I completely agree with your choice of shot - those eyes are simply stunning and the turquoise sets them off a treat (y)
(although the one with the hand does come a very close second for me)

Week 9 : Again I love your chosen shot and it took me a while to work out which one was the odd one out . . . very subtle.
As always great colours from you, but I do really love the angle and DoF to this too.
The single peppercorn amongst the salt is a fantastic shot too though - and very effective.
Sorry folks this ones late again!!
Well I tried my hand at doing a Triptych this week. I had planned on three different version, one with coffee and another with bubble bath (dont ask), but sadly time was against me.
Anyway here is what I did manage to do - hope you like it

WEEK 10 - Triptych
Your chosen portrait is an absolute cracker. :clap::clap: :clap: I hope she is pleased with it.

The pencils are fun but I actually prefer the coins for the 'odd one out'. I think perhaps there is just a little too much space around the pencils for my liking.

The triptych works very well for me - excellent lighting has captured lovely colours and patterns. I would just like to see a bigger version.
Tracer: many thanks and yes she did, very much.
Pencils i hear what your saying, its currently my desktop pic, so the space works perfectly for that, but i get your point ;)
glad you like the triptych, your wish granted
Superb Triptych Dade... Love the colours, textures and details in there. Looks stunning big on black...

I'd like to see the shell in the one on the left even closer though... the patterns are excellent (that's nothing to do with the triptych, nothing wrong with it at all... just a personal preference).
Some really great photos!

I really like the portraits, especially the chosen one. I need to try taking more portraits!
JOHN: cheers, thanks for the input, personal opinions welcome ;)

WICKERMAN: cheers bud, its a nice shot, and something I too and trying hard to get to grips with, portraits are not my strong suit.

Actually guys weeks 11, 12 & 13 are gonna suffer Im away for a while and when I return home a lot is going to change quickly; moving house, the country, so I may not post them for a while but rest assured they are being done, just not got time or access to upload them right now.
Please understand if I dont comment of your 52 this is the reason, nothing else ;)
the triptych is fab.. love the textures and colours, interesting swirls on the shells too..

your chosen portrait is beautiful.. such clarity in the eyes
Thanks for the link to the bigger version of the triptych - it's terrific! :clap:

Hope all the upheaval goes as well as possible.
Im back - well for a little while before im off again!
But I did manage to get week 11 and 12 done, phewwwww!!!

For Week 11, I chose headshots using natural light, which was a challenge, but I guess that the point. I tried where possible to get some variation in the shots and faces with interest and character.
Choosing the final one was difficult, not most because I wasnt happy with the final result - I could see issues with all of them; which shows I certainly need to practise this more.



The chosen shot - Week 11 - HEADSHOT

As for Week 12, I chose The Great Outdoors as I was literally in the middle of nowhere; Valdelavilla in Spain. It was a nice place, but even the people who lived there abandoned it years ago.
A lot of trekking up mountains and hills, but it was worth it.


The chosen shot - Week 12 - THE GREAT OUTDOORS

To see more of the shots I took check out my Flickr Page
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Great thread, really enjoyed looking through all your shots so far. Inspired me to up my game!
:wave: Welcome back Dade, even if it is only for a little while.
I thought I hadn't seen anything from you for a while.

Superb Triptych Dade... Love the colours, textures and details in there. Looks stunning big on black...

I'd like to see the shell in the one on the left even closer though... the patterns are excellent (that's nothing to do with the triptych, nothing wrong with it at all... just a personal preference).

I think I missed your triptych first time round, but John's already said all I wanted to on that one.
Absolutely stunning, but just a touch closer on the left hand shell would have felt a bit more balanced.

Your portrait shots all work well for week 11, but I think that you've picked the right one. It just feels like there's more impact and character in that one.

And for the Great Outdoors, those are 3 absolute stunners :clap:
Again, I think you've picked the best one for your final choice. Just not entirely convinced by the dark foreground leaves framing it.
I can see why you composed it that way, it's just not QUITE working for me.
:agree: ...

The portrait chosen has a lot more impact and picks up the character more.

And that last one.. is amazing... love it.. even got some crep rays in there. I hadn't noticed the leaves till Sarah pointed them out... I'm not sure on them and can't decide.
The chosen head shot is very good - the close crop, slight angle, and relaxed expression add up to a very appealing shot.

The great outdoors - I'm with Sarah on this one, and would prefer it without the branches and cropped a little at the bottom. But it is a lovely example of lighting and aerial perspective.

I also like the ruined farmhouse, though would prefer less of a vignette. Spain is such a picturesque country.
Sarah: Thank you for your kind comments, thanks for your invaluable input - notes duly taken. I understand about The Great Outdoors, and have cropped them off for my desktop picture - Im undecided on them, it certainly does draw your eye, but it also frames the shot which was my aim at the time of taking it.

John: Im with you undecided - looks clean without them, but framed and a little out the ordinary with them?!

Tracer: Glad you liked the headshot, personally undecided on The Great Outdoors but it does look nice and clean without them and works well too.
The farmhouse was a great find and heavy cloud cover helped to get some nice shadowing, agree about vignette - easy to get carried away I guess ;)
Im a week behind on my shots but I have so much going on right now I have to do the best I can.
This week I was still playing with natural light for the most part and having Lunch Time as the subject decided to go for some authentic Spanish cuisine.

Hope you like the shots more on my FLICKr

A few close ones



The chosen one - Week 13 - LUNCH TIME
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Ok I shouldn't have looked at this!....Really hungry now! :)

All very nice shots but the one you've chosen really stands out(y) Excellent perspective...and love the way you have arranged the corks....Rioja my favourite!
That last one it superb. The lighting looks spot on and the simple out of focus colourful sky works perfectly.(y)
Great photo for week 13, really like the perspective and colours in the sky.