jeangenie's 52 for 2010 - Week 26 Beginnings

Walkers in the Rain - I prefer the dull version. Your enhanced version made me wonder why people would be fully kitted out in wet weather gear with hoods up and heads bowed in such bright conditions.
It makes a reasonable candid shot but I think I would have preferred it if you had managed to snap them from the front. However, given the weather, well done for getting out there and getting something.

The Postie - Yes, I like a lot. Head bowed and foot in mid fall makes for a great shot. I'm another who would like to see the car gone -perhaps cloned out rather than cropped?
His head seems a bit blurred to me but I think that such things contribute to a much stronger feeling of candid.
Makes a lot of sense to me. I think the minute you actually start to take people's opinions on board, you're bound to work the photo to suit the audience. Sometimes though, i do like to take a shot and do my own thing with it. Either way, good shots :)

Thanks Rich. You've made me take this line of thinking a little further - It's great to get advice and constructive feedback, and take it on board. But after all, this is also somebody else's opinion. Deciding whether comments are a way to improve a photo, or just somebody else's opinion could be a minefield! Help! My brain's starting to spin. :eek:

Walkers in the Rain - I prefer the dull version. Your enhanced version made me wonder why people would be fully kitted out in wet weather gear with hoods up and heads bowed in such bright conditions.
It makes a reasonable candid shot but I think I would have preferred it if you had managed to snap them from the front. However, given the weather, well done for getting out there and getting something.

Thanks, Rob. On reflection, I prefer the dull version to - for much the same reasons. Getting in front of them wasn't really an option - they were some distance away and disappearing into the trees - but I totally agree it would have made a much better shot.

The Postie - Yes, I like a lot. Head bowed and foot in mid fall makes for a great shot. I'm another who would like to see the car gone -perhaps cloned out rather than cropped?
His head seems a bit blurred to me but I think that such things contribute to a much stronger feeling of candid.

Thanks Rob - The whole shot was soft - but the lens was wet and I was keen to grab the shot and get out of the rain. :LOL:

Have you ever looked at the 52 theme on a Sunday night and thought "yipee, a nice easy one" and then put it to the back of your mind, "knowing" you'll come up with something for it before the following Sunday? I thought so - most of you! :LOL:

So at 5 pm tonight, I thought, "Ahh - must just knock off a quick shot for Produce while I'm cooking dinner". I'm sure you can see where this is going. :razz:

I decided my 'produce' would be something that I'll grow on the allotment this year, and one of my favourite crops are raspberries. In the absence of fresh ones (I know, if I'd have thought about it yesterday.....) I dug a few out of the freezer, let them defrost ... - and ate them! They weren't worth photographing.

So I thought I'd make a virtue out of necessity and get an amazing close-up shot of a raspberry sparkling with ice crystals. :LOL::LOL::LOL: In my dreams. Finding a good-looking frozen raspberry isn't easy, and they're all hell-bent on defrosting in double-quick time.

So, the reality falls far short of the concept, but here is the best-looking raspberry in our freezer! ;)

Please be honest - c&c of any kind is most welcome!

:exit: to eat props! :D

Oh WOW. How amazing izzat ?

The colour and detail are wonderful, how the hell do you get a shot that sharp !!
Jean, I think I must have missed your last week's shots. I thought I had commented.

Candid - you did amazingly well considering the weather. I think it is a pity that the horse was behind those people - just the wrong place. I would also have cloned out the white bits on the right.

The postie shot is just so candid. Poor guy, I feel his pain out in that weather. I think I would have cropped out the car.

This week's shot just jumps out at you, but I would have preferred more DOF. Beautiful colours. Hope it tasted good.

Have you ever looked at the 52 theme on a Sunday night and thought "yipee, a nice easy one" and then put it to the back of your mind, "knowing" you'll come up with something for it before the following Sunday? I thought so - most of you! :LOL:
Been there, done that! :LOL:

But you got a pretty good shot at the end of it all. (y) The frost makes it a bit different from a standard rasp shot, and I actually rather like the shallow DOF.

Hope you are are not now regretting (?over-) indulging in rasps. :D
looks good enough to eat!.. only i dont like raspberries.. ;) the ice makes it look sugar coated.. like the focus and the vivid colour is really striking
I think the postie is the stronger of the 2, I also agree with the rest regarding cropping out the rear of the car.

The raspberry is a juicy shot and the colour really stands out, a little more dof for me though.

Wow! That raspberry’s got some real impact. It just jumps out of the screen at me :clap:
In fact it’s one of my favourites out of your 52 this year. Amazing colour, brilliantly sharp and the ice crystals make it look like it’s been dipped in sugar.
I love the way that you’ve managed to get a bit of light right into the centre of the raspberry and the pinky reflection just sets it off.

If I was being really critical (and I mean really critical), I’d like just a bit more DoF just to bring the LHS a little more in focus – but that’s just nitpicking.

:LOL: :LOL: :LOL: I can’t shift the image of you sifting through frozen raspberries to find the perfect specimen, but it was definitely worth the effort. I hope we get see loads more macro stuff from you over the rest of the 52.
The raspberry is cool :cool:

... se what i did there? Cool? Ice? Freezer?... No? Oh well... :coat:

Seriously though, i'd have to agree on the tiniest amount more DOF but otherwise, great :)
Jean did you get a shot of you rasp sifting :LOL: ...

I'm with Sarah... a really good shot, wonderful colour and the ice frosting looks like sugar frosting... being picky a little more DOF on the upper left.
Thats a delicious looking raspberry and fits the theme fine.

Thanks, Sue

Oh WOW. How amazing izzat ?

The colour and detail are wonderful, how the hell do you get a shot that sharp !!

Thank you kindly, Rob. I'm glad you like it, but 5 pm on Sunday concentrates the mind a tad! ;)

Cracking shot Jean - looks sugar coated - yum!

Thanks, Paul. I must admit I hoped it might look frosted with sugar, rather than melting ice. :)

Jean, I think I must have missed your last week's shots. I thought I had commented.

Candid - you did amazingly well considering the weather. I think it is a pity that the horse was behind those people - just the wrong place. I would also have cloned out the white bits on the right.

The postie shot is just so candid. Poor guy, I feel his pain out in that weather. I think I would have cropped out the car.

This week's shot just jumps out at you, but I would have preferred more DOF. Beautiful colours. Hope it tasted good.


Candid wasn't a particularly good week for me - I think some themes should be restricted to summer months. :LOL:

MMmmm, raspberries - love them :)

For me, it's just a tad out of focus where it really matters - I agree with Jenny that it could do with just a little more DoF to make it really stand out :)

I do agree with you both, Nick and Jenny. It looked a bit sharper in the camera, and by the time I'd downloaded the shots it was too dark to try again. :bang:

Been there, done that!

But you got a pretty good shot at the end of it all. (y) The frost makes it a bit different from a standard rasp shot, and I actually rather like the shallow DOF.

Hope you are are not now regretting (?over-) indulging in rasps.

I'm glad I'm not the only one to misjudge an 'easy' theme. :nono: I'm glad you like it, and no, there were no ill effects. :LOL:

Lovely shot of a raspberry - great colour and detail - looks delicious :)

Thank you kindly. :)

mm lovely colours .. looks good enough to eat !!

:LOL: Eating is what I did most of! :D

looks good enough to eat!.. only i dont like raspberries.. ;) the ice makes it look sugar coated.. like the focus and the vivid colour is really striking

Aww, MIchelle - sorry you don't like raspberries - can I have your share? ;) I'm pleased you like the shot, though. :)

Brilliant close up shot. Makes me want to make a smoothy.

:LOL: that would be the smallest smoothy in the world, then. (y) Glad you like it, Steve.

I think the postie is the stronger of the 2, I also agree with the rest regarding cropping out the rear of the car.

The raspberry is a juicy shot and the colour really stands out, a little more dof for me though.


Thank you, Scott. That car will have to go!!! I'll have to shoot more raspberries when I've got fresh ones - and I'll try and get that extra dof. :)

Wow! That raspberry’s got some real impact. It just jumps out of the screen at me
In fact it’s one of my favourites out of your 52 this year. Amazing colour, brilliantly sharp and the ice crystals make it look like it’s been dipped in sugar.
I love the way that you’ve managed to get a bit of light right into the centre of the raspberry and the pinky reflection just sets it off.

If I was being really critical (and I mean really critical), I’d like just a bit more DoF just to bring the LHS a little more in focus – but that’s just nitpicking.

:LOL: I can’t shift the image of you sifting through frozen raspberries to find the perfect specimen, but it was definitely worth the effort. I hope we get see loads more macro stuff from you over the rest of the 52.

Thanks, Sarah - I'm really pleased you like it. One of the reasons I chose a raspberry was for the colour - I love it! The dof seems to be a tad too shallow for most people. When you look at any item for a table top shot you see all sorts of imperfections you wouldn't notice normally - even with raspberries. :D

The raspberry is cool :cool:

... se what i did there? Cool? Ice? Freezer?... No? Oh well... :coat: That comment is cool, too, Rich. :LOL: ;)

Seriously though, i'd have to agree on the tiniest amount more DOF but otherwise, great :)

Glad you like it.

Jean did you get a shot of you rasp sifting :LOL: ... Clever clogs!!!! ;)

I'm with Sarah... a really good shot, wonderful colour and the ice frosting looks like sugar frosting... being picky a little more DOF on the upper left.

Thanks, John. I really appreciate the comments. :)

I like the burst of colour in the produce shot - as others have said more dof would have been good. I almost wish I hadn't been told it is a raspberry as up-close it takes a little thinking about to work out!

I like the burst of colour in the produce shot - as others have said more dof would have been good. I almost wish I hadn't been told it is a raspberry as up-close it takes a little thinking about to work out!


Thanks, Phil. It's actually a frozen pink monster from outer space! ;) :)

Really like your 'produce' shot. Its well lit and works perfectly.

Thanks Darren - I appreciate your comment. :)

Try as I might, I couldn't get inspired by this week's theme (sorry to whoever suggested it!). All I could think of were quad bikes - and I don't know a single person who has one. :LOL:

All week I've tried to come up with something witty, unusual, artistic or, or, ... something. And ... Zilch. :bang::bang::bang:

So I set myself an 'additional' task within the theme. To photograph an animal with 4 legs so that all four legs showed. Tough, eh. :LOL:

So here is my Quad:

It was (as usual!) taken in pouring rain, but of the two possible contenders, I thought this was better than Rusty 'truffle hunting', also in the rain:

My apologies for the boring efforts this week. :(

Please, please can we have something inspirational for next week, Simon. :)

Absolutely no need to apologise - these are lovely shots. The horse is absolutely stunning, both the pose and the PP. :clap::clap: Definitely fits the theme, even down to the square crop (did you get the idea from John, eh? ;))
2 lovely shots. The horse photo is stunning and fits the theme really well
Produce - Oh dear. There was I thinking, wow, it looks like you've dipped it in sugar and then I read the comments and realised that many of us did. It must be like going to all the trouble of dipping a hand selected raspberry in finest vanilla sugar and we all think you've captured some splendid ice crystals.
And, hey, that might be the best looking raspberry in your freezer, but I'd happily eat its sister:love:

Jump-out-red, saucy coulis reflection, red frame - Delicious to look at and to contemplate.(y)

Quad - Witty? Unusual? Artistic?
Nope. Absoluely nope, nope, nope.
However, that horsey one is simply wonderful - superb detail and I think the pp adds to the image perfectly (not always the case with pp, I feel).

Not so keen on the Rusty shot. I like the dof and the sharp detail of the fur but think the colours could be toned down a bit.
Absolutely no need to apologise - these are lovely shots. The horse is absolutely stunning, both the pose and the PP. :clap::clap: Definitely fits the theme, even down to the square crop (did you get the idea from John, eh? ;))

Thanks Tracer - I'm glad you like them. The square crop - no, I didn't get it from John, and didn't even see the 'quad' connection until I read John's post. :bang: :LOL:

2 lovely shots. The horse photo is stunning and fits the theme really well

Thanks - I really appreciate your comments. :)

The horse looks a bit bedraggled but that's fine, not sure about the sepia effect though.
I would have perhaps liked to have seen a bit more of the dogs eye.
Good efforts though.


The poor horse was very bedraggled - they live out on the forest all year round and the combination of shedding winter coats and pouring rain makes them look very tatty.

The dog was a quick grab shot, and I take your point about the eye. Thanks very much for commenting, Allan. :)

I like the horse one .. although I'm also not sure about the colour. Cute looking little dog.

Thanks - I did play about with the colour quite a bit and I ws trying to convey the miserable weather! Rusty is cute - but he got filthy on that walk. :LOL:

Produce - Oh dear. There was I thinking, wow, it looks like you've dipped it in sugar and then I read the comments and realised that many of us did. It must be like going to all the trouble of dipping a hand selected raspberry in finest vanilla sugar and we all think you've captured some splendid ice crystals.
And, hey, that might be the best looking raspberry in your freezer, but I'd happily eat its sister:love:

Jump-out-red, saucy coulis reflection, red frame - Delicious to look at and to contemplate.(y)

Quad - Witty? Unusual? Artistic?
Nope. Absoluely nope, nope, nope.
However, that horsey one is simply wonderful - superb detail and I think the pp adds to the image perfectly (not always the case with pp, I feel).

Not so keen on the Rusty shot. I like the dof and the sharp detail of the fur but think the colours could be toned down a bit.

Thanks, Rob. Raspberries are always yummy - glad you liked this one. :)

Wow, thanks as well for the lovely comments about the horse shot - I was very unsure about it, and the way I'd processed it.

The Rusty shot is pretty much straight from camera (supposedly one of my aims for this Project!) but with the D-lighting on high it was perhaps a bit OTT. I really appreciate the feedback. :)

Horse for me. Loads of detail, clever use of the square crop and the PP is spot on. Not all photo's require blue skys and sunshine, this is wonderful.
I like both of these, Jean, but prefer the horse. I think the sepia colour is a good idea. It sets the mood to match the weather. The square crops also make them fit the theme even better than just 2 quadrupeds. I also like the positioning of Rusty in the photo.

Well done.

I thought animals might be popular I used one :LOL:. I love everything about the horse shot :clap:
Nice shots Jean, it might be my monitor but the horse looks a little soft...It also looks exactly like the one I've got on my quad 52. Was it taken around Picket Post?

Great composition and nice use of PP, it enhanses the mood and overall shot well (y)
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Jean, no need to apologise at all.. the horse is a lovely shot indeed, and the processing it excellent. I really like it, and well done on getting a 4 legged beasty of any size with all 4 legs showing... Rusty is a nice shot too, but doesn't have quite the same impact as the horsey.

hey did you know... a square crop gives you another quad <snigger> :naughty:
The horse shot for me. The sepia effect really works you can almost feel the cold and wet!
That horse shot is just my type of image - another favourite from your 52 (the way you've been going the last couple of weeks, they're all going to be favourites :LOL:)

Very sharp, great detail in the coat and the PP really suits it.
Love it, love it, love it :love:
The only (majorly picky) thing I would change would be to clone out that little tuft of hair sticking up on his rump.

And did Rusty find you any truffles? ;)
He's a cutie as always, and he really looks like he needs a bath after this shot.
I like the arch in his back and the way it follows through to his tail - This could have worked well for curved.
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Love the horse - no apology needed at all! Interesting shot and the colour treatment accentuates the form without distract.
