Jessops Printing?

Edit My Images
Hello :)

I bought a camera last month in Jessops and got a voucher for 300 6x4 prints or 150 7x5 prints. After losing, :bonk: then finding the voucher :clap:, I decided to go for the 7x5 prints and cropped the 150 pics I wanted to 7x5. Anyway, I got the pics today and it seems that they have slightly cropped the images again, and on some of the pics they are not level anymore. :eek: I thought that if I cropped the images there would be no more cropping. :shrug:

I went through the pictures in the store to see that they were OK, and noticed that two had been noticeably re-cropped. I pointed this out to the sales person and he re-printed the two pictures with only a slight improvement. :(

I don't want to be taking time cropping images how I want them printed if they are going to be cropped again even if they are the correct ratio. :annoyed: Do I need to leave leeway for a re-crop?

Has anybody had any experience of this with Jessops, or indeed with any other printer cropping images again?
we need examples?
Did you take them to a store, or do it on-line.

I got a couple done on-line and they were rubbish, but the odd time I've use a store they have been fine.
Did you take them to a store, or do it on-line.

I got a couple done on-line and they were rubbish, but the odd time I've use a store they have been fine.

I agree I have had them done instore occasionally & they have been fine.
Thanks for replying.

I resized all the images to 7x5 in Photoshop. I put them on a USB pendrive and took them into the shop, popped the drive in the machine, chose 7x5, highlighted the 150 pics and uploaded them to print.

I don't own a printer, and rarely print, so I don't know whether them cropping again is usual. :shrug:

I'm not sure how to show examples other than to take a pic of the pic, which may not have the quality to see the problem. :shrug:
The Jessops in Liverpool are terrible for printing.

I printed several images for photography club this week and found the follwing issues:

The 7x5 images are cropped (even though they had been sized in Lightroom).
Several 6x4 prints have a white border on one edge which starts off about 1mm thick at the bottom of the image and gets to about 3mm thick as you move up to the top of the image.
Two images have scratches across them, like a score mark that hasn't gone too deep.

I didn't complain, I simple won't be using them for printing ever again.
The Jessops in Liverpool are terrible for printing.

I printed several images for photography club this week and found the follwing issues:

The 7x5 images are cropped (even though they had been sized in Lightroom).
Several 6x4 prints have a white border on one edge which starts off about 1mm thick at the bottom of the image and gets to about 3mm thick as you move up to the top of the image.
Two images have scratches across them, like a score mark that hasn't gone too deep.

I didn't complain, I simple won't be using them for printing ever again.

mmm Looking at the location of the OP I am guessing it might be the Liverpool store thats at fault, everytime ive used them I have used Cannock:shrug:

Still they have the best footie team on the red side so ill let them off the crap printing:LOL:
Thanks for the replies.

It is indeed the Liverpool store where I got the prints done. Glad (in a way) that someone else has had printing problems in the same store. I cannot believe they cropped them again, even if it is small. It ruins some of the prints. There is a little slither of white in the corner of a few of them like they may have not been cut right. :(

I'm not sure whether I'll go back and query them. I'll have to check them against the computers on the computer and see which ones are the worst.

I expected them to be good as it is a very new store, and I would have expected them to have the latest gear, properly set up, to stop this happening. :(
See if you can get them printed at 6x9 as this will fit in withthe frame ration on you camera.
I've just been through all the pictures and a lot of them have been ruined by the re-crop. :(

I'm going to go back and see if I can get them sorted, hopefully tomorrow.

I always advise people to crop before they get to the shop to save themselves some time, and not be subject to large random crops. But if they are going to crop them when you've taken the time to crop, what's the point. :shrug:

Hopefully this is just a random Jessops thing.

The free prints, in this case, hasn't encouraged me to get anymore prints from them. Luckily it hasn't cost me to find out this problem.
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the old addage - pay peanuts get monkeys - springs to mind - when the print price is so low they have to use unskilled or semiskilled staff - and the same goes for management...

They might use the same kit as other labs - but sounds like its badly set up...
the old addage - pay peanuts get monkeys - springs to mind - when the print price is so low they have to use unskilled or semiskilled staff - and the same goes for management...

They might use the same kit as other labs - but sounds like its badly set up...

In fairness I paid 30p per 6x4 print and 40p per 7x5 print - so for that price the area manager who also happens to have an OBE for services to photography should be handling my prints :LOL:
thats the problem that all large companies face - getting good staff for all their branches.

One person has a bad experience in one branch - they blog it, and all branches are tarred with the same brush....

When you read of Glyn's post the printer is badly set, yet the staff don't see that, perhaps as they don't care! Now, at the branch you use, he does.

It's very interesting how companies are adapting to the social medias and forums.... if I were running jessops/photobox/boots etc printing sections I would be checking facebook/twitter/forums to see what was being said.

I once complained about bt internet on twitter - within 5 mins I had a message from someone at BT to ask the problem - and they took ownership of the problem until it was resolved. See the effect - I'm relaying that story. At 30p per 6x4 and 40p per 5x7 those are respectable prices - not the 5p per 6x4 that some places charge (which just about covers costs)
I went into Jessops earlier just before they closed to ask about my prints. The chap remembered me, and we put my Pendrive into one of their machines set to 7x5 prints and compared it to the previous print, and he said that he didn't know why the images had been cropped again as they looked OK on the screen, and he had never experienced it before. I also pointed out an image which had been cropped, but cropped at an angle. I said even if the image wasn't already cropped to the correct ratio, (which it was) why would it crop and rotate. Again, he said he didn't understand what happened. :shrug:

My images were still in their computer, so he's printing them out again. Fingers crossed the images will come out right. I'll hopefully pick them up Friday.

PS He said the machine needing to be calibrated wasn't a factor.
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That is how I done it on the few times I have used them & never had a problem:thinking:

:plus1: I've printed in-store 2/3 times and been pleased with the results, but I cropped exactly to size before taking the files in. Looks as though it's a problem with your store - is there another nearby-ish that you can use to compare?

Edit: From your latest post, it looks as though it's being resolved. Good luck!
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Well I went in to Jessops to pick up my re-prints, and there is still some re-cropping during the printing process. :(

I spoke to a different chap, the manager I think, and he agreed that there was re-cropping happening during the print process. He re-printed a few at different print sizes, 8x6 and 9x6 which gave a wider ratio, and even though there was more of the original image, there was still some of the image cropped. :shrug:

The chap said he had never known it to happen before, or at least no body had mentioned it. He said he was going to check is own images, and see if other shops that printer do the same thing, I'm going to try and do the dame thing.

I'm also going to hopefully make a test image with pictures of rulers in Photoshop to see how much is being cut off each image.
All photographic printers enlarge your image by around 3% - otherwise you'd end up with a sliver of white on one or more sides of the print - so you'll always loose a couple of mm all round - sometimes a little more on one side, a little less on the other.

The Fuji and Noristu pinters cut the paper off a roll - it's then located on the expose area - and it doesn't always have perfect registration.
Well I made a test image of rulers to see how much is being cropped from images, and I also re-printed one of my images to check colour as well as cropping. I printed the same images in Jessops, Max Spielmann and Boots. I printed the two images with a border and borderless, apart from in Max Spielmann who's machine printed out on 6" paper, but with a border.

So my findings so far, if you want your images to print as you crop them, at 7x5 at least, get them printed with a border as this seems to print the whole of the image. Borderless crops your image. A chap in Jessops said he always adds a few millimetres after cropping because he knew that the machine would re-crop. 'I said that is fine if you have something like Photoshop were you can expand your selection, but no so handy if using something like Picasa'.

Having been told that Jessops machines didn't need calibrating originally, when I received my new prints they were noticeably brighter and the colour was different to the previous prints I had got. :eek: I was told this time that the machines are calibrated every Sunday, and that the person who does the calibrating had been off for three weeks. :eek: :bonk: So I was told to get prints done in Jessops on Monday after calibration, in the Liverpool store at least. I doubt I'll be getting any more prints there with the cropping problem and the variable print quality. :shrug: Jessops printing machines were the easiest to use though. :) Doesn't help if the prints aren't that good though.

So far I've had two lots of images from Jessops, Max Spielmann and Boots. The colour rendition was different with each print. The most surprising difference was between the Jessops calibrated and uncalibrated machine.

I'm going to get the same two images printed with a border, and borderless in as many places as I can to see what happens at each high street store. The only other two I can think of trying are Asda and Jacob's. I'm not sure if my local huge Tesco does them as well, but if they do I'll print with them as too.

Once I have all the prints, and I've scanned them, I'll start a new thread with my findings and hopefully be exact in to how much is being cropped. Colour and brightness is another thing. ;) I can't believe the variable quality and cropping so far. :eek:
the reason there is no missing image with the border - the magnification added is to ensure that all the paper is exposed - as unexposed paper would give a white border - but if you print with a white border.... no issue!

Consistency is one of the big issues at consumer end printing - and one of the reasons why pro labs often charge more or much more....
the reason there is no missing image with the border - the magnification added is to ensure that all the paper is exposed - as unexposed paper would give a white border - but if you print with a white border.... no issue!

Consistency is one of the big issues at consumer end printing - and one of the reasons why pro labs often charge more or much more....

I agree consistency is the problem. If they are going to cut off some of the image they should tell people so they can compensate, and they should cut the same amount off every image, whereas now it seems a bit random. Although I think with it being a digital process there shouldn't be that much cut off, especially if the image is the correct ratio. There is not the need to expand as much as with a negative which will not be the correct shape. I suppose the tolerances are not very precise, although you would think they would have the process dialled in by now.

And colour, OMG, :eek: I can't even get consistency from the same shop. :bang: :LOL:
to be fair i used to get all of my prints done at either the poole or basingstoke jessops and never had any issue, even with crops. that was until the poole store changed manager and they started getting an orange cast and the missus moved from basingstoke.