weekly JohnN's 52 project for 2013 - Week 39 - Sweet

^^ lol @ sausages!
I think slightly more DOF would've done you some favours here too, you kind of almost look for the nose to be in focus leading back to the eyes? Nice shot though, keep it up! :)
Just a little catch up to prove I'm still out there :)

Week 36 - Curve by magsnorton, on Flickr

I did try that one in vertical but its didn't work quite as well - I also had another 20 something alts but this was the best for me.

Week 37 - Power 3 by magsnorton, on Flickr

I also had a few alts to this too - but Herbert thought this one the best so given he's occasionally right (don;t tell him I told you!) I went with this one.
Hi John

big apologies for missing a few of your weeks :crying:

Whimisical....oh yes....sausages indeed....made me laugh , maybe agrab shot but really shows his character :)

Curve....very.... hmmm, not quite sure of the word but does look like smoke , very effective as an abstract (y)

Power...really want the smoke to be in focus but then I may be missing the point :thinking:

Solitude....OH YES....just perfect , moody dark but not too much , fab clouds & though the boat is tiny my eye goes straight to it....I can feel a frame coming on :clap:
Curve, I'll come back to this one as I'm on iPad need to look at it bigger.

Power, like it. Great detail and texture in the near rifle. Pity that wasn't the one that fired.

Solitude works for me. Uber solitude. Good detail in the clouds and well composed. Think I might like a little detail on the RH cliff.

Good catch up (y)
Thanks all :)

Solitude is a bit of a cheat - well sort of... I was thinking solitude, negative space that sort of thing when I shot it but it was taken back in July but post processed today, the cliff was deliberately darked to remove it as a focus point, but I'll look at it again without.

I know what you both mean about the gun - usual bad timing, that said it I think it would have not worked as well due to the framing, still getting those is as much luck as anything!

Curve is actually a two second shot using of all things a fibre optic UFO I picked up at a car boot for a quid - yes at last a use of it!!
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Love the Curve pic the light is excellent :clap:

Power i like it as it is, it has a sort of implied power with whats happening in the BG

Solitude fantastic sky and the little white speck of the boat makes a nice image

great catch up
Curve is great. well done.

Power, I'm not not so keen, as you said yourself, you focussed on the wrong one!

I think Solitude is Ace. I would have that on my wall in a heartbeat if it were mine.
Thanks all, nice to get feedback - I do actually like power tough :)

Right in line with being two weeks behind its time I thought it time to crack out the new 60D and 410 gear head and have a closeup shot.

Loving the accuracy of the 410, but even despite all that changed it a bit in post - one day I'll get t right first time!

Well enough wittering and heres - sweet...

Week 39 - Hot Sugar (Sweet) by magsnorton, on Flickr

BTW its looking like Flickr are planning to do away for BBCode in the new experience unless anyone else can see where its hiding.
Thanks Chris, it was the good old fibre optic ufo again, rapidly looking like the best one pound investment ever!

Yeah, the Flickr thing is new, just saw it yesterday, if you look at an image if offers the new experience, once in there the bbcode is gone, a pity as it looks good, however feedback is available and if you search (which I wish other people would so the votes would be focused) you can votes or suggest ideas to improve it, obviously I pumped a load of three point votes into the ones requesting bbcode be returned.
Thanks Chris, it was the good old fibre optic ufo again, rapidly looking like the best one pound investment ever!

Yeah, the Flickr thing is new, just saw it yesterday, if you look at an image if offers the new experience, once in there the bbcode is gone, a pity as it looks good, however feedback is available and if you search (which I wish other people would so the votes would be focused) you can votes or suggest ideas to improve it, obviously I pumped a load of three point votes into the ones requesting bbcode be returned.

bubble? I meant BULB :)

anyhow not sure I am seeing the same flickr experience as you can you show an example? maybe a topic for a different thread...
Sweet that's a very strange photograph, lovely oranges. Overall composition....maybe loosing the gap on the left although that does add contrast to the photograph.

Thanks again - I have another version with a different layout and without the area to the left and it doesn't look anywhere near as striking and way too central, that said its the only one of the fifty or so tries that I kept apart from that one.
Sweet is clever, looks like it's on fire. (y)

RE the BBcode: I had trouble finding the opt out bit too!
Do you mean the actual focus point, or the point of the image - anyway this will answer both - the focus was on the corner of the left front sugar cube.

BTW apologies to all - falling behind again, what with work and selling stuff to pay for a bathroom and well as choosing stuff, ordering - the list (of lame excuses ;)) goes on....
Hi John

Whimsical - works well for the theme. caught a good expression and good eyes

Curve - like that. Super interest in the colours - attention grabbing. Just think that RHS black edge could be a little sharper/cleaner - as in the rest of the shot

Power - good idea, nice detail on the back barrel and contrast between wood and metal - but like others, i think that the focus should have been the other way around.

Solitude - top shot. Works really well, good contrast, works well in mono tones, nice balance of brooding cliffs on left and open sea on right and good use of thirds from top to bottom. :clap:

Sweet - not immediately obvious that it is sweet , but good colour and nice glow. Also puzzle in it hat the cubes look very hot but are not melting nor disintegrating.