Justlooking's 52 for 2010 - week 52 together - page 18

A good idea - to improve the saturation without getting Sellafield fat balls you could perhaps saturate selected portions depending on the software tools at your disposal.

Definition is quite good for shooting through a window, but composition isn't great with stray twigs criss-crossing the foreground.

It sure fits the theme, plenty of sharing going on. It's come out nicely for through a window, I find you often need to push the contrast harder than normal to compensate for the window and that lifts the saturation, without pushing the saturation.
thanks all. I think I need try and reposition the feeders if I am going to attempt this again and practise selecting areas to play with the saturation. MORE things to learn ! :)
I'm so accustomed to seeing cemetery shots in B&W that it's really refreshing to see one in colour - especially that warm, bright yellow.
Your judgement of the DoF is good in this, just the right amount of detail in the background. Agree with Chris though that a lower angle might have worked better.

Glad to see you still hanging in there even if your inspiration is starting to flag - only 6 more weeks to go !!!!!
I like the shot for faith - I think a selective desaturation with only the flowers in colour would have worked well.

Share: You have done really well to get such detail through a window, and so many birds in focus. It fits the theme and is a fun picture.

Faith: Excellent use of DOF and I like the soft colours and how they contrast with the brighter yellow. I agree with the others that a lower viewpoint might have worked better, but it might not have been possible.
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I like the bright yellow flowers in the foreground. They are a nice contrast to the gloomy grey of the headstones.

Thanks Sue

nice shot although i think if you could have got a bit lower it might have been better to get more of the stones in shot.

I'm so accustomed to seeing cemetery shots in B&W that it's really refreshing to see one in colour - especially that warm, bright yellow.
Your judgement of the DoF is good in this, just the right amount of detail in the background. Agree with Chris though that a lower angle might have worked better.
Thanks Sarah

I like the shot for faith - I think a selective desaturation with only the flowers in colour would have worked well.


I have never tried selective colouring .. something else to learn !

Faith: Excellent use of DOF and I like the soft colours and how they contrast with the brighter yellow. I agree with the others that a lower viewpoint might have worked better, but it might not have been possible.

I agree it would have looked better a bit lower but I would have to have lied down which I didn't think would have been appropriate !
Instantly recognisable what has been distorted JL, this works well with the theme. My only slight crit would be for the galss to be in focus though. Iain
Bang on theme, but needs an area of sharp focus.

Another catch up.

Share: Well done for attempting something you wouldn't normally do - both the ducks and the fat balls. This is how most of my bird photos turn out, so I know how difficult and frustrating it can be.

Faith: Fits the theme. A different type of shot as Sarah says. Shame you have chopped the bottom of the vase off.

Distortion: Great idea, but it's just missing the mark as it's just a little too out of focus.
Faith, it works well for the theme, and the contrast of the bright yellow to the grey in the background is excellent.

Distortion, it's clear what it is, and it's a great idea. It needs a point of focus though
Agree with the others -a great idea and quite good as it is. Worth having another go at it if you have the time.
Thanks for taking the time to look everyone. Yet again I have to agree with you .. something needs to be in focus :bonk:

Somehow it is easy to see mistakes as soon as someone points them out ! Still I guess that is part of the learning process.
week 48 Lead.

very predictable shot from me. Not had much time recently what with a trip to Glasgow and then visitors ... this is me getting in excuses !

I agree - and you seem to have got the exposure just right, maintaining the detail in all those black bits.
it fits the theme, and it's an unusual view of it, nice one.
Hi JL, catching up again...

Share: Your feeder seems to be very popular! That's a good idea for the theme. Maybe you would get some better photos if you had it more out in the open with less branches to get in the way.

Faith: I love this one. very poignant (y) I also agree with Phil that selective colouring would probably be really effective on this one.

Distortion: Good idea, but I agree with the others about a focus point.

Lead: Yes, predictable but fits the theme very well and is well composed and lit.

I like the end of the plug, but the kettle doesn't add much to the party IMO. I think it could work with a lot of white space on the left hand side.

I'm sorry I haven't commented on your thread for such a long, long time. I sympathise with the flagging-mojo-syndrome - I've certainly suffered from it this year and I think you've done really well to keep going, and going to a lot of trouble to 'find' the shot - especially the train one. :)

I really like your 'Share' shot - even with the twiggy bits and having to shoot through glass. Those little birds really look like they're queuing up to share the goodies. Well spotted. (y)

Lead: I've done an equally predictable shot for this, but I definitely compliment you on finding an unusual angle and giving the lead a potential home. The colours and the shadows work well, too. (y)

Keep going - only 4 more to go! :banana:

Good take on the theme. I too am intrigued by the choice of titles...and am wondering what the missing one is?
Space : Good take on the theme, well-lit and a pleasant enough composition.
I'm quite taken by the shadows and reflections through the CD cases to the left and right. For me it would have been nice to have a touch more space on the LHS to get all of the shadow in frame.

Lead : It might have been predictable interpretation, but it's really nice to see you experimenting with an unusual angle on an everyday object.

Distortion : (y) Absolutely brilliant idea for the theme. Very creative and the soup tin is instantly recogniseable. I agree with the comments about needing a focal point, but as a concept I really think this one is worth exploring further.
Now that's an interesting idea... nicely put together image. I like it.
I reckon the missing one is 'Backstreet Boys'! Interesting idea for the theme but I feel the result could have been stronger. I agree with Sarah about seeing more shadows & perhaps a rotation to put the CDs on the diagonal?

FAITH: perfect, I might have been tempted to make the bg slightly softer - just hinting at the location.
DISTORTION: I like it - lacks a focus, but good idea in general
LEAD: interesting idea, but I feel it didnt work - maybe the cable alone would be better?
SPACE: very clever idea on the theme - I wont say anything about your music choices :bonk:
Another catch up from me JL.

Lead: Great take on the theme. Good angle. I would like to have seen just a little of the cable as well.

Space: Interesting take. I particularly like the 'space' reference with the Bill Hayley CD :LOL:
lol the missing cd was "Runrig - Searchlight"

thanks for taking the time to look and comment everyone.
week 50 Close

close up of a vertical blind open/close control weight.

Oh and after 49 weeks I have finally taken a picture with the camera set at that big M for manual !!! :D

Interesting closeup, never would have known what it was without you saying
That's an interesting take on the theme with 2 types of close. I think I would have cloned out the dirty marks and also tweaked the levels a bit for a bit more contrast.

Congratulations on using the M setting. My camera stays permanently set on Av! Maybe I will graduate to M in the future?
