Karmas 52 - 2010... On Film!

And here I come to also catch up.

A friend of mine did his final college project on medium format film. 13 prints he had to do (admittedly it was part-time in the evening and the only darkroom access he had was once a week for 2 hours) and I thought he was bonkers but brave. At the end he admitted he'd never do it again!

So I think you're very brave for shooting film for a project such as this. You also must have some time on your hands :)

There is something really great about B&W film, and it comes across in the shots. It's hard to crit them when they make such great documentary photos. And isn't that what this 52 is? A documentary of your year.

I think Curves was a stunning start, and save the comment about the radiator (which you mentioned yourself) I think it's a lovely shot.

I also liked Street a lot. I kinda got the impression you weren't happy about the blur, but I don't think that matters too much to be honest. It's still a good shot.

Speed is also a really fine capture. The story wasn't so nice to read, but you were lucky and walked away.

Bookmarked for more interestingness.


Thanks Ian! Very kind words. For me this is very much going to be a documentary on my film ventures and learnings. And it will be cool to look back on what I got up to during the year!

I didn't mean for the speed story to be so gruesome, it kinda just came out that way... but hey, that's what happened. In a funny way I'm glad it did. Been an eye opener in more ways than I expected.

Street, yeah, that shot's got to be retaken. I do like it, and can appreciate the appeal of it, but it's not what I have in my head! There's a shot there I want, and I'll get it, but it might take time.

Loving your 52 so far - some cracking shots, and fair play for doing it on film - you're getting some really good results (y)

Thanks Nick. I'm enjoying it so far. Quite challenging which is exactly what I wanted. Addictive too!
Ok, so people! Seeing as I messed up Street I thought I try make the best of this theme... Then I realised I have a colour film in the camera that I have to figure out how to process! Anyway, I went to Camden, took some photos, stuck the film in some chems, shook it about, and all the photos actually came out!

I've rambled enough in a few previous posts so I'll bore you less this week with words! I can't decide which one to choose, or which one conveys people best... maybe this one.. but I'll link the one I liked best too!

The punks

mmm... steamy mulled wine!

... and more in my photostream.
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Hmm.. The second shot isn't showing for me. I do like the first though, although a zoom in, or moving closer would have worked better. The punks, the dummies in the shop window, all work well, but as a viewer I'm a bit too far away from things...

Hmm.. The second shot isn't showing for me. I do like the first though, although a zoom in, or moving closer would have worked better. The punks, the dummies in the shop window, all work well, but as a viewer I'm a bit too far away from things...


Fixed the second one! Thanks for the feedback on the first. Maybe I'll crop a better photo out of that one. Might have a play later. Cheers for the advice (y)!
Yes, I think the crop is a vast improvement.

I like the contrast between the dark wear of the punks and the colours in the shop sign/ inside the shop.
Just a shame about those 'ordinary' types strolling through the scene:LOL:
Conor, the crop works much better for me too. It fits the theme too, the dummies providing more "people" looking on...
(y) for the crop. Glad you think it's better. I always worry that crit makes people feel forced to make a change.

Yes, I think the crop is a vast improvement.

I like the contrast between the dark wear of the punks and the colours in the shop sign/ inside the shop.
Just a shame about those 'ordinary' types strolling through the scene:LOL:

Thanks Rob! I like the crop better too.

Conor, the crop works much better for me too. It fits the theme too, the dummies providing more "people" looking on...

Thanks John :)

(y) for the crop. Glad you think it's better. I always worry that crit makes people feel forced to make a change.


Cheers Ian. I take all crit positively. I can only stop doing these things if you tell me what the things are! To be honest, I probably should have spent a little longer composing the shot. Looking at it again I would like to have been a little closer and to the right. The shot is a bit too direct side profile, a bit angly would have worked better again.

Least I've learnt something eh!
Oooooh you're spoiling us this week - colour and 2 for for the price of 1 with the shots (y)

Well done on getting to grips with the colour processing.

Punks : The edit is definitely a big improvement - only problem for me is that it doesn't look straight now that it's been cropped :(

Mulled Wine : I'm surprised that this hasn't got more attention. IMO it's the best out of the two.
It might not be quite as on theme as the first shot but I really like it . . . and let's face it, you got away with boom & groom last year ;) :LOL:
I love the angle of this shot, the framing works really well and you've done a great job of capturing the steam :clap:
Oops... missed mulled wine... sorry... not sure how I did that... I agree with Sarah... it's the better of the two shots... and the steam adds to it nicely.
Oooooh you're spoiling us this week - colour and 2 for for the price of 1 with the shots (y)

Well done on getting to grips with the colour processing.

Punks : The edit is definitely a big improvement - only problem for me is that it doesn't look straight now that it's been cropped :(

Mulled Wine : I'm surprised that this hasn't got more attention. IMO it's the best out of the two.
It might not be quite as on theme as the first shot but I really like it . . . and let's face it, you got away with boom & groom last year ;) :LOL:
I love the angle of this shot, the framing works really well and you've done a great job of capturing the steam :clap:

Thanks Sarah! I preferred the mulled wine shot myself too. Never noticed the crookedness of the punk edit. Might revisit that one!

Oops... missed mulled wine... sorry... not sure how I did that... I agree with Sarah... it's the better of the two shots... and the steam adds to it nicely.

Thanks! Was pleased at how it came out :)
What the flip... I'm 4 weeks behind?!?! This film lark is even harder than I gave it credit for. This was a push to catch up. I had mechanical in the bag and was behind on Play... and then Chemistry gets pulled out of the bag... what the flip. Then candid comes out! How many street or people style shots can we get!! I was thinking how the hell am I gonna pull this back. Then... Just this Saturday I managed to pull a couple of shots out of the bag, so I was back on track!

All fine and dandy. Yesterday evening I started my developing process, and my first step is always to give the film a little soak before I throw the chems through. It also helps keep the tank a bit warm so that the temperature is more consistent. Anyway, it went something like this:

1. Hid in the wardrobe... I mean darkroom... ahem... and loaded the film into said dev tank.
2. Stuck a bit of hot water in it.
3. Got my temps about right and thought, I'll boil the kettle in case I need some hot water to keep things consistent. Also noticed my tanks were tending to try turn them selves over in the water... this would be frustrating... so bit of jiggery pokery to try get them balanced... kindof lost track of time...
4. ... then thought, sh1111t... I have film soaking in like 35 degrees water :nuts:... poured out the water and all this green crap comes out. uh oh...
5. Continued with the developing process anyway.
6. Stuff appeared on film!

Ok, so this film stuff is a little more resilient than you give it credit for. Alright, I did end up with a funny colour cast on my shots... and depending on the exposure, the colour cast was slightly different :thinking: can't figure that one out! Maybe it's one of the magical wonders of chemicals.

Anyway, first of the batch is mechanical:

It's a reshoot of an old B&W shot. It's ok. I like it, don't know why, maybe it's the guy in the background I managed to capture in shot. Maybe it's the trace of the purple/blue cast on it that's kinda growing on me... I dunno. Not my best work, but I'm pretty happy with it to be honest! I can see this being a marmite shot all the same, so give me your worst :LOL:
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So I fell behind with play, so brought this skiing with me. And then Simon let's me know that Chemistry gets pulled out of the bag (I was skiing in Les Menuires in France for the Chemistry week). So, I thought we'll have to get both while in France! There has to be plenty of lovers and other things to pull a chemistry shot out of the bag... and we're skiing, so play should be a breeze for lord sake!

First day there, I take my lubitel out of the bag and hear a clunk and think, what was that? Looked on the ground and there was the focus ring/lens of the lubitel lying at my feet.... :help:... ok, I'm not looking for any sympathy seeing as I was in France skiing! :LOL:

So... you've guessed it... JOKER NUMBER ONE COMING RIGHT UP! :LOL:

Here's play on digital:

This shot I'm really happy with. I think it's my favourite from when on holidays. Anyway, I'm down to 3 jokers... although I have a feeling that's gonna reduce very soon again ;)

I'll report back tomorrow with my next additions. Thanks for dropping by!

(And once I've uploaded all my shots I'll do my best to get around to some of you... but there's a shocking amount of you this year so I never know where to start!)
Sometimes when you develop film it all turns out great. Other times it... well... ends up like this mess!

Chemistry is a funny thing eh! :LOL:
Ok, so chemistry is a bit of a crowbar seeing as it's an excuse for a photo... but I HAD to try save a joker eh! Candid came out completely out of focus, terribly shot and composed so I'm going to put up a digital one instead:

I know I know... it wasn't even shot in the correct week! But just in case you think I didn't attempt a candid shot here's the evidence:


... move along... nothing to see here! :LOL:

I really should give up this film lark. After going through that last film there really wasn't any keepers at all. I seem to be getting worse with my exposures rather than better :LOL: But hey, we'll truck on.
I was gonna hold back on this one... not overly impressed on my exposure skills here again. But for the sake of catchup and the good of a 52 I'll stick this in!

You should have seen this 2 guys fork out the Paella, they really produced it at a phenomenal rate. And the smell was just heavenly. If I didn't have a big breakfast in me that said morning I would have been scoffing down a bucket load of it!

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Well Conor... on film you're making things hard, and then you give it a nice warm bath too :LOL:... green crap sounds distinctly worrying...

Anyway... Love mechanical... the blue cast really works with it.

Play works I rather like it to, in spite of the blown snow...

Chemistry :LOL: I'm sure it's an interesting shot, but I can't work out what it is ...

Candid, the digital one works well... the film was worth a try...

Apart from the exposure, that looks a good un for produce too. It's gotta be much harder to get right when you can't check it on the camera and re shoot...
I really should give up this film lark. After going through that last film there really wasn't any keepers at all. I seem to be getting worse with my exposures rather than better :LOL: But hey, we'll truck on.

Hi Conor, You're not the only one struggling to keep up with other people's threads this year! I definitely am. :LOL:

I know you're frustrated with exposure problems, but don't be too hard on yourself. Are you using a meter? In the days before digital, people spent ages metering before taking a shot - especially MF, or even using a Polaroid back to check first. That sort of process doesn't sit comfortably with Street, Candid, People etc, etc. And look at the light levels we've been experiencing right through Jan, Feb and March - rubbish. And then, you're doing your own (colour :eek:) processing. Loads more variables - green crap! :LOL: Just a thought on keeping the temperature constant - if the ambient temperature is ok, I would have thought the chemicals in the tank would stay at the right temperature. :shrug: Or even that the chemical process allows for a gradual drop in tank temperture. I really don't know - but there are loads of people on TP who would know.

So on to the pics. :) Wk 7 People: Two quite different shots. The crop on #1 works well and you certainly caught some interesting people - in the right context, too. I love the mulled wine shot - the concentration of pouring hot liquid into small cups with a large ladle, and the steam work beautifully. The light is excellent too. :clap:

Wk 8 Mechanical: I love the composition and the colour cast gives it great atmosphere. I think it's a tad dark, but it's not a major crit. :)

Wk 9 Play: This has got something special. The pov is unusual (good unusual!) and there's lots of detail (eg the skier between the 2 ski poles). An ecellent shot. (y)

Wk 10 Chemistry: This made me laugh - chemistry at its most frustrating. :D

Wk 11 Candid: Good shot and I like the colours and use of negative space. It also works that he's looking out of the 'frame' - usually a no-no, but it just shows, breaking the rules can work brilliantly. :)

Wk 12 Produce: Yep, it's a bit dark, but looks interesting and yummy food is always a good subject.

Well Conor... on film you're making things hard, and then you give it a nice warm bath too :LOL:... green crap sounds distinctly worrying...

Anyway... Love mechanical... the blue cast really works with it.

Play works I rather like it to, in spite of the blown snow...

Chemistry :LOL: I'm sure it's an interesting shot, but I can't work out what it is ...

Candid, the digital one works well... the film was worth a try...

Apart from the exposure, that looks a good un for produce too. It's gotta be much harder to get right when you can't check it on the camera and re shoot...

Thanks. It's quite difficult alright, and some of the last shots were indoors so I really misjudged the exposure. Chemistry was one similar to the Produce shot. I managed to capture a scene with just 2 girls left eating at the Paella, but the guys still cookoing a big pot up. I quite liked it, but mucked up both the processing and the exposure so it's lost!.

Hi Conor, You're not the only one struggling to keep up with other people's threads this year! I definitely am. :LOL:

I know you're frustrated with exposure problems, but don't be too hard on yourself. Are you using a meter? In the days before digital, people spent ages metering before taking a shot - especially MF, or even using a Polaroid back to check first. That sort of process doesn't sit comfortably with Street, Candid, People etc, etc. And look at the light levels we've been experiencing right through Jan, Feb and March - rubbish. And then, you're doing your own (colour :eek:) processing. Loads more variables - green crap! :LOL: Just a thought on keeping the temperature constant - if the ambient temperature is ok, I would have thought the chemicals in the tank would stay at the right temperature. :shrug: Or even that the chemical process allows for a gradual drop in tank temperture. I really don't know - but there are loads of people on TP who would know.

So on to the pics. :) Wk 7 People: Two quite different shots. The crop on #1 works well and you certainly caught some interesting people - in the right context, too. I love the mulled wine shot - the concentration of pouring hot liquid into small cups with a large ladle, and the steam work beautifully. The light is excellent too.

Wk 8 Mechanical: I love the composition and the colour cast gives it great atmosphere. I think it's a tad dark, but it's not a major crit. :)

Wk 9 Play: This has got something special. The pov is unusual (good unusual!) and there's lots of detail (eg the skier between the 2 ski poles). An ecellent shot. (y)

Wk 10 Chemistry: This made me laugh - chemistry at its most frustrating.

Wk 11 Candid: Good shot and I like the colours and use of negative space. It also works that he's looking out of the 'frame' - usually a no-no, but it just shows, breaking the rules can work brilliantly. :)

Wk 12 Produce: Yep, it's a bit dark, but looks interesting and yummy food is always a good subject.


Thanks for the support Jean! I don't actually have a light meter... I really should invest! I used to meter on my digital but it's so cumbersome to take it out as well I haven't metered any of my shots in ages. I got away with it until this roll. Shooting indoors with ambient lighting really threw my judgement. In regards to the room temperature helping stabalise the chemical temperature, only problem is you develop colour at 38 degrees celcius! So I just need to be a bit more careful and it should be fine. I've switched back to B&W for now to make it easy on myself for a while. But I'll not let this beat me :LOL:

Cheers for all the feedback! :)
Welcome back Conor . . . I told you that you were mad for doing this on film :LOL: but good to see you still hanging in there.

Mechanical : I like this. I know that bluish cast wasn't deliberate, but it actually works for me. I really like it (y)

Play : It might be a joker, but I love it.
Composition, perspective, red focal points against the snow.

Chemistry : :( :shake: I wish I could see more of it.
Illustrates the theme nicely though and got a smile out of me.

Candid : Shame the film one didn't quite work out, but the digital one's worked well. Nice and sharp and the unusual framing really adds something to it.

Produce : Another one that I like. Lots of interest and again that colour cast actually works well with it. It is just a touch too dark though.

:clap: Once again, huge congratulations for persevering with this on film . . . now get back in that wardrobe . . . erm darkroom . . . and let's see the next batch.
Play is superb, Chemistry made me smile. I know that feeling :)

I still think you're bonkers doing this on film.

Welcome back Conor . . . I told you that you were mad for doing this on film :LOL: but good to see you still hanging in there.

Mechanical : I like this. I know that bluish cast wasn't deliberate, but it actually works for me. I really like it (y)

Play : It might be a joker, but I love it.
Composition, perspective, red focal points against the snow.

Chemistry : :( :shake: I wish I could see more of it.
Illustrates the theme nicely though and got a smile out of me.

Candid : Shame the film one didn't quite work out, but the digital one's worked well. Nice and sharp and the unusual framing really adds something to it.

Produce : Another one that I like. Lots of interest and again that colour cast actually works well with it. It is just a touch too dark though.

:clap: Once again, huge congratulations for persevering with this on film . . . now get back in that wardrobe . . . erm darkroom . . . and let's see the next batch.

Thanks Sarah! I've been bold and not done anything for the next 3 themes... going to have to take the finger out and starting playing catchup yet again!

Play is superb, Chemistry made me smile. I know that feeling :)

I still think you're bonkers doing this on film.


Thanks on Play! And I begginning to agree about that bonkers comment :wacky: :LOL:

Ok, gonna have to take some photos this weekend to catch up. And just remembered... I ran out of B&W dev chems last weekend... Cripes.
Still looking to catch up?

Still looking to catch up?


I'll decide after I develop the next film :LOL:. I need to order chems, which I keep forgetting to do, and I have a colour film to finish off and develop as well. I better have a lot of keepers. Otherwise I'll just call it a day and pack it in.
I'll decide after I develop the next film :LOL:. I need to order chems, which I keep forgetting to do, and I have a colour film to finish off and develop as well. I better have a lot of keepers. Otherwise I'll just call it a day and pack it in.

Or switch to digital and carry on?

You've some good shots here Conor. Would be a shame to lose you.

Or switch to digital and carry on?

You've some good shots here Conor. Would be a shame to lose you.


Thanks! And, yeah, there's an idea. Let's see what happens after the next batch. If it goes belly up I'll just finish it off on Digital!
Ok, let's get this baby back on track!


Not going to lie, it's only ok. But it'll get me over that week! Had another shot but managed one of my spectacular out of focus jobbies out of it so it was binned.

What do I think of this shot? Unbalanced, lacks interest. Looks like it needs a straighten but when I straighten it too many verticals unbalance it again. So I just left it. I do like the millennium wheel in the background and the contrast between it and the different buildings. This was what I was trying to capture as "London Street"... but what my eye saw and the camera captured were 2 different things :thinking:
Must be a "shoot" in there someplace...

now where did I leave that crowbar...
Single... person... lamp post... I dunno... there's loads of singles in there... let's just pretend this perfectly meets the theme...

This crowbar is gonna be banjaxed by the time I've caught up :LOL:
Ok... obvious crowbar here... eh.. stair... I mean stare... ahem... *YONK*

Got special permission off the other half to upload a photo of her very nice bottom too :LOL:
In case anyone misses what I've said in a post below I'm going to quote it here:

Sorry for not going back over everyone elses themes, but by the time I catch up I usualy have lot's of people with about 5 photos each to catch up on... and I've made this hard enough on myself as it is. So please don't feel obliged to comment on all my photos (or even any!). I know myself it's tough enough just finding the time to pop into a few 52s and groing through their shots... or maybe that's just me :thinking:... Righty, well, you'll here bugger all out of me again for about 5 weeks so good luck with all your themes y'all!

Ok... the photo... and a photo that actually fits the theme this time!

Peace is a funny old thing, peace and quiet that is. Myself and my OH (with the very nice bottom!) were coming home from a day of photography and sat in the last carriage of the train. I never realised it, but it's the quiet carriage. Anyway, this woman get's on the the train with legs I can only describe as individual horses. And I'm talking muscle here. Absolute monster legs. Train starts to move, she pops up the mobile phone and proceeds to explain to her landlord why she hadn't paid the rent yet etc etc. She was a long time on the phone and I could see the guy opposite getting more irritated by the minute. Eventually he cracks and tells her to quieten down... I have learnt a new train rule today - don't ask a woman with horses for legs to quieten down! She turns to him and told him to "Mind your f****ng business!". Of course every ear in the train suddenly tunes in. And if that first line wasn't bad enough, the next one floored me. "You're probably just a paedophile and look up child porn at home"... At this stage the guy next to me says "it's like being in the cinema". I was just craving the popcorn and soda at this stage. And it get's worse. He wasn't letting her away with it and says "Excuse me, how dare you, I'm a married man". To which she retorts "doesn't matter mate, you could be like wha evaaa and be a P****. Priests are paedophiles innit!"

So. There we have it. Gospel from the crazy bitch on the train. All priests are all of a sudden paedophiles. Wouldn't you love to know what goes on in these deluded peoples heads? Yeah, me neither. It started to get uncomfortable at that stage, but thankfully some other guy intervened before I lost it and pointed out the "Shut the flippin hell up" sign on the window. "But he keeps at me like innit!". "He's not at you. You're at him. Now can you keep it down". My only regret was not giving him a round of applause. She shut up for the rest of her journey with the tail firmly between her legs. Thankfully her stop was next. Clapham Junction and finally, a bit of peace... I kid you not, cue teenager girl ringing her boyfriend and proceed to tell him that he's a grumpy b*****d on the phone :bang:.

What the flip is up with some people these days?
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Well done for persevering with film! Some of the colours are a bit weird - I never developed colour, only B&W, but I always found that being careful and accurate with temperatures at all times really paid off. Even so you have some good images here which fit the themes quite well, particularly the last one.

I feel your exasperation here - I never choose the quiet coach as I get so irritated with all the noise there, whereas in an ordinary coach I am much more resigned....
Hi Conor.

I've been waiting to peek in here, until I had a chance to look at the full catch up.
I can't believe that you're still going with film.

Reshoot : (y) I really like the odd colour cast in this - it's like seeing the scene through a pair of tinted sunglasses.
Composition works very well - I like the millennium wheel in the b/g. And although I agree with your self crit about the verticals being a bit odd, they don't really bother me too much.

Shoot : My least favourite out of your catch up. It's OK, but not really doing much for me sorry.
The man chopped in half and the blown primrose bottom left aren't really helping me out either.

Single : :clap: :clap: :clap:
Absolutely LOVE this one and I can completely forgive the slightly dubious link to the theme.
For a scanned photo the quality is superb!
I love the layers of interest - the office blocks emerging out of the trees and that beautiful sky over the top of it all.
The curve of the path across the foreground adds a good strong line too.
My favourite from your 52 this year (y)

Stare / Stair ???? :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
This comes a very close second to single for me. Strong lines, good composition and another one where the quality foe a scanned image is brilliant.

And Finally . . . Peace :
I can really relate to the story behind this - and your guy was well within in his rights to complain in the quiet carriage.

I've had a guy tap me on the shoulder and gesture manically at the "quiet sign" because I dared to answer my mobile phone in there.
I know the sign says no mobiles, but I should add that the phone was on silent so only vibrated in my pocket . . . and I was actually talking far quieter than a normal conversational level. In fact making less noise than lots of other passengers having conversations with the person sat next to them.

He was obviously the self appointed "quiet carriage police" :wacky:
Although perhaps he interpreted "quiet" as "silent". Through the whole exchange he didn't utter a word, just sort of bounced up and down pointing at the sign.
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Well done for persevering with film! Some of the colours are a bit weird - I never developed colour, only B&W, but I always found that being careful and accurate with temperatures at all times really paid off. Even so you have some good images here which fit the themes quite well, particularly the last one.

I feel your exasperation here - I never choose the quiet coach as I get so irritated with all the noise there, whereas in an ordinary coach I am much more resigned....

Thank you! Some of the colours are a bit wierd alright. Still trying to perfect the processing. Think I accidentally went a bit too warm this time, but I'll get it right eventually!

Hi Conor.

I've been waiting to peek in here, until I had a chance to look at the full catch up.
I can't believe that you're still going with film.

Reshoot : (y) I really like the odd colour cast in this - it's like seeing the scene through a pair of tinted sunglasses.
Composition works very well - I like the millennium wheel in the b/g. And although I agree with your self crit about the verticals being a bit odd, they don't really bother me too much.

Shoot : My least favourite out of your catch up. It's OK, but not really doing much for me sorry.
The man chopped in half and the blown primrose bottom left aren't really helping me out either.

Single : :clap: :clap: :clap:
Absolutely LOVE this one and I can completely forgive the slightly dubious link to the theme.
For a scanned photo the quality is superb!
I love the layers of interest - the office blocks emerging out of the trees and that beautiful sky over the top of it all.
The curve of the path across the foreground adds a good strong line too.
My favourite from your 52 this year (y)

Stare / Stair ???? :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
This comes a very close second to single for me. Strong lines, good composition and another one where the quality foe a scanned image is brilliant.

And Finally . . . Peace :
I can really relate to the story behind this - and your guy was well within in his rights to complain in the quiet carriage.

I've had a guy tap me on the shoulder and gesture manically at the "quiet sign" because I dared to answer my mobile phone in there.
I know the sign says no mobiles, but I should add that the phone was on silent so only vibrated in my pocket . . . and I was actually talking far quieter than a normal conversational level. In fact making less noise than lots of other passengers having conversations with the person sat next to them.

He was obviously the self appointed "quiet carriage police" :wacky:
Although perhaps he interpreted "quiet" as "silent". Through the whole exchange he didn't utter a word, just sort of bounced up and down pointing at the sign.

Haha! Like the story too! Aye, some people can take it a bit too far and interpret quiet as complete silence. I can just imagine him bouncing there ensuring he abided by his own rules :LOL:

Your comments on shoot have actually given me a thought... I've got one big massive negative to play with there and the thought of cropping it never entered my head :bonk:. I'll rescan that and come back with a better version at some stage.

Thanks for the feedback :)
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Nice composition. Like the portrait crop and particularly like the wheel in the background.

oh dear... I think the crowbar is buried under all those flowers.

Wow. What a great shot. That is a truly amazing skyline. I'm guessing it's London rather than New York? Another interesting crop (portrait again) that works well. Initially I thought there were too many trees in the middle-ground, but you can't have the single person and lamp-post without them. I think the shot works really well.

Cheeky! Nice lines with the stairs and the handrails. What would have been better would be if you'd asked her to turn her head for the shot. Nicely balanced lighting considering you were shooting into the sky. Does she have a crowbar in her backpack?

Actually... Reading on, it appears these are film shots?

Bloody well done then! Very impressive stuff.

Oh - Peace...

Lovely story. Did make me chuckle as well as nod wearily. I work for a mobile phone company, and I do wonder as to what monsters we have created.

I do also find it humourously ironic that this sign is on a train window. Trains must be the noisiest form of transport around!

Nice capture and a great story. Keep it up!

Very well done Conor, excellent work catching up. The verticals in reshoot aren't being an issue for me... It's not grabbing me either...

Shoot works for the theme... not so keen on the background, less DOF would've been good.

Single, works very well, on theme. I like it.

Stare... Looks to be the same person as in Single :D... It's a good shot, well exposed and composed. As for the crowbar, given how many times you've mentioned her bottom, I'm sure you were staring... that might allow it to count for the theme :LOL:..

Peace, A tricky exposure with digital when you get immediate feedback, on film, you've done excellently. An interesting story too...
Nice composition. Like the portrait crop and particularly like the wheel in the background.

oh dear... I think the crowbar is buried under all those flowers.

Wow. What a great shot. That is a truly amazing skyline. I'm guessing it's London rather than New York? Another interesting crop (portrait again) that works well. Initially I thought there were too many trees in the middle-ground, but you can't have the single person and lamp-post without them. I think the shot works really well.

Cheeky! Nice lines with the stairs and the handrails. What would have been better would be if you'd asked her to turn her head for the shot. Nicely balanced lighting considering you were shooting into the sky. Does she have a crowbar in her backpack?

Actually... Reading on, it appears these are film shots?

Bloody well done then! Very impressive stuff.

Oh - Peace...

Lovely story. Did make me chuckle as well as nod wearily. I work for a mobile phone company, and I do wonder as to what monsters we have created.

I do also find it humourously ironic that this sign is on a train window. Trains must be the noisiest form of transport around!

Nice capture and a great story. Keep it up!


Yep, I somehow managed to catch up on film so I'm still on track. I'll keep trucking on for now. Hopefully it will be of benefit to my film techniques. That was in fact the reason I started this whole escapade

Very well done Conor, excellent work catching up. The verticals in reshoot aren't being an issue for me... It's not grabbing me either...

Shoot works for the theme... not so keen on the background, less DOF would've been good.

Single, works very well, on theme. I like it.

Stare... Looks to be the same person as in Single :D... It's a good shot, well exposed and composed. As for the crowbar, given how many times you've mentioned her bottom, I'm sure you were staring... that might allow it to count for the theme :LOL:..

Peace, A tricky exposure with digital when you get immediate feedback, on film, you've done excellently. An interesting story too...

Thanks Jon. And now that you put it like that... yes, that stare shot does fit the theme perfectly! Peace was a tricky exposure. I managed to nearly muck it up too exposing too much for outside rather than inside. Came out ok so I'm happy enough. It was very much a photo just taken for the theme though.

Sorry for not going back over everyone elses themes, but by the time I catch up I usualy have lot's of people with about 5 photos each to catch up on... and I've made this hard enough on myself as it is. So please don't feel obliged to comment on all my photos (or even any!). I know myself it's tough enough just finding the time to pop into a few 52s and groing through their shots... or maybe that's just me :thinking:... Righty, well, you'll here bugger all out of me again for about 5 weeks so good luck with all your themes y'all!
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