Karmas 52 - 2010... On Film!


Good between the sheets
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Righty. This time let's try a full year of 52s! Going to set myself some ground rules and allowances seeing as I will be setting 1 fairly hard restriction:

  1. I'm going to be shooting it all on Film.
  2. I'm also going to try develop all of the film myself at home, both colour and b&w.
  3. I'm going to allow myself to apply some jokers for weeks where I might be ill, too busy, on holidays, etc. Going to be very lenient and allow 4 jokers. A joker will probably usually mean I'll shoot it on digital OR I'll completely ignore the theme.
  4. I will try not to crowbar too much :naughty:! But if I can't think of anything for a theme, and I don't want to use a joker, I'm going to allow myself to twist it somewhat so that I can somehow crowbar something in. For example, last year for the theme "Doom and Gloom" I shot "Boom and Groom", which possibly earned me the "Crowbar of the year" award last year :LOL:

That's it really. I've noticed a LOT of 52s pop up this week which is great. But, this also may mean that I won't get around to commenting on all threads. I'll try pop in to some every week so excuse me if I miss you out for a few weeks in a row. Good luck everyone! (y)
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I have this weeks shot taken, but just to warn you all, you'll see big gaps of like a month from me this year while my photos are sitting on a film! I reckon I'll take 4/5 shots and will post them all at the same time. Unless I go film shooting and end up going through it quicker than usual.
Tell Boots to get their finger out and you need those photo's back quick time :LOL:
I hesitated thinking I might not stick it out, but you my friend are setting your self a total different set of goalposts. A big:clap: I wish you success
Good luck Conor, you will need it as apparently, I have just been told I have your crowbar! :D

Seriously though, huge huge kudos for your decisions on using film only and setting some rules, looking forward to these (y)

Thanks Yvonne! Hoping I'll learn loads from it too.

Tell Boots to get their finger out and you need those photo's back quick time :LOL:

I'll be developing most of them myself so it'll be me telling myself get my finger out :LOL: I have 10 shots left on the film (there's only 12 shots on medium format 120). So I might be back quicker than expected

I hesitated thinking I might not stick it out, but you my friend are setting your self a total different set of goalposts. A big:clap: I wish you success

Thanks for the support! Hope I don't fluff it up now :LOL:
Kept ye waiting, didn't I :LOL:. Well, one of the cool things and at the same time annoying things about film is that you take the photo, and you can't "chimp". This for me makes the process more exciting during the development process to see how things come out... on the down side, if you overexpose/underexpose you don't have that luxory of knowing at the time and retaking the shot. I did a bit of both in this first roll, so I need to work a bit more on that! Anyway, here's curved:

Self crit:

- It's slightly out of focus. I focused on the front leaf instead of on the flower head.

- I overexposed it. Edit: Actually, I didn't! It was actually a bad D300 photo and PP! (fixed with new photo)

- When trying to recover the photo it has highlighted the fact that my home developing process needs working on! The photo is very streaky... I believe this is down to both my agitation and wash procedures not being perfect yet. We'll get there though!

- Composition wise I think it's fine, but if I was to reshoot I'd pick a wall without a radiator. At the time I thought it would add to the photo, but now that I see it developed it doesn't really, if anything it's distracting.

Apart from that I'm happy enough. It's a good marker as to how my film shots and developing will improve throughout the year.
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With each snow fall I shiver with anticipation
Windows locked, hatched, and barred.
Outside the carnage resumes, striving to achieve.
The morning montage of motion,
People, buses, bikes and cars.

But what is it that we must prove?
To shine or to conquer is this our driving need?
I wish for the day that simplicity rules,
Where this pain and will to succeed rules me no more.
I cut, I hurt, I bleed, this mortality that I see...

This life is me.

I like the composition on this, the frame within a frame and the slightly off straight angles and bare bulb really add to the feel and mood which match the poem very well.

If it was digital I would suggest cloning out the bottles just above your head as without them it would be an even better shot, but kudos for shooting film, that takes commitment.

Am guessing you are modelling as well? You really are putting the effort in and not following the easy path on this.
I like the composition on this, the frame within a frame and the slightly off straight angles and bare bulb really add to the feel and mood which match the poem very well.

If it was digital I would suggest cloning out the bottles just above your head as without them it would be an even better shot, but kudos for shooting film, that takes commitment.

Am guessing you are modelling as well? You really are putting the effort in and not following the easy path on this.

Thanks for the nice comments! Yeah, that's me modelling. I'm not camera shy so might as well get me in there in some shots! I agree about the bottles. I kicked myself when I developed it. You really have to think a lot more about composition when shooting film. With digital you can see straight off if you need to move something. And then when you're doing self portraits you're not looking through the viewfinder so you have to scan in advance. Aw well, lesson learnt ;)
Really like this one mate!
Can only imagine how much harder this will be using film!
I really like the simplicity of this, everything seems to work from the white tiles, to the grey tones round the mirror and on your t-shirt.
Bit of a shame about the bottle sticking out your head, but its not the end of the world!
Well done (y)
Talk about making life difficult for yourself :LOL:

I really like curves and yes, it would be cleaner without the radiator but it looks like a pencil drawn background and doesn't detract from the image at all. Yes it's a bit streaky, but I like that too :clap::clap:

For poem, apart from the bottles :D, I love this too. It feels like ancient meets modern. The b&w seems to age the picture a century then you've got the modern dress etc. Big (y) from me.
Really like this one mate!
Can only imagine how much harder this will be using film!
I really like the simplicity of this, everything seems to work from the white tiles, to the grey tones round the mirror and on your t-shirt.
Bit of a shame about the bottle sticking out your head, but its not the end of the world!
Well done (y)

Thanks Rikki!

I like this a lot, not only because it's film it's an interesting take on the poem too. (you got a hair on the neg though!) :)

Cheers Mark. Never spotted the hair! Might have to take a look at that :LOL:

Talk about making life difficult for yourself :LOL:

I really like curves and yes, it would be cleaner without the radiator but it looks like a pencil drawn background and doesn't detract from the image at all. Yes it's a bit streaky, but I like that too :clap::clap:

For poem, apart from the bottles :D, I love this too. It feels like ancient meets modern. The b&w seems to age the picture a century then you've got the modern dress etc. Big (y) from me.

Thanks Jill! I've made things pretty difficult alright! I was close to using a joker on Chopped, but thankfully I came up with an idea I'm somewhat happy with. I'll post that up later this week if I don't come up with something better.
I wondered where you'd got to with your shots!

:wacky: I still think you're mad doing this all on film, but looks like it's paying off. I can see a huge improvement in these already from your first film shots at the end of last year's 52.

Curved : My first thought was "What the hell were you doing in my kitchen?" I have that exact same table, with a Bromeliad on it . . . and it's positioned in front of a radiator. :LOL:
Once I'd got over that shock, I noticed the lovely curves. Really is a good fit for the theme.
I agree with your self crit on the focus, but I actually thought the streaks were patterns from sunlight coming through a window! I'm guessing that you'll be able to recreate a bit more of the original detail here when you get the scanner sorted, so I'm looking forward to that.

Poem : Love the angle on this one. It really adds to the shot.
Bottles are a bit irritating, but don't detract that much and is that your hand holding the razor oof in the bottom right? Really nice little detail that adds some depth to the shot (y)
I wondered where you'd got to with your shots!

:wacky: I still think you're mad doing this all on film, but looks like it's paying off. I can see a huge improvement in these already from your first film shots at the end of last year's 52.

Curved : My first thought was "What the hell were you doing in my kitchen?" I have that exact same table, with a Bromeliad on it . . . and it's positioned in front of a radiator. :LOL:
Once I'd got over that shock, I noticed the lovely curves. Really is a good fit for the theme.
I agree with your self crit on the focus, but I actually thought the streaks were patterns from sunlight coming through a window! I'm guessing that you'll be able to recreate a bit more of the original detail here when you get the scanner sorted, so I'm looking forward to that.

Poem : Love the angle on this one. It really adds to the shot.
Bottles are a bit irritating, but don't detract that much and is that your hand holding the razor oof in the bottom right? Really nice little detail that adds some depth to the shot (y)

Thanks Sarah! I actually think a lot of the problem with the photos now are down to photographing them with the D300. Seems to degrade the quality somewhat. I'll have to get that scanner sorted!

In regards to the hand, it sure is! I was aiming for a full hand but obviously miscalculated. I think the lens is just slightly off the viewfinder so sometimes it needs both composition and judgement to get the shot right :LOL:
Hi KG - I'm glad I've found your thread at last! The 52 scene's busy, busy busy! :)

All kudos for doing this year's on film! Are you processing your own MF, or just 35mm? I'm sure you're losing detail, contrast and sharpness by photographing the photograph. It's a silly question, but are you using the D300 in colour or mono?

I do, however, like the graininess, and Week 1 looks like a photograph from asmart coffee table-style Art Deco Interiors book. Very classy. :)

Week 2: This illustrates the poem so well and as I'm not going to mention the bottles, I can give it an unequivocal (y) :)

Hi KG - I'm glad I've found your thread at last! The 52 scene's busy, busy busy! :)

All kudos for doing this year's on film! Are you processing your own MF, or just 35mm? I'm sure you're losing detail, contrast and sharpness by photographing the photograph. It's a silly question, but are you using the D300 in colour or mono?

I do, however, like the graininess, and Week 1 looks like a photograph from asmart coffee table-style Art Deco Interiors book. Very classy. :)

Week 2: This illustrates the poem so well and as I'm not going to mention the bottles, I can give it an unequivocal (y) :)


Yeah, I'm processing my own MF. I don't have a 35mm camera anymore, lost my P&S somewhere. Going to try pick up another one someplace.

I have to agree about the D300. I'm going to try pick up a scanner soon enough so I will rescan them after I do so.

In regards to the bottles... my lesson for this week...

- Composition, composition, composition, composition, look at everything in the frame!!! :LOL:
Very well done Conor, shooting film means extra commitment and you're doing a superb Job. I like the first one, streaks and all. And again with the second one. The down points you already know on both... so I'm just gonna leave it at that. :clap:

As for you Boom and Groom shot... well...
Week 1 : agree with what you said - nice curves, but would ditch the radiator, given the choice. I like that and only really noticed the streaks as streaks after you mentioned it. I was concentrating on the table/plant and in my mind's eye, saw them as lighting effects!

Week 2 : agree 100% with the first comments by Ian Wilson. That is a cracker, bar the bottles! ;)
Very well done Conor, shooting film means extra commitment and you're doing a superb Job. I like the first one, streaks and all. And again with the second one. The down points you already know on both... so I'm just gonna leave it at that. :clap:

As for you Boom and Groom shot... well...

Thanks John!

Well done for shooting in film Karma. I am struggling to find the time in digital. over 160 52's to try and comment too. A good start to your 52(y)

Cheers Martin, it's gonna be tough. Definitely will be using those jokers!

Week 1 : agree with what you said - nice curves, but would ditch the radiator, given the choice. I like that and only really noticed the streaks as streaks after you mentioned it. I was concentrating on the table/plant and in my mind's eye, saw them as lighting effects!

Week 2 : agree 100% with the first comments by Ian Wilson. That is a cracker, bar the bottles! ;)

Thanks Keri! I'm actually tempted to try reshoot that one without the bottles. We'll see!
Well, I'll always be lagging a few weeks behind while photos sit on the film! As you will see below I purchased a new scanner. So I will be returning to some of the old photos and see what happens when I scan them. Here's chopped:

Chopped. It's one of those words that sounds exactly like what it means. I find that there's not many that have that impact. Chopped! Splash! Crack! I find words like those immediately make me visualise what they stand for. Isn't it strange how the mind works. It made me visualize lots of things, but none I got the chance to execute. Things like compositions that chop off half the model, a hair dresser part way through a tight hair cut, a person getting fired from a job. Another that came to mind was a flesh wound. Not that it's something I would do to myself... I'm nuts, but not that nuts!

Reminds me of a story from when I was younger. I must have been somewhere between 8 and 11, can't quite recall, but myself and a few mates "borrowed" an old honda motorbike that was parked at my uncles house. I can't say we stole it, because all we did was drive it around my uncles yard. We started doing laps of the house, have to say it was great fun! Still have a vivid memory of it now. Although probably not because of the fun, but because my mate somehow managed to jump it into a higher gear and crash head first into the side of a shed. He managed to jump off the bike in time to stop a head first collision with the wall, but not in time to dodge the handles that swung around and ripped straight through is trousers. I'll never forget him screaming and panicking as he tore his trousers off, tears streaming down his face. I can still picture his knee bone gaping through the flesh. Horrific. Don't you always wonder how you will react in a "panic" situation? My reaction was to sprint as fast as I could into the house and call his mum, get some bandages, and then not know really what to do with bandages and a gaping wound! How did my mates react? 1 of the lads stood and stared as I went through the motions. The other lad quickly shouted "I wasn't here" and legged it before I could blink. 1 wierd thing happened though, after all this happened, I went home, argued with my own Mum for no real reason, then burst into tears. And it's the last time I cried. Actually, it's not, but that's a story for again! Anyway, my mate ended up with about 8 stitches and a scar wound he could brag about for years. But I always thought for years afterwards when thinking how we all reacted, isn't it really odd how the mind works.
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Third shot Mr Emery is a corker, a really good take on chopped,little things like the reflection in the blade really make a difference.
Story made me laugh, reminded me of when I was a kid when a mate thought he'd gone blind in one eye after a dissagreement with a golf club,a big flap of skin including his eye brow was layed over it:LOL:....Mick
Wowsers HP5 film - that takes me back!

I used to shoot that and FP4, hand-rolled from a large cannister :)

I think 'Poem' is my favourite of the 3 so far... I find the knot next to the knife blade distracting and whilst week 1 is ok, it doesn't shout 'curves' to me.

I look forward to seeing your next pictures (y)
I feel a bit bad criticising other peoples 52's at the moment in view of my own very lame attempts at keeping up, but hey, here it is anyway :)
I like the concept and the use of DOF to show the blade, but I don't like the big blown highlight reflection on the floor, and the lock of hair needs to be bigger. Look forward to more :)
I've looked at this several times - and love your story. :LOL:

I love the idea and you've caught a terrific reflection in the blade, but at the same time I agree with treeman about the flash and the lock of hair getting a bit lost. I bet the neg's full of detail, though, and I think a fairly brutal crop (another chop!) would sort those issues out. (y)

Are you pleased with your new scanner? :)

Third shot Mr Emery is a corker, a really good take on chopped,little things like the reflection in the blade really make a difference.
Story made me laugh, reminded me of when I was a kid when a mate thought he'd gone blind in one eye after a dissagreement with a golf club,a big flap of skin including his eye brow was layed over it:LOL:....Mick

Cheers mick. That golf incident sounds very painful!

Wowsers HP5 film - that takes me back!

I used to shoot that and FP4, hand-rolled from a large cannister :)

I think 'Poem' is my favourite of the 3 so far... I find the knot next to the knife blade distracting and whilst week 1 is ok, it doesn't shout 'curves' to me.

I look forward to seeing your next pictures (y)

Thanks, after all the ideas I had it didn't prove a very inspiring shot for me either. Would have much preferred if I managed to execute one of my other ideas.

I feel a bit bad criticising other peoples 52's at the moment in view of my own very lame attempts at keeping up, but hey, here it is anyway :)
I like the concept and the use of DOF to show the blade, but I don't like the big blown highlight reflection on the floor, and the lock of hair needs to be bigger. Look forward to more :)

Don't feel bad! I agree with the blown reflection on the floor. Hair is a bit lost too, but I wasn't willing to lose any more than that!

I've looked at this several times - and love your story. :LOL:

I love the idea and you've caught a terrific reflection in the blade, but at the same time I agree with treeman about the flash and the lock of hair getting a bit lost. I bet the neg's full of detail, though, and I think a fairly brutal crop (another chop!) would sort those issues out. (y)

Are you pleased with your new scanner? :)


Thanks Jean. It's actually a reflection from a roof light, and not sure how I didn't spot it at the time :thinking:. I'm very pleased with the scanner though. It's an Epson V700, excellent quality, I have to say.
Wow! That scanner's really made a difference to the image quality. I can see a huge improvement over the ones that you photographed earlier.

Great story to go with chopped, even if it did make me cringe a bit :LOL:
And I really like the shot. Reminds me a bit of the knife shot that Darkstar posted in last year's 52 . . . can't remember what the theme was though.

Great attention to detail with the bit of hair and the DOF on the knife is perfect. Agree with Jean that a closer crop to lose the reflection and bring more focus on the hair would work. Not sure if you'll allow yourself that with your film rules though :shrug:
Wow! That scanner's really made a difference to the image quality. I can see a huge improvement over the ones that you photographed earlier.

Great story to go with chopped, even if it did make me cringe a bit :LOL:
And I really like the shot. Reminds me a bit of the knife shot that Darkstar posted in last year's 52 . . . can't remember what the theme was though.

Great attention to detail with the bit of hair and the DOF on the knife is perfect. Agree with Jean that a closer crop to lose the reflection and bring more focus on the hair would work. Not sure if you'll allow yourself that with your film rules though :shrug:

Glad you liked the story. I intend to open up a little more this year with each photo. Not necessarily pour my heart out :LOL: but if I think of a story I'll tell it.

In regards to processing rules, cropping is fine. I could easily print and cut with a scissors so not worried about that! A small bit of dodging/burning in PP is fine too, but I draw the line at that. No cloning, or multilayered madness. Here's a quick edit in regards to the feedback from everyone:


I could probably rescan it and get a lot more detail out of the negative, but to be honest, it's not my best work to date so... in a word... I can't be arsed! :LOL:. ohhh, I'm so :naughty:
Impressive stuff - I like this lots, my only slight quibble is, maybe the lock of hair as a reflection aswell. Having said that, it is a cool shot. (y)
Glad you liked the story. I intend to open up a little more this year with each photo. Not necessarily pour my heart out :LOL: but if I think of a story I'll tell it. I know that feeling well :D


I could probably rescan it and get a lot more detail out of the negative, but to be honest, it's not my best work to date so... in a word... I can't be arsed! :LOL:. ohhh, I'm so :naughty: hehehehe ;) I know that feeling well too ;)

Much prefer this crop KG :clap::clap:
Ohh catch up!

Curved : Yep nicely done - plenty curves on show and nice symmetry for me :)

Poem: Hmmm doesn't quite work for me - dunno why something a bit 'random' about it but nonetheless poem and image suit one another and its a goos crack at it!

Chopped: Absolutely love it... the first crop for me - clear and crisp and spot on theme and great dof! Thats a corker! :clap:
hi, loving your efforts so far so who cares if you are a little behind, i think its called onomatopoeia when a word sounds like its meaning, whooosh, thats one of my favourites.
great and gruesome story too. look forward to seeing more from you this year.
Poetry - I really like the poem! And the shot too - fits it really well. The inclusion of the negatives border suits this superbly - both for the shot itself and the accompanying poem.

Whoa! What a story to go with your Chopped!

Seriously nice film shot. The hair is a really nice inclusion although I would be tempted to make it more of a 'lock' to make it slightly more obvious to the viewer.

A huge big (y) of respect for doing it all on film. What a challenge and what a lovely way to make your 52 original.

I will DEFINITELY be keeping an eye on your 52 Conor!
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