Karmas 52 - 2010... On Film!

Still think you are mad doing this on film mate, and makes me feel worse that you are on the same week as me, and im shooting digital!

Your chopped entry is awesome! Love the cropped version (felt that I didnt notice the hair as much in the original) The DOF you have on the knife and its handle works very well, and the added reflection in the blade is my favorite part of this shot!

Keep up the good work Conor! (picked up your name from Matts thread :p)
Impressive stuff - I like this lots, my only slight quibble is, maybe the lock of hair as a reflection aswell. Having said that, it is a cool shot. (y)

Ohh, lock of hair as a reflection. Now why didn't I think of that at the time! That would have been a nice touch alright.

Much prefer this crop KG :clap::clap:

Ta Jill!

Ohh catch up!

Curved : Yep nicely done - plenty curves on show and nice symmetry for me :)

Poem: Hmmm doesn't quite work for me - dunno why something a bit 'random' about it but nonetheless poem and image suit one another and its a goos crack at it!

Chopped: Absolutely love it... the first crop for me - clear and crisp and spot on theme and great dof! Thats a corker! :clap:

Thanks John. We'll not fall out about you not liking my poem week :bat: :LOL:. Glad you like chopped :)

hi, loving your efforts so far so who cares if you are a little behind, i think its called onomatopoeia when a word sounds like its meaning, whooosh, thats one of my favourites.
great and gruesome story too. look forward to seeing more from you this year.

Onomatopoeia. Now I'd have had to google that just for the spelling :D. Thanks for the comments Chris.

Poetry - I really like the poem! And the shot too - fits it really well. The inclusion of the negatives border suits this superbly - both for the shot itself and the accompanying poem.

Whoa! What a story to go with your Chopped!

Seriously nice film shot. The hair is a really nice inclusion although I would be tempted to make it more of a 'lock' to make it slightly more obvious to the viewer.

A huge big (y) of respect for doing it all on film. What a challenge and what a lovely way to make your 52 original.

I will DEFINITELY be keeping an eye on your 52 Conor!

Thanks for the support Matt! I'm wondering myself now am I a bit mad :nuts:.

I'd agree with that. Otherwise the shot, composition, choice of DoF, are all great! (y)


Still think you are mad doing this on film mate, and makes me feel worse that you are on the same week as me, and im shooting digital!

Your chopped entry is awesome! Love the cropped version (felt that I didnt notice the hair as much in the original) The DOF you have on the knife and its handle works very well, and the added reflection in the blade is my favorite part of this shot!

Keep up the good work Conor! (picked up your name from Matts thread)

Thanks Rikki. I'm quite enjoying it so far. My only problem is when I have shots sitting on film I'm too eager to finish it off and get them up here! Have street done, but still having a think about speed. I know what I want to do but it will be difficult to capture it on film without mucking it up. I'll have to waste a film slot trying it out though!
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That's great, I think the cropped Chopped shot works really well, and the reflection in the blade is a great detail. Well done :)
Good for you for doing it all on film! They are all good but so far the cropped "chop" shot is my fav. (y)
Onomatopoeia. Now I'd have had to google that just for the spelling :D. Thanks for the comments Chris.

I did:LOL:


Wicked image for chopped. Can't wait to see more.

Thanks! I'm hoping street will come out ok. Was really hoping to get a better shot for it... But let's see.

That's great, I think the cropped Chopped shot works really well, and the reflection in the blade is a great detail. Well done :)

Thanks! Just wish I thought to get the lock of hair in the reflection too!

Thank you for the crop - that really makes the picture. (y)

That sounds like a smart scanner. :)


Thanks! It sure is a smart scanner.Can't wait to try it on colour

Good for you for doing it all on film! They are all good but so far the cropped "chop" shot is my fav. (y)

Thanks. We'll see how it works out :LOL:. I predict a joker coming up soon. Been crazy at work and haven't had a chance to do speed. Even street was a snapshot and that's one of my favourite styles. We'll see.
Keep em coming Conor. Really interested to see how your Street turns out.

Best of luck matey and I hope you get some unexpected time for it!
The crop makes it much better Conor... Love it... excellent
Keep em coming Conor. Really interested to see how your Street turns out.

Best of luck matey and I hope you get some unexpected time for it!

(y) will do! I didn't really get any unexpected time for street, but I do have a shot hanging in my shower :LOL:

The crop makes it much better Conor... Love it... excellent

Thanks John.

For the first time since it's started I should catch up right to the current theme (this weekend). I have all shots drying as we speak. Hope they all turned out ok :)
You know, sometimes things go well, and other times you muck things up :LOL:. Street, one of themes I chose because I love street photography, and I made a balls of it :razz:. At the time I had prepared, composed, waited, timed the shot, what happened? Motion blur at its finest. It was at nighttime when I shot this, so I was pushing the boundaries of shutter speed as it was... And I didn't pull it off.

What a fine time for this theme to come out though. The one time I ended up having to work 2 weeks straight without a day off and street decides to come out of the bag! Damn you street!

Anyway, here's my rubbish shot that will definitely be reshot...


P.S. I have the other shots too... but there's rugby to be watched and pints to be drank... so they're coming right up!
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Rugby eh?! Good excuse!

As for Speed shot - I really do like it. Strange eh?! :shrug:

But I do. It has character, with the scanning of the border to the very fact it was shot on film and so could not just be retaken.

Part of the magic of film is that sometimes it really does take on a life of its own - more of an organic process that simply taking lots of shots until you nail it. Yes you could have taken it with less shake - but would it have encompassed so much life and movement like that of a street??

I love it Conor. Nice one (y)

When you say speed, I put my money on it that first thing you think of is traffic. I find it crazy how fast people drive these days, including busses. Some of the drivers on my work route are some crazy ass drivers. Sometimes I wonder is it because I'm a bad passenger or are they actually lunatic drivers. You see, about 8 years ago I broke my arm in a car accident, and I've been a rubbish passenger since. I'm not sure if you've seen that seatbelt add "they say the guy without the seatbelt did the damage"? Well he sometimes does! I was the front seat passenger on our way home from a nighttclub, and I was the only person with a seatbelt on in the car. Another mate of mine and his girlfriend of the time were in the back. My mate starts rimming it home, but me being drunk and half way through a tasty burger didn't really notice. He goes over the brow of a hill, hits some loose chippings, and slightly loses control of the car. Some unfortunate lady drives around the bend towards us, with her kid in the back seat, and we hit her head on. Guy in the back with no seatbelt continues his journey through the 2 front seats, through my arm and smashes the bone in 2. He continued his journey though, hit's the front windscreen, but luckily comes back off it, not through it. I didn't feel it at the time, all I can remember is how loud the bang was. It was the loudest bang I've ever heard in my life! When my hearing returned it was pure silence, then I heard the girl in the back crying in panic. My mate is groaning between the 2 seats. Driver is slumped over the steering wheel, I was sure he was dead. "I need to call a f***k**g ambulance!". Go to undo my seatbelt... "OW!". Use my left hand instead. Take my mobile phone out... it's dead. I don't know what to do, my arm is litterally buggered, I thought it was a dislocated shoulder. So I think to myself, I gotta put this back in place or I won't be able to help anyone. I get out of the car, lie on the ground, press my shoulder.... Second OW!... it's broken, not dislocated! Tried to get up... but unfortunately by now the pain is started to hit in so I can feel how sore it is... and now I can't move. So here's my lying on the side of a road, 3 people in a car, 1 not moving, and god knows what's going on in the other car. Eventually a bus comes by and sees the accident, so stop to help... and I find out that thankfully everyone survived it.

Woman in the other car broke a couple of bones, 1 in her leg. The kid thankfully came out pretty unscathed. Both recovered pretty quickly. Driver in our car broke a bone in his forearm. Girl in the back seat got a bad gash on her face. Back seat supermans damage included a sore back and a slight headache. They all recovered pretty quickly too. I came out with a broken humerus, 2 operations, 1 to insert a bar through the middle of the bone, and 1 to take it back out again, 8 months of physio because of deteriorated muscles and a loss of about 25% movement as a result of a slightly misaligned bone repair, so somehow managed to come out the worst... But I couldn't care less. We all survived. I thank all our lucky stars since that day that each and everyone of us came out the right side of that accident, sure, with a few war wounds, but alive and well.

Net result: the guy without the seatbelt does the damage :LOL:
Gee Wiz Conor! What a story and pic to go with it!
Just glad everyone came out of it ok.
As for the shot - I still love the film look and the edge of frame. Speed shot has suited the film to a tee - especially in B&W.

Nice one.

Oh and by the way "Backseat Superman' cracked me up!
Rugby eh?! Good excuse!

As for Speed shot - I really do like it. Strange eh?! :shrug:

But I do. It has character, with the scanning of the border to the very fact it was shot on film and so could not just be retaken.

Part of the magic of film is that sometimes it really does take on a life of its own - more of an organic process that simply taking lots of shots until you nail it. Yes you could have taken it with less shake - but would it have encompassed so much life and movement like that of a street??

I love it Conor. Nice one (y)

Gee Wiz Conor! What a story and pic to go with it!
Just glad everyone came out of it ok.
As for the shot - I still love the film look and the edge of frame. Speed shot has suited the film to a tee - especially in B&W.

Nice one.

Oh and by the way "Backseat Superman' cracked me up!

Thanks. I think that street shot will look better in colour anyway. That's what's going in the camera next so let's see how the next few turn out!

And glad you liked speed! Funny thing since that day, ever since stories went around that I went through the front windscreen of the car and landed on the ground outside... I sometimes correct them, I sometimes don't bother :LOL:

Now, just looking for my "present" photo as we speak :)
:LOL: Any that superman flew off into the yonder?

:agree: For looking for a present shot - have just opened our valentines presents so we shall see if any inspiration comes forth.

You developing your own colour too?
:LOL: Any that superman flew off into the yonder?

:agree: For looking for a present shot - have just opened our valentines presents so we shall see if any inspiration comes forth.

You developing your own colour too?

Yep, going to develop my colour film too. chemicals and stuff on the way. It's going to be a bit harder than B&W though. Colour has to be developed at a higher temp, and a more consistent temp. B&W is more forgiving!

In regards to present, I have it on film, just trying scanned it in. It's very much a filler shot though :LOL:. I'll have it up in a sec.
Awesomeness. Seriously cant wait to see and hear about your colour results too!

Filler week. I bought myself a new present, a Tokina 12-24mm off Kerso. Haven't really used it yet, but did have a play. Looking forward to doing some street shots with it!

Anyway, this will save me having to use a joker. It isn't straight, slightly oof, lacks interestingness, it's... well... a filler.... But I don't care, I HAVE A NEW WIDE ANGLE LENS! :D
Well it certainly fits the theme. If I had just received a present like that, I too wouldn't be that worried about an image showing it off! :)
Your Speed shot is an absolute cracker - a tremendous effect. :clap::clap: The story is pretty riveting, too. I'm glad you all survived. A doctor friend once said they called it the "unrestrained granny in the back" syndrome!

Present - may be a bit of a filler but fits the theme. You will have a lot of fun with it, I'm sure.
First of all, Connor, another 'hats off' to you for keeping up with the 52 on film - it's a 'must see' thread for me. (y)

And doesn't disappoint! :)

Street: It might not be what you planned, but it's an everyday street scene with a twist, and just enough information to give a context. Very nice. :clap:

Speed: Wow - this is terrific. Did you know you'd got a corker when you took it? The timing's spot on. I'd be thrilled if this was mine on digi - let alone film. (y) The back story is scary and it's amazing you all survived - thank goodness you did. When wearing seat belts became law (many, many years ago), a relative who's a 'plastic' surgeon (at the medical end rather than the cosmetic) said it would increase his workload. When asked why, he said a lot more people would survive accidents, but need facial surgery for injuries. :eek:

Present: Lovely - the shot's ok, but the subject matter is ace! :love:

Well it certainly fits the theme. If I had just received a present like that, I too wouldn't be that worried about an image showing it off! :)

Thanks, just need a chance to get out and play with it now!

Your Speed shot is an absolute cracker - a tremendous effect. :clap::clap: The story is pretty riveting, too. I'm glad you all survived. A doctor friend once said they called it the "unrestrained granny in the back" syndrome!

Present - may be a bit of a filler but fits the theme. You will have a lot of fun with it, I'm sure.

Thanks! I like that "Unrestrained granny in the back" syndrome :LOL:! Must remember that one for again.

First of all, Connor, another 'hats off' to you for keeping up with the 52 on film - it's a 'must see' thread for me. (y)

And doesn't disappoint! :)

Street: It might not be what you planned, but it's an everyday street scene with a twist, and just enough information to give a context. Very nice. :clap:

Speed: Wow - this is terrific. Did you know you'd got a corker when you took it? The timing's spot on. I'd be thrilled if this was mine on digi - let alone film. (y) The back story is scary and it's amazing you all survived - thank goodness you did. When wearing seat belts became law (many, many years ago), a relative who's a 'plastic' surgeon (at the medical end rather than the cosmetic) said it would increase his workload. When asked why, he said a lot more people would survive accidents, but need facial surgery for injuries. :eek:

Present: Lovely - the shot's ok, but the subject matter is ace! :love:


Thanks Jean! I'm glad of your visits :). I'll have to take some nice shots with this new wide angle to make justice of it now! In regards to speed, I knew I had the shot I wanted compositionally... but I had no idea if I over exposed it, wobbled a little, etc etc, so was very happy with it when I saw it developed. About plastic surgeons, that never occurred to me, but it makes sense! Wow :eek:
Can't believe you're managing to do this on film, what a trooper !!
I really like 'present' you list all these issues with the shot and perhaps you're right, but it's all relative isn't it? I for one like it, it's got a nice feel too it, I like the lighting, I like the subject matter and most important of all I like looking at the image.
Very nice present dude! There is something so nice and romantic about all your shots on film - very atmospheric! This shot is no exception - it is an awesome lens and the black and white film makes it infinitely more interesting to my eye.

Kinda want you to keep going on b&w but interested to see colour at the same time!

Can't believe you're managing to do this on film, what a trooper !!
I really like 'present' you list all these issues with the shot and perhaps you're right, but it's all relative isn't it? I for one like it, it's got a nice feel too it, I like the lighting, I like the subject matter and most important of all I like looking at the image.

Thanks! Doing my best to keep it up :). Glad you like present, but I dunno, for me it's missing that... "je ne sais quoi"!

Very nice present dude! There is something so nice and romantic about all your shots on film - very atmospheric! This shot is no exception - it is an awesome lens and the black and white film makes it infinitely more interesting to my eye.

Kinda want you to keep going on b&w but interested to see colour at the same time!


I'm tempted to keep going with B&W too. But, I want to learn how process colour too, so once I've delved into that I'll decide if I should return to B&W or not
Good plan. You could present them both side by side?
:puke: How many more gory stories are we going to have in this thread? :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
Hell of a way to set the scene, and I'm just glad that nobody was seriously hurt.

Well done on the catch up.
Street : Great idea, but as you said just a bit too much blur. Looks like you'll get another go at this in week 7 though.

Speed : Simply brilliant. My favourite so far.
Absolutely pin sharp image and crisp clear light trails - in fact some of the best that I've seen. There's a real feel of motion there.

Present : :clap: congrats on the new lens!!!!

Good plan. You could present them both side by side?

There's an idea! :thinking:

:wacky: As if you haven't made it difficult enough for yourself already!!!!!
Speed - it's like a mine...only much better! ;)

Present - nice....! Nuff said.
Crap! I don't often read huge blocks of text as it's time I could have spent looking at pics, but that's one sobering story first thing in the morning. I think I shall take my time driving into work this morning! Oh... and I really like you speed shot. Must be hard to nail on film when you can't review the shot to see how the motions blur has come out!
:puke: How many more gory stories are we going to have in this thread? :LOL: :LOL:
Hell of a way to set the scene, and I'm just glad that nobody was seriously hurt.

Well done on the catch up.
Street : Great idea, but as you said just a bit too much blur. Looks like you'll get another go at this in week 7 though.

Speed : Simply brilliant. My favourite so far.
Absolutely pin sharp image and crisp clear light trails - in fact some of the best that I've seen. There's a real feel of motion there.

Present : :clap: congrats on the new lens!!!!

:wacky: As if you haven't made it difficult enough for yourself already!!!!!

Hah! I was thinking the same myself about the gory stories! I'll have to try lighten the mood next time ;)

:plus1: :D

Congratulations on the new arrival. I'm sure week 7 will help put it to good use.

:D thanks. Unfortunately, it may not get used as part of my 52. All on film is one of my rules ;)

Speed - it's like a mine...only much better! ;)

Present - nice....! Nuff said.

Thanks, haven't seen your speed shot yet, must take a wander over!

great set of images for all the weeks themes, well done

Thanks mate!

Crap! I don't often read huge blocks of text as it's time I could have spent looking at pics, but that's one sobering story first thing in the morning. I think I shall take my time driving into work this morning! Oh... and I really like you speed shot. Must be hard to nail on film when you can't review the shot to see how the motions blur has come out!

I'm the same when it comes to blocks of text, so I don't know what's got me writing all of these. They've just been brain dumps each week when I think of something it reminds me of. I'll probably get very quiet after this one :LOL:

Thanks all for the comments
Well done on all three Conor, they are all good shots. Speed is amazing. Ow... I bet that was nasty, and how much work... but glad everyone came out of it ok. Present... I'd love a present like that, and it fits the theme nicely.
Very late catching up,sorry :(

Street is very atmospheric and I think that because it's in b&w I don't mind the blur

Speed is just fantastic. I :love: it

Present, I bought one of these a couple of years ago and it's a great lens.

Lovely photos :clap::clap::clap:
Well done on all three Conor, they are all good shots. Speed is amazing. Ow... I bet that was nasty, and how much work... but glad everyone came out of it ok. Present... I'd love a present like that, and it fits the theme nicely.

Thanks John. It was a long time ago now so it's very much a story to tell rather than anything else! To this day I still think about how lucky we all are though.

Very late catching up,sorry :(

Street is very atmospheric and I think that because it's in b&w I don't mind the blur

Speed is just fantastic. I :love: it

Present, I bought one of these a couple of years ago and it's a great lens.

Lovely photos :clap::clap::clap:

Thanks Jill! Don't worry about the late catch up. I think there are threads I haven't even commented on yet so I'm probably a worse culprit that you! The boom of 52s have made it quite hard to keep track of everyone. So at a minimum I try to respond to those who reply to me, and then throw a few others in on top that I may or may not have noticed yet. I think everyone is in the same boat though so I don't think anyone should feel the need to apologise!!! Looking forward to the lens too :)

Thanks for the comments all!
And here I come to also catch up.

A friend of mine did his final college project on medium format film. 13 prints he had to do (admittedly it was part-time in the evening and the only darkroom access he had was once a week for 2 hours) and I thought he was bonkers but brave. At the end he admitted he'd never do it again!

So I think you're very brave for shooting film for a project such as this. You also must have some time on your hands :)

There is something really great about B&W film, and it comes across in the shots. It's hard to crit them when they make such great documentary photos. And isn't that what this 52 is? A documentary of your year.

I think Curves was a stunning start, and save the comment about the radiator (which you mentioned yourself) I think it's a lovely shot.

I also liked Street a lot. I kinda got the impression you weren't happy about the blur, but I don't think that matters too much to be honest. It's still a good shot.

Speed is also a really fine capture. The story wasn't so nice to read, but you were lucky and walked away.

Bookmarked for more interestingness.
