Lego "War of the worlds" Power of Paint Weds 22nd Aug

However, the next instalment WILL feature some of the Mods!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry Adam, always was a Mod rather than a Rocker- cooler clothes, scoots, haircuts etc.etc.:shrug:Oh and the ability to BAN people!
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Feek, these are amazing ... i have been giggling constantly throughout the thread, great work, great imagination, some brilliant PoVs and creative use of household objects....
Cheers for the kind words Tezz. I think I need to get a life though??
Excellent stuff Rob. You should be writing for Dr Who!

Mods getting involved. Will Fabs come to the rescue? That would be FABtastic!!!
:LOL::LOL: Excellent Rob... cheered me up this morning
Excellent stuff Rob. You should be writing for Dr Who!

Mods getting involved. Will Fabs come to the rescue? That would be FABtastic!!!

Cheers Clive, am hoping can do the Mods justice, and yes Marc is in there(y)
:LOL::LOL: Excellent Rob... cheered me up this morning

Cheers John, as long as it cheers someone up.(y)
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Are you gonna make this lot into a book ?
Are you gonna make this lot into a book ?

Am thinking of doing a photobox version in limited numbers, starting price of say, £100? That would enable me to re-stock on Lego for another story.(y)
Things looked bleak for the Humans, even the Referee was against them! Sometimes desperate times call for desperate meausures.....................and sometimes only the best can be relied upon........ That's when you call The Mods.................

They were a battle-tested, hardened group of SAS trained soldiers, who after Aden, Suez, Vietnam, The Falklands, and 2 Iraq wars, were drafted in to peace-keep on TalkPhotography. They soon learned to deal with disputes on We**ings, which camera bag, lens, tripod, camera to get etc...

They were led by an accomplished leader of men called Marcel. His credentials were beyond belief. He led from the front and never asked anything from his men , that he couldn't do himself.

Second-in-command was Dark Star, he was a heavy-duty vet, who was into photography, Ska music and blasting seven shades out of the alien hordes. He could move like lightening between any two destinations with heavy duty weapons, such as Wolverhampton and London with AK-47 and Bass.


Next on the team was Marc (Fabs) he was the Equine expert, Sony expert and all round good bloke, who was always willing to help anyone out, whether to do with military, photography or horseography....


The last member of the team was the calming influence of the first SAS female. She was known as Yv, but was called Ma'am by everyone, because of the awe she commanded amongst all ranks.


The War has stepped up a gear!
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No Alan, that's the shadow of the last Guinness.(y)
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Actually interesting to see if the mods pick up on this. I have met and can vouch for Marc and Yv (You couldn't wish to meet nicer people). DarkStar plays Ska, so he can't ever be bad, and Marcel is Marcel (Leading light in TP and someone I hope to meet one day. I wish I could have included Cobra (He loves Pink nearly as much as me) and Kelack, who I have met, and is a down to earth human-being. Lets see:shrug:
:LOL:... Very clever Rob... I'm sure you'll be fine with it... you could always consider reporting the image post and asking them what they think... it could go either way of course :LOL:
Cheers John(y), will jus continue with the story and see what happens.:shrug:
Second-in-command was Dark Star, he was a heavy-duty vet, who was into photography, Ska music and blasting seven shades out of the alien hordes. He could move like lightening between any two destinations with heavy duty weapons, such as Wolverhampton and London with AK-47 and Bass.

DarkStar plays Ska, so he can't ever be bad

Haha I'm truly honoured :) And I do have a hat like that too :LOL:
This thread gets better and better :) loving the humour....

I moved to Rickmansworth :)
Dark Star entered the local town first, carrying out a Recce;

RPW_89 by Rob Palmer-Wilson, on Flickr

The rest of the group quickly followed, forming up in a defensive postion;.

RPW_90 by Rob Palmer-Wilson, on Flickr

After having a good look around, and wondering where the locals were;

RPW_91 by Rob Palmer-Wilson, on Flickr

The Mods moved off in the hope of spotting some inhabitants, however as they walked along the street, there were strange vibrations coming from deep below the road...............

RPW_92 by Rob Palmer-Wilson, on Flickr
I like it Adam, have you seen "War of the Worlds" with Tom Cruise? You got it spot on. Shame I can't get a Corvette Lego model.
You're not wrong Alan, it is a filler, I need to concentrate more on the story, which I will do in the coming week. Sorry.
I like it Adam, have you seen "War of the Worlds" with Tom Cruise? You got it spot on. Shame I can't get a Corvette Lego model.

Yes thought t felt like that, and Phew! Wasn't quiet sure. lol
Have you looked , you probably can, you'll have no money left for beer soon! ;)

Excellent stuff btw Rob, really getting better and better. :)
I need you for the sound effects/music producer with Tezz and Clive as promotion/PR/story leads.
No criticism intended at all - more congratulations as it keeps the suspense without actually revealing anything (y)- I'm still hooked on what is an epic project.:D

Never took it as a criticism Alan, must admit having a bit of a slump at the mo, but have been working at school today on the next bit, so hopefully tomorrow will see the continuation of the story.
I find myself checking up on this thread every morning when I come into work :LOL:

Looking forward to the next installment :)

Many thanks for the kind words Scott.(y)
Mind you Tezz, I think you'd be better as the Leading Lady, perhaps with Clive as the James Bond type.
The ground started to shake and vibrate, then suddenly chunks of Tarmac shifted violently;

RPW_94 by Rob Palmer-Wilson, on Flickr

Strange sounds and dull Red lights revealed the horror of an alien arising from the ground,
Slowly struggling against the weight of rock, pipes, wires and dirt, the Tripod emerged;

RPW_95 by Rob Palmer-Wilson, on Flickr

The Mods ran for cover across the remains of the street;

RPW_97 by Rob Palmer-Wilson, on Flickr

Yvonne spotted a strange metal door amongst the debris;

RPW_98 by Rob Palmer-Wilson, on Flickr
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As the Tripod started to turn towards them, the Mods raced to get the rubble cleared;

by Rob Palmer-Wilson, on Flickr

Without a moment to spare, the door was cleared, and the brave Yvonne led the charge into the tunnel;

by Rob Palmer-Wilson, on Flickr

The last two Mods raced into the opening;

by Rob Palmer-Wilson, on Flickr

With seconds to spare...................

by Rob Palmer-Wilson, on Flickr

As the Alien sighted his weapons at the retreating humans, and blasted the hole, sealing them inside!!!!

by Rob Palmer-Wilson, on Flickr
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Loving this thread and eagerly awaiting the next installment

I wish I could have included Cobra (He loves Pink nearly as much as me)

May be the last surviving alien could get eaten by a giant pink lego snake (or one of those larval mods kellie and Tori have) just as he's about to ray gun the other mods in a cliff hanging , nail biting finale :LOL:
Cheers Pete, am looking for pink lego to end this thread.