Let's talk about stuff

I have too. I'm too heavy and can't pass my fitness test...but that's following a bad skiing accident and lots of nasty knee surgery :)
At least I'm dressed now :LOL:
ah, i eddited my post before as i thought this wasn't you - those shots are good, the ones in the red dress especially :)
i think it's pretty good having never done a model shoot myself i dunno :)

popping out, catch ya later
Saw your new stuff on dA Salma, you model too?
That's not me, i have no idea how to take self-portraits haha. They're just people i know.
I have too. I'm too heavy and can't pass my fitness test...but that's following a bad skiing accident and lots of nasty knee surgery :)

I'm having knee surgery!

have to have 2 ops

keyhole first then reconstructive...displaced knee caps and bone damage teamed with cartillage damage...OWWW

I'm having knee surgery!

have to have 2 ops

keyhole first then reconstructive...displaced knee caps and bone damage teamed with cartillage damage...OWWW


Owwwww. I had a friend who had that done and he felt a million times better after it though!
I'm using OmniWeb atm and I'm liking it - neat lightweight browser and now free :)
Is this still a 'tell me about yourself thread'? Is it too late for me to tell you about myself?
This is turning into Twitter lol :D
I think it's cool, just a 'talk about random stuff' thread. It's quite interesteing seeing how is' evolved already lmao
:agree: (y)

I do like Saturday mornings, it's when I get my bit of time to myself. Just sitting in front of my computer with a nice cup of real coffee. Processing some photos, checking out TP etc. Aahhhhh contentment :love:
I think Grendel means the same as I do, meaning real coffee from a cafitiere, or filter machine, instead of instant. Which is exactly where I'm off now. I need coffee. (Hungover again :()
Indeed (y) Except mine comes from a Dolce Gusto coffee machine :)

Oh and yes, hangover here too :( :puke:
I think Grendel means the same as I do, meaning real coffee from a cafitiere, or filter machine, instead of instant. Which is exactly where I'm off now. I need coffee. (Hungover again :()

Damn tootin. Why have nasty instant stuff when yo can have good strong freshly ground beans?

I love Saturdays too, and am currently sitting in my PJ's editing some shots, also with said hangover. I think that a fry up may be in order some time in the immediate future.
Oooh a fry up sounds very tempting (y)

I think we need to ask the mods to add a poll to see how many members have a Saturday morning hangover lol :D
Oooh a fry up sounds very tempting (y)

I think we need to ask the mods to add a poll to see how many members have a Saturday morning hangover lol :D

Lol, it would probably be too scarey to know the truth ;) I've got to go food shopping later with the hangover! Torture!
hmmm....fry up, now there's an idea.

I've got over 200 shots from the Grand Military Gold cup at Sandown park to process today. G-Damn it!