Lighting DVDs: Your chance to watch them.

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I now have the DVD,s and will be sending onto Gary wood early next week :)
I now have the DVD,s and will be sending onto Gary wood early next week :)

Should these not be going to ding76uk next? :thinking:
the waiting list is so long..!!

I'm in !!

let me join the queue pls...probably MArch 2010 will be my turn LOL

Sorry, you don't currently qualify! :thumbsdown:

Ask again when you do if you are still interested (y)
Might be an idea to close entries for a few months.
TG, can you let me know why are you sending them to Gary Wood and not ding76uk?

Yes sorry Ed forgot to mention, i PM,d ding76uk last week to get address details, he PM,d me back to say he would not have time to watch them as he had been very busy with work, so advised me to send on to the next in line, which i did yesterday and sent to Gary wood, hope that clarifies things, and thanks again for the loan of the DVD,s Ed (y)
Yes sorry Ed forgot to mention, i PM,d ding76uk last week to get address details, he PM,d me back to say he would not have time to watch them as he had been very busy with work, so advised me to send on to the next in line, which i did yesterday and sent to Gary wood, hope that clarifies things, and thanks again for the loan of the DVD,s Ed (y)

Thanks for setting that straight.
Can I please be added to the list :)
If I could be added to the list too please, I would appreciate it.

Thanks in advance!
Update please, who has these now?
I have PM'd Gary Wood today to find out what is happenning with the DVDs and if he posted them on, if he has when and to whom?

I will update the list later!
Just so that everyone knows, I will be going away on the 7th of November and returning on the 28th. If my turn comes up before I am back please put me back one place on the list.

I think we need a wee bit more clarity on this thread re tracking of these disks.
I have received no contact from Gary Wood (either on the thread or by PM) and therefore do not currently know what is happening with them or even where they are.

I have asked, that when the disks have been received the recipient posts in the thread to state that they've received them and their 7 days starts from then, I have also asked that when they post them on they also make it known in the thread. This has not been happening very regularly and to be honest I think it is really ungrateful as it is not exactly an onerous task.

I also think that those who take advantage by keeping the DVDs for longer than they should, should feel ashamed of their actions, 7 days to watch 2 short DVDs is not a big ask!

This idea was started to give access to these DVDs to those that would like to benefit from watching them at minimal cost (only the cost of posting them onward by recorded delivery at the end of their alloted time), and if people persist in not following the (minimal rules) then I will consider withdrawing the privilege.

Unfortunately there is no means of punitive action for those that are not 'playing the game' as the people who are taking the mickey with the DVDs will already have had them to watch.
Unfortunately there is no means of punitive action for those that are not 'playing the game' as the people who are taking the mickey with the DVDs will already have had them to watch.

Maybe not on this occasion Ed but, should another member make such a generous offer again in the future, this thread will be here for reference.
I had hoped to hear that the disk I sent to Gary to join the others would be acknowledged - I may have offered if for free, but it is nice to know that it safely arrived.

No answer to prompting PM.

I have received no contact from Gary Wood (either on the thread or by PM) and therefore do not currently know what is happening with them or even where they are.

I have asked, that when the disks have been received the recipient posts in the thread to state that they've received them and their 7 days starts from then, I have also asked that when they post them on they also make it known in the thread. This has not been happening very regularly and to be honest I think it is really ungrateful as it is not exactly an onerous task.

I also think that those who take advantage by keeping the DVDs for longer than they should, should feel ashamed of their actions, 7 days to watch 2 short DVDs is not a big ask!

This idea was started to give access to these DVDs to those that would like to benefit from watching them at minimal cost (only the cost of posting them onward by recorded delivery at the end of their alloted time), and if people persist in not following the (minimal rules) then I will consider withdrawing the privilege.

Unfortunately there is no means of punitive action for those that are not 'playing the game' as the people who are taking the mickey with the DVDs will already have had them to watch.
Perhaps going forward you can add the number of days the video was held within brackets after the name at the time you update your list? Doesn't help for what's happened in the past but will apply a bit more emphasis to those who are not going to play by the rules. I see nothing wrong with naming and shaming. Everyone who is participating agreed to the rules laid out. Also at the end that list will be useful for anyone else thinking of doing this in the future.
I'm not sure how this is progressing or if it is still going, however if it is I would love a chance to watch them, please pop me on the list.

Thank you.
Well Gary Wood is currently on the forums but has not answered his Pms or replied to this thread.
He was on yesterday too,

hmmm, strange.
No word yet?
Better late than never... can I be on the lis as well plrease.. cheers
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