List of Inspiration (updated 22/09)

You know what they say, practise makes perfect :LOL: I can use the curves in RAW editor but the indepth one in photoshop just scares me tbh!
#38: Milk


Having a pretty **** day today if I'm honest. I'm feeling lonely, miserable, and fairly solitary. I feel as if I'm being excluded again. This has resulted in a lack of inspiration or desire to create something that I'm really proud of, but the one thing I will not do is fail on this 365. I know that sounds lame, but I'm going to keep to it, and unless for some reason I have no internet connection, the show will go on. A photo, every day, with a different theme.

So, my brother came home from the shops with a milkshake. Immediately had an idea for a shot, so I grabbed the camera, got a glass, and got him to pour it the milkshake into the glass. The shot itself was fairly boring - I wanted to have a long exposure so the milk was all whispey and the glass filled up slowly and it all looked a bit strange, but I didn't want to set it all up (see lack of inspiration or desire to create something that I'm really proud of). So made do, and since the shot was cack, I just did a bit of olde style editing (ala pete carr again :p) and settled for second best. :p
Hi foodpoison,
I have just found your 365 and am stunned.
I think that the scream image is my fave so far but they are all of such a high standard that isn't hard to pick one.

Sorry that your not having the best of times at the moment and I know this is a hollow statement but things will pick up.

Looking forward to seeing some more of you year!
Hi foodpoison,
I have just found your 365 and am stunned.
I think that the scream image is my fave so far but they are all of such a high standard that isn't hard to pick one.

Sorry that your not having the best of times at the moment and I know this is a hollow statement but things will pick up.

Looking forward to seeing some more of you year!

Awh shucks :confused:

I really like the scream image too. One that stands out for me is #4 Light.

Things will pick up, I'm sure. People get like this :p
#39: Tiled


Had a theoretically good idea today, but when it came into practise, it turned out it was cack.

I'm going to a party tonight, and so I was desperately trying to find something to take a photo of.
As I walked onto the landing, my mum had just recently washed the bathroom floor, and I saw this shot.
Grabbed the camera, got on my hands and knees, and shot.

Happy with this shot. The processing has worked wonders for it, since the original shot was fairly boring. Not happy with the way that the shot was crap and the processing brought it back from the brink, but hey-ho :D
#40: Mates


Missed yesterday's image.
Here is today's.

Went to Reading with some mates and saw Batman again. Got some new boxers, took some photos.

Shot in medium jpeg by accident, which is annoying, but nevermind.
Well, since the trough I was in last week and the closing of Gary's thread, I've decided to rethink my strategy. I'm going to leave my List of Inspiration as it is (only add a theme when I REALLY want to take a photo related to that theme). My aim, instead, is to complete the list by next July.
I will title the book "A year in photo's", and rather than having a photo every day, I'll just have a photographic 'journey' through the different techniques, styles, processing and compositional elements that I've used in the first year of having my 40d, hoping to see an improvement from the beginning to the end. Lets see how it goes (y)
#41: Sharp


Organising my 18th, dress code is smart casual, took a picture to give an example.
Want everyone to be 'sharply' dressed.

I'm going to buy a white blazer, match it with a black shirt, black jeans, white belt, white shoes.
Will look top stuff (y)

And the photo, btw, is crap.
Not that happy with it, but did the best I could. It's for facebook, so no real time was taken :p
just caught up mate. on the train just leaving London. Great images as always. Was my plan to convert my 365 to an update as and when required, but turning it into something a little different...keep it up FP :)
Has been a long time since I updated this. Here we go, 3 more:

#42: Abstract


An abstract of my hand. I absolutely love the tonal range in this.

#43: Dots and Diagonals


Very noisy image, but I do like the composition.

#44: Eagerness


How exciting :D
I like the hand FP, its dark, but guessing what you aimed for. I love the DOF on the sony, and the tickets make me wanna go to Reading! :)

#45: Curves


There has been a film in my film camera for ages, had taken pictures of mostly my ex on it, and wanted to finish the film but was bored of it. I scrapped it. Didn't really want to see pictures of my ex.

Plus I'm itching to stick the velvia that Joxby gave me into my cam :D
#44: Eagerness


How exciting :D

I went to Leeds festival it was soooo amazing bit of a mud bath though. lol.

Anyways back on topic. I have enjoyed looking through this thread the pictures are very good (even the ones you say are not, are good) and I like the writing that goes with each picture as well, makes the images more personal and gives them more meaning.

Well done so far, keep up the good work. Also hope Reading was as good as Leeds. :D
#46: Domination


This shot was a long shutter speed, with the flash fired, of my band's guitarist, Ben.
Theme? The light dominates the frame. I like this.

#47: Bliss


My friend Elliot having a break during band practise.
Theme? I haven't seen anyone (obviously only including people I know, not famous people) have so much passion for something. It is sheer bliss seeing him play the drums, because he loses himself.

#48: Fiesty


Max, the bassist, being a fiesty little devil ;) :LOL:

#49: Journalistic


Thom, guitarist of our band, bouncing ideas off Elliot. Rather than getting the lads to pose, took a journalistic approach.
Yes, this theme is a bit of a cop out, but as you may or may not know, I'm not adding themes to the list of inspiration anymore, just picking ones out. :)
#50: Brown


Happy with this shot, but would be happier if it was taken on a piece of A2 paper, not A3 :(
Paper wasn't big enough, causing a lot of necessary post processing.

#51: Still Life



This is the Lubitel 2 travelling 6x6 MF camera sent to me in Kev M's thread
I took several pictures, but out of the set, these 2 really shone. I really need some help deciding which one is better! I think I prefer A, but I'm not sure. I'll have a think, and perhaps let you guys be the judge :)