Louise Knight's self portrait 52 - Week 23 - Sarcoma Knows No Borders

nice idea!
a few hairs on the floor would improve it IMHO
like it though! :clap:

There was actually hair on the floor but out of shot, I had a few shots with the 'floor-hair' in shot but this one won for me :)

Thanks for your opinion. I might work on one of the 'floor-hair' shots later in the week to see if I prefer it :p
Really liking the processing on the Chopped shot, it fits well with the content of the shot and helps tell the story. Well done! :clap::clap:
great chopped shot, nice processing really works well with the photo, but....

i agree with what "mmcp42" said, about having a few hair's on the floor would make it much better too
Saw this on your Flickr and thought "so why isn't it in the 52 thread?" - I've obviously lost the plot.

It's brilliant, I love the idea, I think the processing really adds to the overall feel of the picture. The whole package screams - nutter with scissors ;)
thank you boys and girls :) I will try to work more on extra detail (ie hair on floor) in week 5 depending on the theme :D
Week 4 - STREET

I think this is my weakest shot so far for my 52.. simply because of the quality of the image My 30D at ISO 3200 in the dark just doesn't cut it, I'm so glad I didn't use the 450D for this shot though.. eesh it would look a total state!

This is Crane Street, Chichester. Possibly my favourite street in town because it's usually pretty quiet in the daytime, and it's slowly become the place for charity shops to live, I think there's now around 6 shops in a seriously small street! so far I've managed to pick up some amazing vintage garments that would otherwise prove quite expensive!

We drove around for nearly an hour looking for a good street with relatively decent lighting. Crane Street was the first stop but we drove around for a bit more before returning to take this shot! I had the help of my better half with this one, firstly because it was a Tuesday night, which is student night at the local club so there was bound to be some scary faces lurking about, and secondly, so he could press the shutter to make things a whole lot easier for me. I set the exposure, composition, focus etceteraaa and then ran over to my focus point whilst he pressed the button :D it was very much appreciated as doing this shot on my own in the middle of town in the freezing cold after midnight on student night would have been a stupid idea! (plus I don't have a wireless remote for the 30D!)

If I was any braver then I would've gone out in the daytime for this shot and been able to use a sensible ISO that the camera could handle, but I wasn't feeling very brave, so this shot it is!


And because I got boooored of waiting for week 5, here's an outtake from Street, looking particularly stern too.

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Another thread I bookmarked at the outset, and I have to say I think you're doing a grand job with this! It's bad enough doing a regular 52 without narrowing things even further.

I figured I'd go with what I do best and procrastinate
You're not alone in this!!

So far, I think Chopped for me is the strongest shot although they all work well. Your own self-crit on street is spot on. That light behind your head is quite distracting and has made exposing the shot quite difficult.

One last thing... If you were on a tripod, a longer exposure time would have allowed you to use a lower ISO. I appreciate that at this angle, that light would have blown the shot to bits, but maybe if you'd stood with the light out of frame (i.e. used it as a sidelight) it might have worked better?

Not for me to crit really, considering you were shivering in the middle of the night and actually had the cojones to go out and get the shot you wanted, but just a suggestion.

Following your thread (and the words) with interest!

Another thread I bookmarked at the outset, and I have to say I think you're doing a grand job with this! It's bad enough doing a regular 52 without narrowing things even further.

You're not alone in this!!

So far, I think Chopped for me is the strongest shot although they all work well. Your own self-crit on street is spot on. That light behind your head is quite distracting and has made exposing the shot quite difficult.

One last thing... If you were on a tripod, a longer exposure time would have allowed you to use a lower ISO. I appreciate that at this angle, that light would have blown the shot to bits, but maybe if you'd stood with the light out of frame (i.e. used it as a sidelight) it might have worked better?

Not for me to crit really, considering you were shivering in the middle of the night and actually had the cojones to go out and get the shot you wanted, but just a suggestion.

Following your thread (and the words) with interest!


Thanks Ian :)

I had two choices here really, either use the tripod and like you said, use a longer shutter speed, or use a monopod for a little bit of stability and have a quicker shutter.
For the sake of A, getting the photo taken as soon as possible (I'll admit.. I did look like a total lemon standing there like that.. I got on the floor for another shot too!) and B, because I simply can't stand very still, a longer exposure would've caused all sorts of EXTRA crit from myself, I went with the monopod option! I could've got some cool light painting shots now that I think about it, but ooooh well!

I'll admit, I didn't spend long enough on the composition, and the image suffers because of it. The thing is, if I'd have composed the shot further to the left, the light that's lighting the side of my body up would've been in shot, just. can't. win!

All lessons to be learnt for next week's theme that I'm VERY eager to find out!
Love the poetry and chopped shots. Really like the processing you have used. It's becoming a kinda trademark.
Your chopped shot is great. Extemely original idea, nicely done :)

Also your week 4 looks like you were walking home and had a eureka moment :LOL:
another (y) for me one this one louise it looks to me like you have just had divine inspiration or seen the light well done keep em coming
I've just realised that I haven't actually commented on any shots yet.

You seem to be more critical of your own work than any of us are.

I think you have a lot of talent and that is becoming more and more clear as the weeks go on.

Week 1 - curved. I'm not really keen on this although it is well done. I can't explain why it doesn't do it for me.

Week 2 - Poetry. It may not have been the shot you wanted to take but it is still excellent. Ideally you are going to take a fesh image each week but that's not always possible.

Week 3 - chopped. I love this. The processing works really well. You manage to look as mad as a box of frogs without having your face in the shot. Very impressive.

Week 4 - Street. Another very strong image. As others have said, the light makes it look like you have had a revelation. I am dreading going out on the streets to take a picture of the scene never mind a self portrait.
I like it - just claim the flare of the light as a deliberate special effect! The main thing that bothers me is that it is all a bit soft, as if you missed the focus.
I don't know if it's your processing, but not noticing any noise this week. I think it's a great image. Looks like a moment of ascension. The little (I assume are) water marks on the lens add to the atmosphere of the shot. Well done for being out there in the middle of the night and for making good use of the other half (y)
Love the poetry and chopped shots. Really like the processing you have used. It's becoming a kinda trademark.

really? Thank you! I'm glad to hear it :D

I've only just noticed this thread. nice to see someone else doing self portrait shots! - I'm doing a self portrait 365 (I must be mad!)

I really like all of your shots so far, and the processing you use is lovely :)
Looking forward to seeing the next photo.

you are mad doing a 365.. I decided not to do one because it would drive me insane! Good luck, I will be keeping an eye on your progress :)

Your chopped shot is great. Extemely original idea, nicely done

Also your week 4 looks like you were walking home and had a eureka moment :LOL:

Thanks very much :)

I did have a eureka moment.. "HOME TIME - NOW!"

another (y) for me on this one louise it looks to me like you have just had divine inspiration or seen the light well done keep em coming

as above, inspiration to get out of the cold and into my PJ's!!

I've just realised that I haven't actually commented on any shots yet.

You seem to be more critical of your own work than any of us are.

I think you have a lot of talent and that is becoming more and more clear as the weeks go on.

Week 1 - curved. I'm not really keen on this although it is well done. I can't explain why it doesn't do it for me.

Week 2 - Poetry. It may not have been the shot you wanted to take but it is still excellent. Ideally you are going to take a fesh image each week but that's not always possible.

Week 3 - chopped. I love this. The processing works really well. You manage to look as mad as a box of frogs without having your face in the shot. Very impressive.

Week 4 - Street. Another very strong image. As others have said, the light makes it look like you have had a revelation. I am dreading going out on the streets to take a picture of the scene never mind a self portrait.

I know I can be very critical of my work, pointing out what I believe to be flaws helps me realise how I could've done it differently and how I can improve next time, and admitting openly that I can see these flaws might help other people see what otherwise they may not have.
Hopefully in the coming weeks you'll hear less of it from me! :)

Thanks so much for your comments on my work, it seems that 'chopped' might be the most favoured so far!

I like it - just claim the flare of the light as a deliberate special effect! The main thing that bothers me is that it is all a bit soft, as if you missed the focus.

Thanks. As the light was going to be in the shot either way, I actually added more flare whilst processing as there wasn't enough there :D It is pretty soft though.. the focus was fine, it's the high ISO and no sharpening once off the camera that's made it like that :)

I don't know if it's your processing, but not noticing any noise this week. I think it's a great image. Looks like a moment of ascension. The little (I assume are) water marks on the lens add to the atmosphere of the shot. Well done for being out there in the middle of the night and for making good use of the other half

Thank you. The water marks you're referring to are actually a texture I made about a year ago that I've added onto the image. when I'm out and about with the camera, if I see something that would make an interesting texture to use in my work I'll take a shot and process it, save it in a textures file and wait until the day it might be useful :) The particular texture here was made by covering a sheet of paper with glitter, popping the flash up, and taking various out of focus shots with my 50mm :) you can see some more over at http://louise-knightstock.deviantart.com/gallery/ which can be used by anyone if they so wish :)
Love the chopped image, it's one of those shots that kind of shout at you from the screen.

Very brave take on the street theme, works very well.

Roll on week 5 :D
:clap: :clap: :clap:

I missed your chopped week Louise, but what a great shot!
This is absolutely my favourite out of all of them so far. A real sort of sinister, creepy feel to it that's just accentuated by the PP. I absolutely LOVE it :love:

Street is another interesting shot. I don't like it quite as much as your others for reasons that have already been said above, but it's still very good.
And I'm intrigued by your out-take - something fascinating about that pose.
:clap: :clap: :clap:

I missed your chopped week Louise, but what a great shot!
This is absolutely my favourite out of all of them so far. A real sort of sinister, creepy feel to it that's just accentuated by the PP. I absolutely LOVE it :love:

Street is another interesting shot. I don't like it quite as much as your others for reasons that have already been said above, but it's still very good.
And I'm intrigued by your out-take - something fascinating about that pose.

Thanks Sarah! I have to admit, I did feel like a bit of a pleb standing in an empty street posing like that for the outtake. Although, I did enjoy being on the other side of the camera with someone else shooting (ie, boyfriend pressing the shutter) tehee! Maybe it's the start of something new.. hmmmmm!

Not too sure I'm looking forward to week 5 though.. speed.. hmph :shrug:
Just catching up - some interesting shots in the thread, but 'chopped' really stands out for me! Great shot!

loved the chopped shot from week 3 , i saw it earlier and forgot to comment (oops)

week 4 , i actually prefer the outtake, although it doesn't really say "street"

i just have to add that i think your mental for trying it all in self portraits :wacky: , but your doing a great job :D
Chopped is excellent, and has several in it too.

I do like the first shot of Street. It's got an almost magical quality with the flare and the posture etc. Just ... you seem a bit soft in the image... I think B&W might work very well with that one.

second one is good too.
I think the outtake is a corker. Doesn't really fit the theme, but a really good shot nonetheless. One for the wall there.

Thanks for the ongoing comments :) I will most definitely be aiming to top my chopped shot seeing as it seems the 'peoples choice' :D
Week 5 - SPEED

This was so much fun to do, if a little bit odd for people watching at the time!
When I found out 'speed' was the next theme, I wasn't impressed.. my minds been a bit blank recently and ideas haven't been flowing like they usually do. However.. this image represents speed in several ways.
1: I'm in the boot of a relatively fast car, which was going fast up until we stopped to take this picture.
2: To take the photo, we went up to Goodwood, home of lots of fast sports www.goodwood.co.uk/
3: Getting in the boot and back out was a fast process.



lol just because I look like a fool - me trying to get back out again..


PS: the only thing that got run over here was my shoes :(


This was my original idea, but I preferred the wider shot :)

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Gonna have to disagree with you and go for the third option :D would have like to see shot wider with a little less of you face with just a narrow view of your eyes.

Smashing stuff once more.
I'm always eager to see what you're going to come up with next :)

Never mind your shoes, what about your toes!?
Gonna have to disagree with you and go for the third option :D would have like to see shot wider with a little less of you face with just a narrow view of your eyes.


I absolutely agree, my initial idea was pretty much just that, cropped to square and a really tiny slither where the eyes were just visible, but the boot is SO narrow I just couldn't fit in there how I wanted to, and then I couldn't get my head down far enough :( :LOL:

Smashing stuff once more.
I'm always eager to see what you're going to come up with next :)

Never mind your shoes, what about your toes!?

Thanks :) this is a long story cut short (actually, not really short but..)
We had a mini picnic but I forgot to take the picnic blanket, so we ate in the car. HE had TWO frijj milkshakes and refused to share, then he got out of the car to be in peace because I kept poking him wanting some milkshake. Thus, I got out of the car to try again to get me some milkshake. Failing miserably I went back to the car to continued consuming my boring summer fruits oasis and was told I wasn't allowed in there with muddy feet, so I took my shoes off put them on the floor outside my door, got back in the car and forgot about them.
We then moved the car a little so the light was where I wanted it for the shot, then I shrieked "WHERE ARE MY SHOES...?!?!?!" He got out, and returned with some flattened plimsolls.. BRAND NEW SHOES. gah!