Louise Knight's self portrait 52 - Week 23 - Sarcoma Knows No Borders

is that a good thing... ?!?! :cautious: :D

Yes it is, it's stunning Louise. Whether it would have had the same imapct without the explanation I don't know, but coupled with the words the image is very powerful. Technically I think it's flawless and on an emotive level for me it's breathtaking.

(There I found some words)
Wow! That is a wierd and wonderful shot. There is an other worldy, surreal feel to it. Slightly freakish and very, very good. Super shot.

Cheers, Rob
Amazing. Stuck for anything to say, tough to improve on that. Probably my favourite image this week (y)
Awesome shots Louise!!!!

I have to agree with Yv - your mono works for the surreal but it is the colour one that really nails it for me - I think it is the black paint with those powerful colour eyes.

Stunning work, and like many have said, my favourite entry for People so far.

Nice one lady (y)
1. Melding the two heads together. My eyes keep getting drawn to that area where your shoulders should be in the middle of the frame.

There were a couple of reasons for this. Number 1, I was honestly so happy with ALL of the shots I took in this series that I simply couldn't just use one. I really liked these two shots next to each other but aesthetically they just didn't look right. So I tried reversing the right hand image to link them more effectively and loved the effect it gave. The way it looks like a reflection until you cast your eyes to the opposite image, the hands and the facial expressions and the almost 'black hole' effect the linked skin and ink smudges create in the centre.

Thanks for taking the time to reply to everything Louise. I did have a nose at your Flickr account and you've taken some stunning shots there.

I know I have a problem with the "artistic interpretation" side of photography. Simply put: I don't know what I'm looking at half the time, so your explanations really helped, and all of a sudden that stripey top made sense.

I understand where you're coming from in terms of not seeing the composition until after. I did a self-portrait this week and not only did it kill my knees from getting up and down all the time, it made me realise how difficult it is to do a self-portrait. You're your own worst critic (or I am in my case) and I was never happy with any of the shots. I think it comes across in my expression... :)

Will continue to follow this thread with great interest. I think this last shot is one of the best out of all I've seen this week.


Crikey Louise, that's an amazingly powerful image and shouts out without any words.
Yes it is, it's stunning Louise. Whether it would have had the same imapct without the explanation I don't know, but coupled with the words the image is very powerful. Technically I think it's flawless and on an emotive level for me it's breathtaking.

(There I found some words)

Thanks for finding the words :) it means a lot!

Wow! That is a wierd and wonderful shot. There is an other worldy, surreal feel to it. Slightly freakish and very, very good. Super shot.

Cheers, Rob

other worldly, I like that take, thank you!

Amazing. Stuck for anything to say, tough to improve on that. Probably my favourite image this week (y)

thanks! I'm seriously struggling with week 8 now, I haven't shot anything so far :(

Awesome shots Louise!!!!

I have to agree with Yv - your mono works for the surreal but it is the colour one that really nails it for me - I think it is the black paint with those powerful colour eyes.

Stunning work, and like many have said, my favourite entry for People so far.

Nice one lady (y)

Wow thank you!

Thanks for taking the time to reply to everything Louise. I did have a nose at your Flickr account and you've taken some stunning shots there.

I know I have a problem with the "artistic interpretation" side of photography. Simply put: I don't know what I'm looking at half the time, so your explanations really helped, and all of a sudden that stripey top made sense.

I understand where you're coming from in terms of not seeing the composition until after. I did a self-portrait this week and not only did it kill my knees from getting up and down all the time, it made me realise how difficult it is to do a self-portrait. You're your own worst critic (or I am in my case) and I was never happy with any of the shots. I think it comes across in my expression... :)

Will continue to follow this thread with great interest. I think this last shot is one of the best out of all I've seen this week.



I understand what you mean about struggling with artistic interpretation. A lot of people struggle with that, especially me - If I don't have a write-up to refer to on a conceptual piece be it photography or art alike, then often I'm stumped and end up thinking about it for too long. Other times a piece is SO blindingly obvious that just the title will sum it up for me, it's strange!
And anyway, I like including writing with my work, it helps me think creatively and it helps the viewer understand my more personal work.


Crikey Louise, that's an amazingly powerful image and shouts out without any words.

thank you :)
Like so many before me, I too have just stumbled upon this thread (I don''t get much chance to browse at the mo) and it definitely bookmarked (I think)

Love the images so far and the stories.

Hats off to everyone who has set themselves a personal project this year.

I'm off to look at all the others now.

A little photo manipulation from me (just a tiny adjustment, I don't really have a key sticking out of my back like that.. or DO I?!)
The key I used is actually massive. I was going to have it sticking out of my back like a wind up toy, but as it turns out, it looked much better smaller and higher up on my body particularly in this image as my hands are perfectly placed to turn it :)

"She would do the same thing, at the same time, every single day like clockwork - Just to keep herself from shutting down"

Louise, that's very clever... and fits the theme nicely. Always gonna be a difficult one for an SP 52... I think the High Key image (I think....) suits nicely.
love the soft processing, suits very well.. great idea, an excellent interpretation of the theme!
Louise, that's very clever... and fits the theme nicely. Always gonna be a difficult one for an SP 52... I think the High Key image (I think....) suits nicely.

Tell me about it..
I'm really beginning to realize just what I've got myself in for doing self portraits, but it's keeping me thinking so I'm happy so long as my brain is happy!
Thank you!

This is a fantastic image Louise.
The lighting suits it well and I love the position of your hands. Great idea for 'mechanical'! :)
Thank youuu! I will at some point be going through your flickrstream to check out the days I've missed of your 365 :) When the theme was announced for week 8 I was so frustrated, but it was easy in the end! :D
Fantastic Louise, the lighting in your image is great, gives it a whole dreamy feel. Bang on the theme too, well done.
Do you get wound up often?:D
Fantastic Louise, the lighting in your image is great, gives it a whole dreamy feel. Bang on the theme too, well done.
Do you get wound up often?:D


Yes - I do.. very easily too!! Anything can wind me up.. as simple as my significant other putting the kettle on to boil when there's NO WATER IN THERE! Drives me mad it does!! :D
Very clever Louise (y)
Well Louise what can I say about your 52 that has not already been said absolutely stunning set of images (y) Very artistic you can tell you have put a lot of time and effort into your Photography well done :clap::clap:

Yes - I do.. very easily too!! Anything can wind me up.. as simple as my significant other putting the kettle on to boil when there's NO WATER IN THERE! Drives me mad it does!! :D

:LOL: I shouldn't have asked....
I love the harsh lighting contrasting against the soft processing of yourself. The key looks perfect and you've got yourself another great shot :clap:
Really clever take on the theme, whilst I like the lighting I feel I would like to see a little more detail and contrast especially in your dress.

The shape of your body has nice lines and looks good with you trying to turn it yourself.

Well done.
Hi Louise,

Another corker, and a great idea. I'm really enjoying your thread.

I'm not sure the processing is mu cup of tea, but that's a personal thing. I'd like to see a touch more contrast.

I don't think it detracts from the shot, and if you're pleased with it, that's all that counts.

This was always going to be an interesting week for you and how well you have pulled this off, very imagative and excuted extremely well. It has an heavenly feel about it.

Very nicely done Louise :)
great take on the theme I did wonder how you would do it on a sp
I am loving your images, really powerful and imaginative. You are a talented lady!!
I love looking at your 52, always something different, always something inspiring and always something I know I'll love. This week is no different. It's a wonderful take on the theme, it's beautifully processed and perfectly composed.
Wow !!!!!
I missed your people week and what a shot that is :notworthy:
Seems insulting to call it a shot - it's just a fantastic image. Very powerful and extremely emotive.

Mechanical is a very different image altogether and I love it for completely different reasons.
At a first glance I thought it was a little too bright, but the more I look at it the more it grows on me - it gives it a real dreamlike, ethereal quality. Absolutely perfect PP with the key too. It looks totally believable.

I can't wait to see what you come up with next week. This is a fantastic thread and I'm just in awe of how much imagination and effort you put in each week. :clap: :clap: :clap:
I love looking at your 52, always something different, always something inspiring and always something I know I'll love. This week is no different. It's a wonderful take on the theme, it's beautifully processed and perfectly composed.

Thank you so much it means a lot! Very glad to hear my work is inspiring to some, it drives me to do more!

I am loving your images, really powerful and imaginative. You are a talented lady!!

Thanks! Though talented may not be the word :D

This was always going to be an interesting week for you and how well you have pulled this off, very imagative and excuted extremely well. It has an heavenly feel about it.

Very nicely done Louise :)

I struggled to find an idea at first! I wanted to get inside a grandfather clock or something narnia style (clock as oppose to wardrobe, of course!) but I've grown a bit bigger since the last time I attempted that (it always looked like a great hiding place!)! Plus I don't think my dad would appreciate me heading on over to his to try and squeeze into one of the antiques.. :/ :LOL:
Thank you :)

great take on the theme I did wonder how you would do it on a sp

:) so did I! :D

Hi Louise,

Another corker, and a great idea. I'm really enjoying your thread.

I'm not sure the processing is mu cup of tea, but that's a personal thing. I'd like to see a touch more contrast.

I don't think it detracts from the shot, and if you're pleased with it, that's all that counts.


Thanks for your input Ian, I did try with more contrast in the first instance, but it just didn't give the feel I was going for. I'm not much of a contrast fan, I'll often decrease the default that adobe camera raw puts on!

Really clever take on the theme, whilst I like the lighting I feel I would like to see a little more detail and contrast especially in your dress.

The shape of your body has nice lines and looks good with you trying to turn it yourself.

Well done.

as above :) I even tried burning in some areas of the dress in PP but it looked odd compared to the rest of the image. Thanks!

I love the harsh lighting contrasting against the soft processing of yourself. The key looks perfect and you've got yourself another great shot.

Thanks! I was going to make a massive wind up key out of cardboard and attach it to my back, but this seemed the better option, and the shape of the key I used was much more beautiful.

Great shot and clever approach to theme ;)


Well Louise what can I say about your 52 that has not already been said absolutely stunning set of images. Very artistic you can tell you have put a lot of time and effort into your Photography well done

thank you very much, you should see week 9 once it's up.. that took a long time to set up and shoot! :D

Very clever Louise

:happy dance: :p

Wow !!!!!
I missed your people week and what a shot that is :notworthy:
Seems insulting to call it a shot - it's just a fantastic image. Very powerful and extremely emotive.

Mechanical is a very different image altogether and I love it for completely different reasons.
At a first glance I thought it was a little too bright, but the more I look at it the more it grows on me - it gives it a real dreamlike, ethereal quality. Absolutely perfect PP with the key too. It looks totally believable.

I can't wait to see what you come up with next week. This is a fantastic thread and I'm just in awe of how much imagination and effort you put in each week.

Thank you Sarah. The people image came out just perfectly for me, I'm really happy with it and how it reflects the meaning I'm trying to put across with it. so thanks :)

Dreamlike and etheral was what I was going for, there was something about this image that just rejected and harsh tones, so this is how it turned out!

Next weeks shot is funny, I'm choosing my shot now.. it may involve a sheep :/ :LOL:
Week 9 - PLAY

When I initially thought about this theme I immediately thought about childhood memories, and how I could refer back to it now that I'm in my adulthood.

A lot of my childhood is unfortunately a big bundle of blurryness for some reason or another, but I do remember hanging around at Holly & Abi's house with my big sister.

In the winters, we used to make radio shows on the cassette recorder, or write our own songs and record them, then play them in fast forward by half pressing the play button so we sounded like mice. Other times we'd make up dance or gymnastic routines to perform to 'the adults'!
I remember performing chumbawumba - tubthumping once, much to the dismay of 'the adults' who had to sit and endure the psychological pain that was us singing and dancing to such a hideously irritating yet catchy song.
Playing dress-up was so much fun! And making up stories to play along to was just the best.

In the summer we would play outside and climb trees, race up and down the footpath in a home made go-kart made out of an old pram, make perfume out of flower petals and mud pies out of.. mud. Go for bike rides or walks and picnics, make hide-outs and traps incase enemys ever found it!

I remember going on holiday to Devon once, to stay at 'cow poo cottage'. We made a film on the old video camera about a ghost girl who had emerged from the graveyard one day and it was our job to figure out the mystery of why. I can't remember why she was there, but I'm sure the video still exists somewhere, I hope so :)

My sister and I spent a lot of time at our Gran and Grandads house with our cousin Sam, making camps out of windbreaks and blankets, or playing in our cousin's tree house, going for long walks or bombing down the lane on the chopper.

Anyway, I won't bore you with any more.. that was fun remembering!
I'll get on with this week now!

Basically I took all the childhood memories I had, and thought about how I wanted to remember them.
Childhood is all about make believe. That's why it's so magical.
So I held that thought, raided my spare room for some bits & pieces, put on my "once upon a time" necklace, and went to my Dad and Step Ma's garden where at first I was going to decorate my little sisters wendy house, but the guineapig hutch was in the way! So instead I wandered around the garden and saw a tree that my Sister and I used the climb, but it must've grown a bit as I couldn't reach the branches (cue step ladder!). I used most of the supplies I'd taken along with me and sat down for a while to be creative.

If I was 7 again, what would I do here?

It was then that I spied my trusty steed right in front of me, and we would hunt. So I fetched my bow and arrow, and we hunted in the sunshine all day, we even tried to make a stop motion movie, but failed - I think!
After hours of galloping across the land, we came across a strange being. It spoke to us in a quiet whisper, we didn't understand what it was saying.. and it looked kinda, ooh I don't know.. tasty? So we ran, and hid behind the tree, I placed my one and only arrow in my bow and pulled it back. But then the feelings in my heart overwhelmed those in my stomach and I just couldn't do it.. just as I was about to retract my arrow and put my bow down to make peace with the being, my steed nudged my arm and alas.. the being was no more.

This week I have two entries, one from our adventure, and another for how it came to an end.

Part 1, The Adventure

Part 2, The Hunter
Simply fantastic Louise.
Both images and the picture you paint from your words are very creative and imaginative. Your 52 just gets better and better.
Thanks for sharing.
Simply fantastic Louise.
Both images and the picture you paint from your words are very creative and imaginative. Your 52 just gets better and better.
Thanks for sharing.

Thanks Iain :) I read my little story to my other half and he looked at me in a very odd way :D tehee!
Initially I almost skipped the wall of text. Glad I didn't. Getting harder to hold on to my childhood memories so keep remembering them whilst you can :) Fascinating read and the story of your adventure kept me going to the very end.

Two great images once again. The poor creature slaughtered in the second by Pocahontas has my sympathy. But the first image is just amazing. Great pose, great decorations in the tree, a mighty steed and so many interesting little things going on. Processing is spot on and for me it's your best to date :clap: :clap:
Wow, I'm lost for words. I've just found your thread, and read all the way through, and truely gutted that I have reached the end, you are such a fantastic person, your photography is amazing and I cannot wait ofr the next instalment, you are now being subscribed to:)

You've made me feel very inferior and desperate to improve, you are very inspirational

Thank you for sharing you and your photography with us


Amazing commentary and amazing imaginative images Louise (y)

You do know that its not "safe" to climb trees anymore though don't you? :D
But you only have to read your commentary to see what memories these 'elf and safety do gooders of today, are depriving the yung'uns of!
Great idea for mechanical, you've chosen the right scale for the key.

The composition of the first shot works better for me. A lot of thinking and effort goes into all your ideas (y)