MagicMynx and her 2010 ... no longer a photo a day!

I hope so, TBH I started it to make a concious effort to shoot and to improve.

Don't get me wrong, I'm alot better than I was 6 months ago, but still have a long way to go yet. I have to be honest though, as well as I did, when I did a HEFC, I think TP has been as helpful, if not more helpful, than the HEFC.
HEFC??? Is that a nasty tog related disease?

TP is awesome... End Of.

Except when they keep changing your bloody username!!!
Ahhh coolo.
Are you going to be revisiting some shots as you go along to practice?
Another day as a prisoner of the snow and TBH not awa grand today again. So, another macro. I tried using the velvet inlay of a jewlery gift box but it showed up lots of dust n stuff that you can't see normally, so used a black bag (how trampy?!) and it gave a sweet little reflection. (y)

:wave: Hi Nattelie!

Haven't popped in here for a while and you've been really busy!!!!
Too many to comment on them all, but I'll pick out a couple of my faves since my last visit.

4am in the morning : absolutely gorgeous :love: :love: :love:
I've checked out the Exif data and that long exposure has really worked wonders for the scene. It's inspiring me to try something similar in my street (assuming I can get my backside out of the house in the cold - my OH's not quite so encouraging)
The star bursts on the street lamps add an extra something special to it.

Macro Chain : Shhhhh, Don't tell everyone that it's a bin bag. It looks like some really classy, expensive background :muted:
Not only do I love this as an image in its own right, I also like it because it already shows a huge improvement in your macro shots from the ones earlier in the thread.

Cute Torture : This made me smile. I love the concept behind this one, and nicely executed too. The desaturated colours definitely add to it and nice sharp focus on the pin heads.

Curved : Well I have to comment on this, since I moaned about you not including images from the 52 last time :LOL:
Just in terms of subject matter it's not one that grabs me like some of your other shots, but nice interpretation of the theme all the same.
Technically, I think you've done well to manage to isolate the clear glass from the white background. I actually did a very similar shot for one of my 52s last year and not only do I appreciate how difficult it is, I didn't do it as well as you either.

Keep it up!
Looking forward to seeing more from you.
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Another nice shot of macroesque subject Nat.
Extremely small DOF - what lens were you using?

Hope all is well and warm with you (y)
Thanks Sarah.
I have to admit I really like the one from the other morning. It was a right pain in the backside to get outside though :LOL: I keep looking at it and smiling to myself thinking "I took that, yey!" :LOL:
The curved one, it was quite random TBH. I went past the table and there was the glass just sitting there and the shadows on the table and I thought "oooooooh"
I think I am starting to improve, I know my stuff is alot better than it was 6 months ago, honestly, I look back at some of the stuff I did back then that I thought was really good and cringe now. Suppose that's what happens when you've been bitten by the photography bug hehe.

Thanks Matt. I was using a sigma 50 f2.8 (I think) but I'd put a 10mm magnifier filter on it too, cause hubby had moaned that I'd bought some magnifying filters ages ago and never used them :LOL:

Hope I get better at this macro lark, seem to be taking loads of images at different exposures and f stops, to see what I like more, hoping that sooner rather than later I'll just *know* what settings I want to see it in, when I see what I'm capturing (if that makes sense?) - but then I suppose trying stuff out is all part of the fun. I seriously couldn't bear shooting with film, I don't have the patience!
I know that feeling!
I tried film for a little while and soon go annoyed at the not-so-instant results!
Is it wise to post the first thing that pops into your head on the 52 week challenge? :thinking: I dunno, but this was mine.

Poetry can be interpretated in a million ways, and it's not clear cut, you get a glimpse of things and thoughts, but it's not crystal clear, even though the words might be.

Wahey! Stunning thoughtful piece of composition Nat.

You have obviously put in a lot of thought and it has really paid off!

I love it! Very sombre.... Hope that is not how you are feeling?
Thanks hun. No, not how I'm feeling, but thought someone might ask that LOL. I've had a little bit of wine left in a bottle for a few days now, drank most of it with my niece :LOL:, used a bit for cooking and wanted to incorperate it into a photo somehow before what's left got poured down the sink. So finally had my chance (y)

I think poetry is all about looking beyond the obvious, looking for the things that aren't quite clear. Those couple of lines were the first thing that popped into my head and hey presto ;)
Good good :)

Already see the 365 making you spot opportunities more than before?

That last paragraph describes a 365 too!
Just read through from start to absolute favourite is the first one, very impressive:clap:

Also love the 4am shot and the last one...fabulous(y)

Well done for attempting this by the way, I admire anyone who can keep this up, hats off to you :)
wow wounderful blinking fantastic....well thought out i have to say
Tis indeed better than 'ok'!
Nice catchlights in em and you are definitely starting to spot more and more shots all around you!
Chin up Nat!
Nice Nat (y)

I like the way the shot draws your eye to the word 'love'. Love the setiment captured in the ring too.

Only minor issue for me is that I would like to see all of the ring in shot.

Hope all is well.
Not sure if I like yesterdays pindrill one. Not sure why though. (Shot this morning though, cause I wasn't too good yesterday.)


Pulled the saturation down on the dove one cause it was much brighter than I wanted it to be, I think the duller colours make it look more real :shrug:

really like the poetry shot.. nice moody feeling to it from the subdued lighting and nice poem..

love the cat, looks a character!
Nice thread. Some great kitty shots too! Good luck with the rest of your 365. I shall be dropping in from time to time! (=
Well now my poetry shot's in, I can look in here again :LOL:
Sorry I've been a bit slow catching up - so many 52s to look at and I'm trying to comment on as many as I can.

:clap: And your poetry shot is excellent. I'm just glad that it was staged and not how you were really feeling.
Poignant, elegant and full of atmosphere. The lighting is spot on - really adds to the mood of it.
I like the parallel thinking with poetry itself not being clear cut and immediately visible too - very clever!

I'm really enjoying your cat shots - and the slushy wedding ring one is very elegantly done.

Sorry to hear you've had a couple of bad days this week - I hope you're better today :hug:
Needles: Cool idea and very cool framing - it reminds me of a clock for some reason?

Drill: Eeek! A lil darker theme there...

Dove Bottle: I like the blue BG and it reminds me of spilt milk... maybe with a beauty twist? It could easily be used as an advertising shot.

Serious Cat: :LOL: at Serious Cat! Serious Cat is Serious!

Orange: I really like it! Especially the texture on the white too. Reminds me of summer - but alas it is cold outside. I cant decide if I like it with only the back one in focus or if it would benefit from both?

Keep em coming Nat!