MagicMynx and her 2010 ... no longer a photo a day!

Last time was a fake snowflake, this ones a real one :LOL:

A bit pants but meh...

Cool concept! Needs a little more light IMO but I love the way you have found it following the snoflake shape on a bigger scale.
Still on track for a Ketchup Catchup Nat?
I've been lacking. Didn't take any shots on Sunday, so there's an extra shot.

Monday I had my nieces and nephew over and the girls all decorated Christmas Tree Cookies. This one was done by the little one (she's 7).

Last night I was erm, very intoxicated (yeh, I kinda spend most of December drunk :LOL:) pic of my friends cat, Cookie

and of my best friend and her boyfriend infront of their Christmas Tree. They aren't very good, but I'm blaming the bottle and a half of wine :LOL:

Hey Natelie! Sorry for delay in reply! Awesome christmassy shots! Especially the cat! If thats a shot when you are intoxicated... can I suggest you take pics that way more often?!

If thats a shot when you are intoxicated... can I suggest you take pics that way more often?!
LOL thanks...I think :LOL:

Merry Christmas (y)

I have a couple from today (missed shots yesterday, it was just so manic!) will upload them tonight or in the morning though (y) Just table ones so far, was gonna take one of my oversized Christmas dinner but erm...the pigs in blankets were waiting for me! :LOL:
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urgh, why does photobucket take a millenia to upload to?

Some pics from today. The table (with about half of the Christmas munchies on - the rest were in the other room :LOL:), Christmas cracker shot (I got a posh pen and hubby got some nifty cufflinks btw) kitty in a box - he adores boxes and squeezed himself into a shoebox!! Then just 2 of my wheelchair decorated - which should bring me upto date ;) Really need to get my backside in gear and take images every day though, this past week or so I've been a bit slow on doing it daily, so making up the pics, which isn't really good.





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Last night my internet died again (damn virgin!! We're at a crossroads in their wiring, so if one place out of about 6 goes off, so do we :( ) Anyway, just before I went and curled up to watch Harry Potter, I saw this little kitty looking kinda huffy but inquizitive and, being the mad cat wifey, had to capture him. I hate taking pictures of him against the yucky magnolia walls with his fur being white, but he likes to sit on the climbing frame next to the radiator. Not too bad I suppose.


You just know it don't you - this thread is gonna be full of pussy pictures!
:clap: :clap: :clap:
Well done for keeping on top of this. I can't help thinking that Christmas isn't the best time of year to start taking a shot a day - I've struggled just getting a shot a week for my 52!

I love the christmas tree cookie shot - nice colours and I like the random bits sprinkled around it - and your cats are beautiful :love:

I'll try to remember to keep popping in to see how this one's going . . . now whatever happened to including a themed 52 shot once a week? :p ;)
Thank you - I have to admit I've been more than a little lax with this, so figuring that I'll start again (same thread though) on Friday and til then it's just "getting in the swing of things" :LOL:

My niece has asked me to shoot her tomorrow, so that should be erm...interesting...:LOL: That's if I don'tmurder the neighbours for jumping on the ceiling in the meantime! :LOL:
Happy New Year!!

Took these a little after midnight. They were orange lights flying in the sky, loads of them, sort of in formation, every few seconds, going incredibly fast - faster than a plane or anything manmade, all going the same way (oposate to the wind). It was really weird, some of them were like a dot sourrounded by a circle of dots, sorrounded by a circle of dots etc, but bizarrely, they disappeared after taking them, leaving me with just a black image... the others were like nonagons, with ripples inside! Very bizarre!! Some of the images I took of just one light but when I looked at them on PC there were 2 lights! Doesn't make alot of sense to me like... (they weren't chinese lanterns, no way, not at the speed that they were travelling or the circles of dots...and the disappearing images couldn't be explained, - all of the images were taken with the same settings!


This one I cropped and increased the size, so that you can see the ripples.
Don't have a lens bigger than 300.

Bad day today, so instead of getting my camera out, I edited some pics that I took 6 months ago. I keep the files cause I know that in months to come, I should be better at editing (as well as taking the pics in the first place!) so there's the possibility of salvaging them at a later date. This was from one of the very first shoots that I did and back then I only had a flash gun and a few cheap floorlamps from Argos. Not sure that I even had a reflector back then! :LOL: Thinking of maybe giving one of these images in a frame, to her for her birthday next month :thinking:

Hi Nat, - is Nat ok?

Epic catchup time! Have been in deepest darkest Wales with no Net!

Starting with the Christmas Table shot - eeeeeexcellent sweet christmas! My kinda one!

Christmas Cracker - Cool idea! Could you develop it to get more chrimbo stuff in frame? Like the wine though! A definite good addition (y)

Cat-In-A-Box - :LOL: Cats must be like kids - buy them anything and they will be more interested in the box!

Chrimbo Wheelchair - Again very festive! I have all the artistic merit of a 2 year old without my camera so it is awesome to see someone put in all the effort to make Christmas really come alive! Did you get any comments out n about?

Little Miss - Heheheheh very cool - I see she is using the tried and tested two handed opening technique - open one just enough to identify then get the next hand opening the next present!

Bloomin Virgin & Cat - Seriously your cats look a little Mafia like. Do you think they run the neighborhood?

Niece 1 - Perfect focus on the eyes but the PP is a little to soft and dreamy for me - I like to see more natural skin - see Dee (Bettys) Real Beauty Project threads.

Niece 2 - Again you nailed the eye pop (y) But same as above - just not my taste but I am weird!

HAPPY NEW YEAR NAT! - And the pics - my money is on lanterns I am afraid - they really motor once they get high enough!

Pink Boa - I like this uber much! and more so than the Niece portraits cos the focus is lovely and tack sharp and to me it looks much more natural on skin surface.

Stab Bear - Loving the concept! and the grittiness! This to me represents you branching out into new areas of 'tography! Could it be more centrally framed or further to the right for thirds?

So there yas go! Awesome to be catching up on your 365. Keep em coming Nattelie!
Happy New Year and I hope you have an excellent 2010 with lots of togging and seeing your passion for it grow!

Thank you Matt. Lots of comments and lots to think about (y)
Got loads of comments when I was out and about with my wheels decorated :LOL: it was pretty cool. Quite chuffed with how the pink boa ones of my niece (the other one's little sister) turned out in the end, I thought they were pants for sure (there's a thread in people and portraits if you want to see the original, "keeping files and going back to em"). Stab bear...well, I'm sure I'll have some other slightly twisted ones throughout the year ;)
Thank you Matt. Lots of comments and lots to think about (y)
Got loads of comments when I was out and about with my wheels decorated :LOL: it was pretty cool. Quite chuffed with how the pink boa ones of my niece (the other one's little sister) turned out in the end, I thought they were pants for sure (there's a thread in people and portraits if you want to see the original, "keeping files and going back to em"). Stab bear...well, I'm sure I'll have some other slightly twisted ones throughout the year ;)
:LOL: twisted is gooood (y)
And thank you for knowing who I am on here! I bloody dont!
Crappy day today. Had a contact lens appointment, got there, waited ages and was told that it was a mistake and I didn't need the appointment as I'd had one in October. Then went to SILs to drop off brats birthday presents and she wasn't in, so left them with other SIL. Then got stuck in the snow and ran out of battery, in the snow, in my wheelchair. Oh F***ing joy!

This is not too far from where I live, a very iconic Church in the background. A rich mans sons died in WW2, so in memory of them he built a Church and named it after his sons. It's a big part of the community, hence having the houses in the frame too. (y)

Good to see your keeping up with it...some lovely the Christmas Tree Cookie!

Managed to wait till the new year....but enjoying the whole 365 thing....keep it up!

Well done for lasting this long Nattelie! I'd have quit ages ago!!

Some lovely shots so far...I'm not subscribing, but I'll keep popping back once in a while!

Sooooo many 52s and 365s to follow!!:eek: Keep it up!!!(y)
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This was taken at 4am this morning...


Not sure if I'll do another one for today too, we'll see...

I really like this one - nice shot!
Hi Nat :wave:

4am - Loving the colour and the streetlight... Stunning snow too! Well worth the early start and I hope the OH rewarded you with a cuppa!?!

Curved - Nice start to the themed weeks and a different interpretation to most... Could you get a bit more light/exposure to really make the white BG blow out and dissapear? Good call on getting the 52's involved with the 365 too! (y)

£ Coin - Great idea to use the 365 as an opportunity to learn about new things - I reackon this must be one of the best things about doing one! I have no clue about Macro so it would definitely be on my list!

Keep em coming and I hope all is well with you.

M (not a donkey... please may you help my cause by joining one of my anti-donkey threads?).
Thanks Matt. When I blew out the whites it started to take the shadows with it, so kinda opted against it (as the curved shadow is what it's all about ;)) Macro is definately a massive downfall for me. I can seldom get the images that I want, you know how you have the image all there in your head and you wanna put it onto digital (I dunno - is everyone like that or just me?) it really frustrates me what I can't do it.

Re the donkey, - why don't you like donkeys? They're cute!
Think I am personifying my username into Donkeys TBH!

I know exactly what you mean about the 'having a shot in head' and it is definitely not just you! It is soooo frustrating and I have a serious lack of patience. I bet you will see a HUGE impact upon your togging with this here 365.