weekly Mandy's 2016 52 challenge week 8 Topical week 9 Living world week 10 Spiky added

I like your 'Captive' photo, really clean and the shadow works really well. What material have you sat him on?
I like your captive photo too, I got a feeling we'll be seeing more of "woody" :banana:
You're never too old to rock :) well composed, exposed and framed. I'd like to see a bit of motion blur in there somewhere.

Captive, good old Woody, I broke mine during one of last years themes :( Uber crit would be the slightly OOF head, but good lighting and composition.

Nice idea for Captive! It's certainly attention grabbing and does the theme well. :)
I'd have had that mannequin face down, with hands and feet tied behind his back with little pink ribbons. But that's just a personal preference. ;)
I like your captive photo too, I got a feeling we'll be seeing more of "woody" :banana:

You're never too old to rock :) well composed, exposed and framed. I'd like to see a bit of motion blur in there somewhere.

Captive, good old Woody, I broke mine during one of last years themes :( Uber crit would be the slightly OOF head, but good lighting and composition.


Nice idea for Captive! It's certainly attention grabbing and does the theme well. :)

I'd have had that mannequin face down, with hands and feet tied behind his back with little pink ribbons. But that's just a personal preference. ;)

Thanks all for the taking the time to look and comment.
Hi Mandy,
Captive is I think the better of the two shots due to the fact that it has less distractions.
Both are nice and sharp, Old has some really nice colours, both are spot on for the theme. (y)
Old: fits theme well.
Captive: good to see woody again think it may have been seeing your shots last year that made me buy one and he has still not been photographed. Love the image. The lighting works well. A really nice image. Great contrast between the metal and the wood.
Hi Mandy

Welcome back

Metal: Great take on the theme love the depth of field and the reflections in the chrome

Old: Good fit the on the theme love how battered the guitar looks. I do find the background distracting but appreciate that is not always possible to get the background out of focus and still get a decent image with out using a flash which in the case may not of been possible

Captive Great take on the theme and a great DOF to make the subject really stand out
Two great images Mandy - Old has a few interpretations im sure ;) and Captive is really "clean" and perfectly executed - well done :)

All three pics on theme and so different


Really like your captive image, very clean image and the shadow works well.
Old - like that bass at lot, looks very well used.

Hi Mandy

Welcome back

Metal: Great take on the theme love the depth of field and the reflections in the chrome

Old: Good fit the on the theme love how battered the guitar looks. I do find the background distracting but appreciate that is not always possible to get the background out of focus and still get a decent image with out using a flash which in the case may not of been possible

Captive Great take on the theme and a great DOF to make the subject really stand out

Thanks everyone for taking the time to look and comment.
For weeks 3's theme I thought I would keep with something simple and go for an image of my " miniature " model of my favourite motorbike, which happens to be a Suzuki GSXR-750. Plenty of faffing about to try and 1 get an interesting angle and 2 get what I wanted in focus in focus, again it was another chance to get the flashgun out and try out various settings.

Week 3 Miniature

Miniature by
Mandy Miles, on Flickr
Very nice Mandy, great DoF nicely taken and pin sharp in all the right places (y)
Like it Mandy, the DOF is perfect, and bang on for minature

I haven't been here for over 6 months (and possibly more) so haven't been following your photos. However, can I just say how brilliant your shots are. Without wanting to be patronising or in any way negative about your older photos, the development in your photography has been amazing, if these are anything to go by. Of all of them, captive and miniature jump out at me - they properly superb and excellent lighting and control across the frame. You've made some careful and deliberate choices with your composition and shot choice and it works so well.

Truly superb and keep it up! Delighted to have popped back to catch up with everyone :)
Great photo, great lighting. I think the DoF could be a smidgen deeper, but I seem to be alone there :D

I haven't been here for over 6 months (and possibly more) so haven't been following your photos. However, can I just say how brilliant your shots are. Without wanting to be patronising or in any way negative about your older photos, the development in your photography has been amazing, if these are anything to go by. Of all of them, captive and miniature jump out at me - they properly superb and excellent lighting and control across the frame. You've made some careful and deliberate choices with your composition and shot choice and it works so well.

Truly superb and keep it up! Delighted to have popped back to catch up with everyone :)

Great photo, great lighting. I think the DoF could be a smidgen deeper, but I seem to be alone there :D

Miniature - Really nice shot. Nice clean background which allows the bike to really stand out and you have got the lighting just right. Focus is good an I like the chosen DOF.

Thanks all for the nice comments
Week 4 and the theme Happy, this image may require the use of the TP crowbar. I have chosen to take a photo of my Welsh dragon miniature snow globe, as for me I think it has a " Happy " looking face on it. Secondly the day that I bought it was a " HAPPY " day trip out to Tintern Abbey, even if the weather was a bit damp at the time. I still enjoyed myself wandering around with my camera, and again another chance to play with my mates flash gun.

Week 4 Happy


by Mandy Miles, on Flickr
I seem to have completely missed all your photos Mandy - how did that happen?! So..
Old - like the idea behind this and I can almost smell the sweat and beer in the room - you've definitely captured something of the gig here
Metal - love the way you have brought together two kinds of metal here and a really interesting object
Captive - I really like the pov in this one - makes him seem very vulnerable
Miniature - brilliant shot - fantastic dof, pin sharp and I love the angle you've set the bike at
Happy - who doesn't love a welsh dragon?! You've done really well to control the reflection of the glass (?) - it would be even better for me if the front part was in focus, too
Happy - Love the colours and the dragon is certainly happy I agree about the bottom part being slightly out of focus but don't find it to much of an issue as it makes the happy dragon the focal point of the image and that's what you want people to look at
I seem to have completely missed all your photos Mandy - how did that happen?! So..
Old - like the idea behind this and I can almost smell the sweat and beer in the room - you've definitely captured something of the gig here
Metal - love the way you have brought together two kinds of metal here and a really interesting object
Captive - I really like the pov in this one - makes him seem very vulnerable
Miniature - brilliant shot - fantastic dof, pin sharp and I love the angle you've set the bike at
Happy - who doesn't love a welsh dragon?! You've done really well to control the reflection of the glass (?) - it would be even better for me if the front part was in focus, too

Happy - Love the colours and the dragon is certainly happy I agree about the bottom part being slightly out of focus but don't find it to much of an issue as it makes the happy dragon the focal point of the image and that's what you want people to look at

That sure is one Happy dragon! Lovely image. "Da iawn" is what the Welsh would say ;)

Thanks for dropping by and commenting.
Whats not to like a bout a happy dragon?
Nicely captured Mandy :)
Miniature - a great shot with great detail and dof. My only (small) crit would be that if I hadn't been told, I wouldn't have known it was a model because there's nothing to give it scale and so I would struggle to fit it to the theme.

Happy - a very happy-looking dragon and well done on avoiding reflections off the globe.