Mikes 52, week 33, Mobile, added.

I'm not entirely sure which line is correct in the candid. In the end I decided that the vertical on the right of the shed was correct. The truck was parked on the beach and the shed was at an angle to me. I thought of a tighter crop but didn't want to lose the context.
I can see what you were trying to achieve with produce. Unfortunately it hasn't come off this time. I think the turbines are too central in the frame and too much in the distance. Getting them larger in the frame may have helped and you already know about the lack of motion blur.

The new candid shot is excellent though. Well composed, sharp and bang on theme (y)

Thanks Andy. I couldn't get the view I wanted for the turbines and should really have given up and found another shot for produce. I reckon I'll try and use the reshoot this week to find another produce and possible try and fit in a few more of the earlier themes. I've seen one for curves, just need it to stop raining next time I'm driving past.
I'm going to join Sarah in the crop happiness of your shots Mike... sorry ;)... I think the windfarm is a great idea and a good interpretation to the theme, it's a shame you weren't able to use the one with the motion blur. I think cropping the top and the left would improve it a lot, removing the bit of blue, and most of the trees on the left...

Candid is excellent though, well caught, I do agree about the gull...
Can't really say anything that hasn't already been said for Produce but i love your candid shot here. Very good capture mate (y)
Thanks Rich.

And now for this weeks theme.

Firstly Reshoot.

I'm using this as a catch up exercise. All the pictures I've used have been taken since the beginning of this year. some deliberately for the theme but some just fit.

1. Curves

Taken last Sunday and there are curves everywhere.

2. poetry

Taken this morning with Wordsworth in mind, not quite a host but the best fit I could get.

3. Chopped

Not so much chopped as felled. A delivery lorry reversed into it.

4. Street

A picture of a street taken with the camera propped on the dashboard with a remote shutter release. a variation on a theme of light trails where I was moving rather than stationary. Not sure how well it works but worth an experiment.
5. Speed

Taken beside a roundabout on the A259. I would have liked to get a higher perspective on this sort of shot but there are no roundabouts anywhere near me with a high vantage point.

6. Present

This was a present to me from my Father.

7. People

More a person than people really but I like this shot so I'm shoehorning it in.

8. Mechanical

Taken this morning. I prefer this later on when it's surrounded by bluebells but I still like the incongruity of it abandoned in the middle of the woods.
Mike, well done on catching up and with some excellent shots too...
Thanks John

I'm still looking to get a decent shot for quad. It's probably going to be a quadruped of some sort but I've not got one I'm really happy with yet. I've had a couple of ideas for shoot so that may end up being put up first.
Okay, I've not got a quad that I'm overly happy with but I figure it's time to get one up and move on so we have a couple of quadrupeds. A bit of a cop out as it's dogs again but at least it's a fun shot.

And now for shoot. I was stumped with this one but finally had a couple of ideas on Friday. First one was to get a decent macro of a green shoot poking through the ground but I had no joy finding anything that came out any good. Next idea was a self portrait of me pointing a gun at the camera. What I wanted was one of those comedy guns that shoots a flag out saying bang but no joy there, it appears that anything gun shaped is frowned upon nowadays.

I ended up thinking okay I'll use a camera instead. The idea was to hold the camera close to the wide angle lens to get the comedy distortion effect. Great idea but the camera then obscured me from the image. :bang: . I ended up further away from the lens but still got a bit of distortion. It's difficult trying to trigger the remote shutter release with both hands in view but I eventually managed it. Choosing the shot to use was difficult because I look a right miserable git in all of them. I ended up with this one because I look marginally less miserable. If any one needs something to hang over the mantel to keep the kids away from the fire, feel free.

Mike, Quad might be a bit of a cop out, but it's a good shot of the dogs at play and having fun. It fits the theme too.

Shoot, an interesting idea that fits the theme. Being very picky... it might have looked a little better with you stood in the middle of the bay windows, I'm not sure on the light here... it works, but I guess this is a combination of flash (popup ??) and tungsten bulbs ??

I don't have a fire place, but thanks for the offer :LOL:...
Thanks John,

Lighting was a mix of fluorescent, tungsten and 580ex. I struggled to get the lighting right, probably due to using the 10 -20. In hindsight, as I couldn't get the camera as close to the lens as I wanted I could probably have swapped to my 28-135 which makes it easier to light as you don't need such a wide spread.
:eek: You've been really busy since I last dropped in !!!!
Well done on a MASSIVE catch up.

Curves : What is that? Frogspawn?
Definitely curved, nice and sharp and even though I'm not sure what it is, it makes a good abstract.

Poetry : :clap: I like that a lot (although being Welsh I have to really don't I?)
One of the best daffodil shots I've seen and the woodland setting is beautiful. I love the Snowdrops dotted around and the mossy stones.

Chopped : Ooops! :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
A good, fun shot. Compositionally, it's not perfect but I think this is one that's more about the subject matter than anything else.

Street : (y) Another good one.
A bit different from the norm with these shots, but in a good way. I like the way that the car in front still has some definition.
There's a liquid, watery feel to the whole image which I find very appealing.

Speed : I actually think that the lower vantage point has worked better in this one. It's a shame that it wasn't a bit darker so that you could have got a longer exposure. On the other hand the fact that it's taken in daylight makes it a bit different from the usual light trails.

Present : (y) Lucky you!

People : My favourite from your catch up.
:love: I love everything about it - the light on the water, the subtle sky, the silhouette. . .

Mechanical : Sounds like you may have shot here before. I bet later in the year with all the bluebells out there's a stunning shot to be had.
I do still like it as it is though.

Quad : Nothing better than a couple of dogs at play, so I really don't care if it's a bit of a shoehorn.
Nice capture of the moment too.

Shoot : I'd have to agree with John about needing a bit of symmetry with the window on this one and it's a shame that you couldn't get the full distortion that you were going for with the wide angle lens.
I love that idea though and it might be one worth persevering with.

(No kids here, so I'll decline on the fire guard suggestion thanks ;))
Mike ...you don't look miserable at all.....just deep in concentration ;) Nice idea and if you actually compare the size of your hands in this shot to the size of your head there is a fair bit of distortion there....unless you have absolutely HUGE hands of course!
Thanks Sarah, not starting at the beginning of the year was playing on my mind a bit so I decided that reshoot was a good time to try and catch up.

Thanks Sonia, more ticked off than deep in thought because I couldn't get the shot I wanted. I'm going to keep my eyes open for a novelty toy gun that does what I want and try again when I've got a bit more time.

I had all sorts of ideas for single but in the end it came down to the two below.

A single anemone on the path with a host of anemones behind it.

A single bluebell amongst a host of anemones.

I'm sure the second should work better because of the contrasting colours but I think I prefer the first.
Mike #2 gets my vote, I like the conrasting colours and how you have isolated the subject with the dof. #1 is just a wee bit too central, have you tried different crops, just to see how it looks off centre?
Well done on the catch-up too, some cracking images in there.
Shot 2 gets my vote. You've got some brilliant shots into your 52, keep up the good work
oooh bluebells are out.....:)

with this winter, everything is all over the shot.....

Liking the 2nd one, but agree that the simplicity of No 1 really works.

Good catch up as well though! :LOL:
Mike #2 gets my vote, I like the conrasting colours and how you have isolated the subject with the dof. #1 is just a wee bit too central, have you tried different crops, just to see how it looks off centre?
Well done on the catch-up too, some cracking images in there.

I'm leaning towards no.1 I think.
I love the simplicity of this shot and the limited palette of green and white.
It does feel a bit too central, but I think a square crop (losing some from the LHS) and it would be beautiful.

Thanks, I'll give a square crop a go.

Shot 2 gets my vote. You've got some brilliant shots into your 52, keep up the good work

Thanks Darren.

oooh bluebells are out.....:)

with this winter, everything is all over the shot.....

Liking the 2nd one, but agree that the simplicity of No 1 really works.

Good catch up as well though! :LOL:

The late bluebells are worrying as I've got two events based around them next weekend but we're also getting the unusual mix of anemones and bluebells so there is some hope.
I've tried the square crop now and I'm not sure.

I think a crop back to landscape losing some of the bottom may work better.
They are both very good Mike... I'm leaning to the first one, the simplicity of it all works so well. I agree with Sarah that a small crop may be beneficial. For the second, being picky, perhaps a little more space above the bluebell... it feels a bit squashed in...

Catching up here and trying to get round to everyone this week... Will comment on the ones that caught my eye...

Chemistry: It's a nice original shot, but the subsequent self-harm shots are more amusing. Maybe a quadtych (or whatever they're called would have worked here too)

I really like Candid (the second one). The PP looks very good on my screen and you've blended the exposures together well in an unusual way. Very nice.

Present: No comment on the quality of the shot or the technicality. This is just to say I'm jealous. Was it the f4 or the 2.8?

Looking forawrd to trying to stay on top of things now I have an excel sheet! Waiting for Stare... :)

The present is a 100-400 f/4.5 - 5.6 L IS USM and it's seeing a lot of use.

Thanks for the comments.
Hey Mike, I saw your stream, but was waiting for you to catch up on the shots.
My word you have been busy ;)
Getting feedback is always nice and knowing where you are doing well (or not) is always useful.
First off I would like to say your shots made me smile :)
(and thats a good thing)

Chemistry - Love the outtakes, very amusing - kinda Jeckyl and Hyde (not sure which you are, lol)
Candid - Second (snow ball fight) fantastic, really tells a story
Street - nice image - I have yet to try this approach
People - I like that shot, works well
Present - JEALOUS!!!! That lens better get some use, if not I have a great home for it ;)
Shoot - Not working for me - however your humour does - use it to keep the kids away from the fire ;)
Single - first is a little dark for me, the Bluebell would be nice to see the contrast more and set off centre more to the right of frame

Well I can see very positive steps in your progression with this project, keep at it ;)
Thanks Dade. I agree with you about shoot it was just a desperate attempt to get something to fit in with the theme. I will probably have another go at it at some point. The poor shoot shot is why there's no stare shot. I know the shot I want but haven't got it yet so I'm holding off posting one up until I get the shot.
After searching the garden I finally found this chappie who was willing to stare at me. Taken with a +4 close up lens on the end of my 100 macro and ring flash.

Uuurgghhh the worst stare of them all :puke: (I HATE spiders!)

Looks like you've nailed the focus, but on my monitor it looks a tiny bit bright and washed out (I haven't calibrated it though, so it's anyone's guess really :bonk:

Personally I'd darken it and play with the contrast a little, but it might look different on your screen! I'd be very happy though (y)

Eeeeeeuuuurrrrggghhhhh !!!!!

That's horrible Mike.
(In the nicest possible way - it's a great shot but I really don't like spiders :LOL:)

Amazing detail in the eyes and hairs on the legs and it's absolutely pin sharp.
The slightly darker, more contrasty shot is a big improvement too.

I think a crop back to landscape losing some of the bottom may work better.

Agree with you on that point re: single too.
And in record time we now have peace. Went out first thing this morning so everything was peaceful. I was at peace standing taking the first shot but I reckon the second one says peace better with the lone fishermen isolated in their small boat on the sea.

Stare: I'm with the others on the edit. Looks much better to me and an unusual take on the theme!

I like both Peace shots. For me, the second is the winner. It has an awful lot of space in it, no foreground interest to speak of, but it's just really nice to look at. One of those exceptions to the rule I think. Lastly, it really conveys (for me) Peace.

Jolly good stuff.

"Peace" Pic 1 for me, i can feel/hear the tranquil surroundings. I like the picture very calm feeling.
much prefer no1 although no 2 is probably very peaceful for the guy in the boat is a bit far away and a bit empty iyswim to give me a feeling of peacefulness iyswim
That's one cute spider!.....I like the second version better it makes the Stare more intense :)

I can't get over the pattern of the clouds going over the sun in your first Peace shot....it makes me imagine a monk sitting scribing and being inspired by the clouds.....a very peaceful image!
Excellent bit of macro on that spider Mike (y)

Peace, what a lovely peaceful scene in the first one.. the second doesn't really do much for me sorry.

Both fit the themes.
Definitely the first peace shot for me Mike.
Lovely and crisp - beautiful colours and I love the way that the light is sparkling on the water.:clap:
There's a bit of lens flare there, but I'm really glad that you haven't tried to clone it out or do anything with it. I might be weird, but I think it adds a bit of something to it.

Not too keen on the second one sorry. While it's definitely peaceful, the boat is just too small and indistinct for me.