Mojo returned but where to go

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I have not picked up a camera for about three years but last week something clicked and I now want to start again ,I used to do a lot of abstract images and infrared .
Infrared is out at the mo as my converted camera has died so I plan to do abstract images again but I would also like to do macro and astro images .My plan is to set my old Canon 350d as a macro setup and use my 60D for abstract and astro photography .
I suffer with my back got a load of bolts cages plates and fushions so when it plays up I cant even leave the house hence the thought of setting up a macro set up for those sort of days.
So I was wondering if I am the risk of becoming a jack of all trades master of non .
Any thoughts and advice would be great.

Regards Gerry
I always think a photo is a photo, and all the "technical" rules apply regardless of genre. So I don't think you need to worry about becoming a Jack of all trades. What is important is that you develop your own style or voice so that every picture you take has that "Gerry" factor.
Macro sounds like a great idea when you can’t get out and with your background in abstract then I am sure you will start “seeing” opportunities in “small things” to hand around the house. It has possibly been a godsend for a lot of us during lockdowns.

Always wanted to try astro myself but only a few attempts when we were away in places where there were dark skies.

Good luck with your rekindled interest

At the risk of sounding a little silly, I am new to photography and my motto is jack of all trades, master of “fun”. I have been shooting macro, portraits, landscape, city, wildlife. I pretty much suck at all of them but I’m having a good time.

I think if you approach your return with a similar mindset you will settle into finding what you enjoy at your own pace.