Mundane Randoms-a thread for anything mundane/random to outright bizarre...

Thanks, Yvonne! I didn't have access to small children's toys, so I had to improvise :)
Loving Iain's shot, and Julie's is just making me jealous lol.
:woot: in yet another flash of insomnia induced late night inspiration, I know exactly what I am going to do. CBA getting out of bed to do it now, but will set it up tomorrow evening and shoot. Even Yves Geza thinks its inspired, so must be an ok idea, he is rarely enthused by much I do :LOL:
:woot: in yet another flash of insomnia induced late night inspiration, I know exactly what I am going to do. CBA getting out of bed to do it now, but will set it up tomorrow evening and shoot. Even Yves Geza thinks its inspired, so must be an ok idea, he is rarely enthused by much I do :LOL:

He's a man what do you expect :LOL: I'm intrigued now though and looking forward to seeing this idea (y)
OK, I lied, I did actually get out of bed and take some photos...mainly because we had a full moon last night. I can only hope the neighbours didn't see me at some godforsaken hour trying to use OCF, and some pegs.... :cautious: :LOL:

Anyway, this is the result after some editing - not quite as dramatic as I hoped though I might do a better version if I can fit it in before Monday comes round again. So, without further ado...


Peg-asus by Yvonne White - WhiteGoldImages, on Flickr
Oh I know what I meant to say - seeing as most of us seem to be using Flickr, should we have a Mundane Monday Flickr group to add the photos to aswell?

Excellent idea yes!(y)
OK, I lied, I did actually get out of bed and take some photos...mainly because we had a full moon last night. I can only hope the neighbours didn't see me at some godforsaken hour trying to use OCF, and some pegs.... :cautious: :LOL:

Anyway, this is the result after some editing - not quite as dramatic as I hoped though I might do a better version if I can fit it in before Monday comes round again. So, without further ado...


Peg-asus by Yvonne White - WhiteGoldImages, on Flickr

Love this... the title made me chuckle too... you'll soon know if anyone saw you when you get funny looks:LOL:
OK, I lied, I did actually get out of bed and take some photos...mainly because we had a full moon last night. I can only hope the neighbours didn't see me at some godforsaken hour trying to use OCF, and some pegs.... :cautious: :LOL:

Anyway, this is the result after some editing - not quite as dramatic as I hoped though I might do a better version if I can fit it in before Monday comes round again. So, without further ado...


Peg-asus by Yvonne White - WhiteGoldImages, on Flickr

Priceless Yv!

This did make me laugh. Think you deserve extra points for making your neighbours wonder what on earth you were doing!

OK, I lied, I did actually get out of bed and take some photos...mainly because we had a full moon last night. I can only hope the neighbours didn't see me at some godforsaken hour trying to use OCF, and some pegs.... :cautious: :LOL:

Anyway, this is the result after some editing - not quite as dramatic as I hoped though I might do a better version if I can fit it in before Monday comes round again. So, without further ado...


Peg-asus by Yvonne White - WhiteGoldImages, on Flickr

Hahahaha I love it .....Pegasus ! Brilliant .
And this one's from me....

Taken Down a Peg or Two
Anyway ...... here is my entry for the clothes peg ...............


Black and red is a classic combination so I thought I would go with that.
And this one's from me....

Taken Down a Peg or Two

I like that - nice and simple - like me (well the simple part anyway!!:))
Ohhhh I dont have a Flicker account :-(

That's ok, it's no biggy... it can be just an added extra, but doesn't need to be a necessity:D... failing that you could if you wanted get an account.. they do one for free;)

And this one's from me....

Taken Down a Peg or Two

nice one... great title.... love the almost minimal effect here... and please can we keep that blue sky:D

Anyway ...... here is my entry for the clothes peg ...............


Black and red is a classic combination so I thought I would go with that.

Great reflection and colours you have there Chris(y)

Aaargh! I had the same idea (except for the moonlit background) but I got suckered into playing GTA all afternoon.

Love the idea though and would never had thought about the background.
Anyway ...... here is my entry for the clothes peg ...............


Black and red is a classic combination so I thought I would go with that.

Just love the impact of the red, reflection adds that bit more
Breaking free from the tyranny of the clothes peg... the maverick cat sock makes a bid for freedom :D

Breaking free from the tyranny of the clothes peg... the maverick cat sock makes a bid for freedom :D


So THATS what happens to the 'other' one fro all those odd socks? Scientists have spent years trying to solve that conundrum, you not only solve it, but manage to get photographic evidence too :notworthy: :naughty: :LOL:
So THATS what happens to the 'other' one fro all those odd socks? Scientists have spent years trying to solve that conundrum, you not only solve it, but manage to get photographic evidence too :notworthy: :naughty: :LOL:

I now realise I have way too much spare time :D
Well this thread is really warming up now, great work from everyone (y)

Yv, :LOL: nice play on words and cracking image to boot, goodness knows what our neighbours must think eh?

Hazel, like the linear/graphic nature of your submission.

Colin, very patriotic ;)

Chris, a simple yet effective image, the bright red and reflection work really well.

Suz, :LOL: a fun take on the subject, you've brought character and life to your image (y)

Duncan, really like the vibrant colours you've chosen (y)