My 365 - Well everyone else was doing it...

Today has been a very very boring day with lots of block tests and revision. This afternoon I thought it might be quite cool to try and get a good photo of a lightbulb. There was very bright light coming through my window, so I put the bulb by the window and tried to get the lighting right. What do you think:


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I like the bulb shot George. Your an inspiration, keep it up. :)
Today I have had the afternoon off (apart for a few spots of revision). I went out to take a few photos after playing tennis. Just walking along the path I saw a photo opportunity, so I layed down on the floor with the camera upside down so that it was as low as possible and shot a photo of the path:


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My first look at this 365 malarky, dunno if I'd be able to do it myself. Might try a little private test-run though. I really like the Day 5 path shot, keep it up.
Today I decided to take some pictures of a sixth former's car at school. It is the nicest that any have, so why not! I am quite pleased with how it came out, baring in mind that it was just parked outside!


A sixth former at you school drives a one series!
Hi George,
The first shot: Nice angle, but the buttercup is too small in the frame.
The second shot: It's nice, but the blossom is just a 'tad' underexposed. Needs to be a little bit brighter.
Third shot: Is superb! Excellent DOF/exposure/composition. Definately #3 :clap:
Today was a Goodwood breakfast meet, with the theme "two wheels or more - excluding four". A slight problem was that all that was really there were only motorbikes there and no classic lorries, becuase there was a London - Brighton Classic lorries run thing. Anyway, there was a nice classic hot rod, so I decided to try a few detail shots of it. This is my favourite:


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Two more pictures here

These are great! I like the pink flower particularly! I wish I had the concentration and dedication to do this! :LOL:
I realised something quite stupid on my camera today. I was looking on flickr, checking the exif data on todays photo when I realised the date was wrong on my camera! doh! Changed back now, so now all the photos will be taken on the correct day.

This photo uses very subtle HDR. The photo was taken in my back garden. Photo was shot at 18mm at F22. I think I might need to clean my sensor!


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ps. Thanks for the feedback everyone! - I didn't really want to move the mirror on someone elses car! - I did think of it though!
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My GCSE exams start in 4 days! This had meant that I am having to work very hard at the moment. Every spare minute is spent looking throught this book or that. But work aside, I spent a five minute walk out to take some pictures. This one is of a teacher bowling in some clicket nets. He does look a bit like a monkey doesn't he!


Larger Photo Here!

Nice shot, looks like he's got a wooden pole sticking out of his knee :LOL: