weekly Nat's Photo52 *2012* Week 51 Negative added 25 Dec

not too sure on the pink sweet at the front, maybe it's that that needs to be in focus as well.

That would be my only gripe, otherwise a nice clean shot of everyone's favourites (y)
Love the colours and the DoF, even though I HATE liquorice! When my wife wants to tell me "not tonight dear", she eats the bloody stuff, and she's safe!
Like the idea and the pastel colours work well better than bold colours I think.

As Michael23 said the front sweet could do without being there or in focus with a smaller aperture. (y)
Cheers guys.

I tried a re-shoot but didn't like any of the pictures better than the original image, annoying a-little-bit-too-much out of focus sweet in front and all. The composition was not exactly the same (I had eaten some of the sweets, LOL) and although I couldn't put my finger on exactly what and why, they did not look right, if that makes sense. So I'm sticking with my original submission.

Can't wait for tomorrow and the announcement of next week's theme!
My first time commenting on your thread. You've made a really good start. Think your direction shot is my favourite. Something I've not tried yet, so will have to get cracking. Look forward to the rest of your challenge.
I've got an idea for Secure, but it requires props which I'm hoping to pick up tomorrow.

As a side note, I've not taken ANY pictures this year not related to some sort of photo project... Alongside the TP Photo52, I'm doing another Photo52 with my cats. I'm a bit worried that by the end of the year, all I will have accomplished is a folder full of random Photo52 interpretations and a gazillion cat pictures! :shrug:

Week 5 - Secure by C Fredriksson, on Flickr
1/60sec f2.8 50mm ISO400 Flash

I wanted a barbed wire look for this but couldn't find the props I needed. The signpost was meant to say "No Trespassing"... Unfortunately, I was lacking a good pen and had to use a really wide black marker. The writing was an utter mess and after a few attempts I gave up and settled on the above. So, yes, you could say this week's photo was a big fat compromise... On a positive note, I did incorporate an element of spring, so at least one of the requirements I set for myself were met.
lol, I like your positivity :D
I think it's a bit like my effort for 'sigh' ... one to fill the gap!
Well tried, look forward to the next.
lol, I like your positivity :D
I think it's a bit like my effort for 'sigh' ... one to fill the gap!
Well tried, look forward to the next.
Well, it would be nice if once in a while my ideas translated well into a photograph! :razz: It's been one of those weeks... I was running out of time and today I had to get the photo done. I could have taken the easy way out, shot a padlock or similar, but I wanted to give this a go. At least it's done now and I can start thinking about next week's theme.
Well, it would be nice if once in a while my ideas translated well into a photograph! :razz: It's been one of those weeks... I was running out of time and today I had to get the photo done. I could have taken the easy way out, shot a padlock or similar, but I wanted to give this a go. At least it's done now and I can start thinking about next week's theme.

Sorry, I didn't mean to offend, was just sympathising as I had the same with 'sigh'.
Sweet - So I wasn't the only only to use a stack for this one. I like your effort. The composition of allsorts really works.

Secure - I'm afraid secure doesn't come out of this for me but I have to say that I really like it. The use of B&W and the framing really works well.
First time commenting on your thread Nathalie, apologies for that :)
I like the 'feel' of your 52 so far, it is obvious that you are working hard, coming up with different takes on each theme and it is paying dividends.
I like your image for direction, photographing the moon is something I've tried but with little success, so (y) for yours. I like the negative space, the composition works well.
Sweet, this works really well, I like the colours in this one, you have lit it well also. The oof sweet at the front has been mentioned but doesn't detract any in the overall finish.
Sigh, I 'get' this one, it made me really look at the photograph and see your point of focus was on the screen with your hand moving towards the snooze button. Good work on this (y)
Secure, I can see what you were getting at with this one but as you've said, you were limited by your props.
Overall though, I do like your thread and photographs and will certainly be looking in from now on. Iain
Thanks for the feedback.

I was definitely feeling a bit low this week. Today, I finally had the time, energy and inspiration to go out and photograph something I really enjoy (flowers - this time, crocuses in the snow) and after that, I feel much better about this challenge. I've realised I have to make time for my "normal" photography too, otherwise there's no way I'll be going the distance with this thing.

As above I was not sure about week 5 secure, but once you explained the photograph I sort of got where you was coming from, nice idea.

HI ya

Just been having a catch up on your thread

Sweet.....love this image....simple colors , sharp where it counts , no shadows ....(front sweet's been mentioned )...really good work :clap:

Sigh...not an easy theme at all but you've done well ...especially having to model & shoot.... (y)

Secure.....Oooh , what a neat idea...would love to see the color version as daffs are so cheery :clap:

We all have weeks ( more than 1 in my case !) where the theme just doesn't motivate or inspire....BUT ....keep going girlie....the feeling of making it to week 52 is really good . I also have so many other tog things I want to shoot that someimtes the 52 becomes a bit of a chore but hey...keeps ya busy :LOL:
I've not had the opportunity to shoot Industry yet, and I want to do it justice rather than settle for something half-arsed, so I'm going to leave it for now and go back to it when I either find what I'm looking for or come up with another idea that works.

So, on with Week 7 and Root.

I spent a few hours walking the woodlands today. I didn't find the large exposed roots I was hoping to photograph, but I was rather pleased with this.

Week 7 - Root by C Fredriksson, on Flickr

Inspite of it being a dull, grey and cold day it was great being outdoors. There weren't many people around and it was very quiet. A fair amount of birds, though most of them I could only hear - very few came near enough to photograph with the 300mm.
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I like the idea Nathalie I too was originally thinking of some miniature aspect to roots, the only problem I see is the oh-so-large out of focus chunk in the mid foreground.
I've tried a different crop. Is this any better?

Edit: Removed because I prefer the original. Available on Flickr if anyone wants to see it.
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Have to agree about the OOF fg.

My initial reaction was, "I like it!", the small lone sapling.

I can see the roots, but wonder why the sapling is there, nice though it is. I'd like to see more of the roots.

I have to say, though, I am a fan of the low angle and you've done well here.

Cheers and looking forward to your industry....good call parking it rather than posting any old guff...(y)
Thanks for the feedback. (y)

I did try a few different angles, though they were all from fairly low down. I didn't like what was in the gap between the two main roots, ie where the sapling is, so I tried to hide that from view.

I think I prefer the original, because there is more of the roots in view, even if the foreground is very OOF.
Can't see the first one Nathalie, but I like the edit.
Another one I've missed. Sorry :(

Love the sweet, I like the dof and the colours. Nice shot of my favourite sweeties.

Secure, I agree with....
I can see what you were trying to do but agree that it didn't quite work, I'm not getting secure from it. But you tried for originality which is good.

I like your root pic. I can't see the original but I like it how it is here. Nice.
Great idea and on theme, overall not a bad effort. I'm not keen on the large out of focus area right in the centre of the image, perhaps a slightly different angle to better let you into the shot might have been good to explore. Like I said not a bad effort. ;)
Okay, there appears to be some confusion. For me, without the sapling, there would be no picture -- I photographed these particular roots because the sapling was there. The idea was: Old roots and a 'new' root. I respect that the photo and / or the idea does not work for some of you, but for the first time during this challenge I am happy with my photo and that, for me, is progress. :)
This works well for me and I understand what you where trying to achieve and I think you have allmost done it. :clap:

Love the low angle and think the sapling needs to be there, but not sure about the OOF root in the foreground and I wonder what it would look like taken from the 9 o clock position!
Nice idea for root - I love the delicate leaves but find the large root a bit 'in-your-face'
Hi Nathalie

Lot has been said about the dof and the large chunk at the front so I will restrict myself to saying that it is a terrific idea and an excellent viewpoint. I like the contrast of the colours too. The autmn colours of the fallen, dead leaves and the vibrant green of the new life. Well done.