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I Had a SLR and I could put about 9 shots on single frame.Can I do it on my Digital? Thank You Sean.......
Just a quick answer from me because I know little about it...I think there are digital cameras you can do this with..??

But on my normal DSLR (Nikon D70) you could do 9 frames of the same subject, all exposed separately for whatever, and then merge all frames in Photoshop...which is a similar process to what you’re after I think.

What are you trying to do if I may ask?
Forbiddenbiker,Sometimes I would like to Take a Pic and put in a different Background................Experment.........
I Had a SLR and I could put about 9 shots on single frame.Can I do it on my Digital? Thank You Sean.......

Highly unlikey Sean - I don't know of a digital SLR which has the facility, largely because Photoshop et all means you can achieve far superior and accurate results in post processing. :)
Shots like this are extremely easy to do by combining multiple exposures. This shot was done by No2 son himself with the camera mounted on a tripod.


Shots like this are unbelievably quick, fun, and easy to do and I'm surprised we don't see more of them on the forum.

Full 'How To' HERE
That's so cool Cedric ... I must have missed your Tut somehow ... looks really easy and is very well explained ... imo ... :D

Nikon's D80 and D200 have a multiple exposure feature, I believe they are the only DSLRs to do so.

CT THANKS.I am New to Post Processing. I will have to get Photoshop or some other Program to help with this effect. THANKS AGAIN, SEAN.