Nifty 50mm on tour?

I got the nifty today!!! I got home from work to find a nice little box waiting for me :D :) Right time to take some photos so I am used to it when I get to Oz. Will try to not let you all down with bad pics ;)
Glad you got it OK, hope you really enjoy your time with it.
Hi all,
How do I get my hands on the canon niffty fifty?
Do I just pm Blackvault?

Off to Bulgaria with another tog at the end of the month
Pm'ed Slvrbck.

Mattyh sorry haven't been admining the site. Being/Been snowed under with Uni work (finishes at the end of the month! w00t!)

Nice photos everyone(y)
its currently sitting dorment in my bedroom....its first trip out is around the 17th of May so if you want it shout now...:)
Is the Nikon free from 22-27th May? A mate and I are off to the Monaco F1 Grand Prix, the Canon nifty 50 is booked and my mate is a Nikon man so I'm sure we could get something sorted out!
All current bookings are clearly shown on the first post of this thread.....if you wish to be added to either the Canon or Nikon list then contabt Blackvault..
This thread/idea is awesome. I can take the Nifty to SW France for some vinyard/surf action in early June ... contacting Blackvault now!
Ok I am all packed up and ready to go to oz!!! I leave the house in an hour and the nifty is safely in my bag ready for some ozy and hong kong action!! Hopefully the photos are ok and worth putting on the site hehe

See you all when I get back :D :wave:
Enjoy the trip Rusk.

All pms have been replied too.

:wave: Hello all from Sydney!!! Just found a pc to get on and say hello before I leave for the outback where I will be amazing to find an internet cafe! The holiday is amazing so far, Sydney is so beautiful and I have decided it is where I will be moving to before long :LOL: sod england!!!

Also to let you know the nifty has been out rather alot and hopefully I have at least one or two photos that will come out well so far :)

I am off to the bush next so lets see how the nifty like the heat!

Hope to post again soon but if not will let you all know how things are going once I return home :wave:
Added Slvrbck to Canon Nifty List

lawless, the tour hasn't got a set time limit so we'll keep going until Mobile Virgin wants his Canon lens back. I'm not sure what will happen to the nikon lens. Do you want to keep it until there is another person wanting it?

I think that there was some talk of trying to really get 'Nifty Fifty Tour' off the ground with some good word of mouth stuff and then selling the lens for charity? may be wrong on that front....

I think the lenses have at least 12-24 months travelling left in them though.....when this takes off I can see more members wanting to take part and of course new members also...

There has also been talk of coffee table books.....maybe these could be produced on an annual basis? I'm happy to help/arrange those if you like....

Maybe i'm taking this all a bit too seriously lol..
i had agreed with superstat to keep it until the next person to save him cost of sending to multiple people just wondering maybe was interesting in purchasing the lens after the tour had finished.

Do you have this until the 24th as per page 1 of this thread?

i had agreed with superstat to keep it until the next person to save him cost of sending to multiple people just wondering maybe was interesting in purchasing the lens after the tour had finished.

I assume that the lens will just keep on moving between members on the forum, if it were to be sold then I think the funds should go to charity bearing in mind it was purchased via contributions from various members on the forum (myself included) Hopefully though it will spend a long time travelling the world on the front of various Nikons across this group :D
at the moment i have it until about the 30th of may when i will send it to the next person as there was a gap between my time finishing and the next beggining and had wanted to try and extend my time with it so i cud shoot some stuff when i get home from wales. bearing in mind im not in charge of this.

ok thats cool just wanted to know if there was a specific time frame in mind for this project and what were to happen to the lens at the end of the project but as it seems to be a couple of year project i think i will be buying my own as im loving the lens at the moment helping me back to my film photography roots :D
id say it is too early to start thinking bout what to do with the travelling nikon as yet, so just keep sending it round, till the time comes and talk bout it then( else flog it and all proceeds to the forums here). unfortunately, with the amount of travelling that hopefully will be happening, i dont think much of it will be left afterwards.
I agree with fletch on this one. It's too early to talk about selling these lenses on, give it another 12-24 months and we'll see.

The idea by superstrat regarding a coffee book could be a good idea. Again we'll see.

Hi everyone,

Just to let you know I posted the lens on and it should be with slvrbck today.

Now my next thing is to sort the photos taken with 50 but I may have alittle problem or remembering which ones they are :thinking: Is there away to find out?
That really depends on which other lenses you used but the exif data would be my first stop...will give the focal length and aperture....then you should be able to figure it out from there...
School boy error me thinks :LOL:
You can look in the properties of the pic and in the advanced bit it tells you all kinds of crap. like the true sutter speed that the camera got and what it was trying to get things like that :D
Hi everyone,

Just to let you know I posted the lens on and it should be with slvrbck today.

Now my next thing is to sort the photos taken with 50 but I may have alittle problem or remembering which ones they are :thinking: Is there away to find out?

Load them into adobe bridge or lightroom, then you can sort by lens used I think :)
Thanks superstat but my next question would be how do I get to the exif. I have always ment to ask everytime people talk about the exif.