Nifty 50mm on tour?

Just caught up with this thread. Cool idea! Bookmarked the site to look at later (y)
Just made a few additions / adjustments to the site.

Made one of the galleries (Mikes NYC trip) Visible, but I've got to change all the links tonight, once I've uploaded all the images I've got onto our Flickr Account.

Just a reminder, It'd be really handy if all new images could be uplaoded to flickr directly, with a max image size the same as the forum rules (800 px on the longest side, 200kb max size)

PM me for the password (y)
Nice Mattyh. Just need to teach me how to run it all lol:thinking:

Finally got my dates firmed up for a trip back to Egypt so I can take the Canon nifty to Luxor and Cairo between the 6th and the 16th of October if it's available. The shots posted so far are great with plenty of variety to keep folks coming back(y)
Nifty fifty wingin it's way to me and it needs to be with Rusk by 6th May. I'm based near Manchester and I work a lot in hospitals so I'm hoping to chip in with something a little bit different. Oh now the pressure is on!
I'm based near Manchester

I live in Manchester so once your finished with the 50 maybe we could meet up for me to collect it to save you the posting cost.
LOL - Quite glad I got in early. There's a little bit of pressure on now to get some good shots :D
Looks like it is off to Maidenhead in between Rusk, good idea though thanks.

No pressure, no pressure, no pressure................
So who's got it and where is it?

I'm still waiting for it to arrive. After me it is due to go to Rusk before he leaves on the 8th May.

Edit, it has landed here safely. I'm going outside, I may be some time....................................
Hmmm, I'm off to the Monaco F1 Grand Prix, May 25th but the dates are booked, pity.

Right, I've finally got my film back, where do I upload the shots? Only got 7 passable shots in the end :( Amateurs eh!?
pearce_jj speak to mattyh regarding the uploading to the flickr account.

All pms should have been answered now.
Added AliB to the Canon List
Added lawless234567 to the Nikon List

FAO AliB - how long do you wish to use the lens for?

Hi Pete, I'm due to hand it over to Rusk in the first week of May as he's off on his trip on the 8th and he can have a play before he goes. Rusk is local to me so we can meet and hand over.

If you have any other demands for it I'm happy to hand it on (Had it for 5 days and could use another week which may leave it a bit tight to get it back to Rusk)

Just let me know what's needed and it's done!
Cracking stuff pearce_jj - we're really starting to build a collection now.

Keep at it everyone (y)
Cracking stuff pearce_jj - we're really starting to build a collection now.

Keep at it everyone (y)

I agree in spades - you guys have all taken some really good pics. There's certainly a book to be had out of this exercise.

good news superstat, i was expecting to see you drop it on the floor taking it out of the bag like that!!! just need to get it circulating on the dark side now
Don't know how I missed this thread before. What an excellent idea, and some superb shots already on the site, this could get interesting. :)

I should be going to Death Valley/LA/LV around the beginning of November so if it all comes together it would be brilliant if I could take it there. Although the shots won't be anywhere near the standard of the ones already done.. :LOL:
I'm off to Italy for a job near Pisa - June 1st-5th, any chance of having it for then ? (Canon)
I'm off to Italy for a job near Pisa - June 1st-5th, any chance of having it for then ? (Canon)

Sorry mate its booked - Superstrat has it on a tour of Europe on those dates.

Nifty is on it's travels once more. Off to Rusk tomorrow so he has it in time for a somewhat epic adventure!
Thanks for the use of it. It has been fun being restricted to just the one lens for a couple of weeks. I took it out to work with me but I could not shoot any of the hospitals without the Trust's permission and I did not have time to get that in writing so I took little "diversions" when I was out on the road.

Pics should be up shortly (Manchester looks so ,well, unexotic beside New York lol.)
Thank you nifty!
Also, I wonder how long it will be before someone 'requests' the Nifty and flogs it on ebay, lol...., where was that Nikon one again :D
Also, I wonder how long it will be before someone 'requests' the Nifty and flogs it on ebay, lol....,

I'm a trusting sort of person and I trust this won't happen.

More great shots people - this is turning into an excellent project.

Thanks guys! I loved having the nifty, it makes you look for subjects and you have to move your feet too!

I didn't have an exotic location to take it to but I think that helps the overall feel of the project. You are all lucky I have not submitted 20 shots of our new puppy! lol.

If you are thinking about it, don't, just do it. The more we all add, the better the result.
made a tidy profit on the nikon...
Just do it Dellipher, it's good fun. I was not going anywhere exotic but it is amazing just what you find to photgraph with it. It has inspired me to do more in the way of "life recording" photography as I would call it.

Go on, put your name down!
Take it you've got it then?

sure do! i'm just awaiting lawless' time slot and then i'll be sending it to him......seems a pity no one is using it at the minute though!

Come on Nikon people....your not taking the bait too much....not up to the challenge?