Nifty Fifty Challenge 2024 - Chat thread

Yes, it was a good bit of fun.
Well done to everyone that entered, and well done Gav for organising it (y)
So when do we get to know the first one? ;)
So when do we get to know the first one? ;)

  • Images must be taken in the month of the theme and posted here before the end of the month.
  • Images taken at the Nifty Fifty focal length on full frame or the equivalent focal length on crop bodies, ie. Canon 1.6 crop body plus 35 prime or 30mm on zoom etc.
  • No lens modifiers, this is about the purity of the Nifty Fifty FL and being close to the human eye.
  • Tiny crop to straighten allowed, try to keep the image as close to what the lens would see.
  • Cropping to new ratio, ie 16:9, is allowed, but please keep to full width and as a last resort, it is about the purity of the view from the lens above all else.
  • The theme will be posted on the first of each month, in the title bar of the image thread.
  • Shoehorns, even Lube and Crowbars are allowed to squeeze into the theme ;)
  • A poll will be added at the end of the month, (just for fun, no records will be kept).
  • One entry only please.

I'm not giving you a head start just because it's it was Christmas :p
I may post on the Eve before :D
That might make for an interesting one, especially if you're a little pickled :D
I'm a boring sod, I'm Teetotal :D I could ask around though :LOL:
Nothing wrong with being teetotal, mate. Good grief, I dread to think of what sort of answers you'd get ;)
Starting to get itchy for the first one, now ;)
It's finger strumming time now... Tik tok Gav ;)
Thought you only wanted one a month ;)

Thanks for kicking it off (y)
I do, Gav. One a month is plenty for me. But as it was such a nice morning etc etc ;)
I'll give it a go for 2024 ... I'll be using my Olly M5 with a Pana 25mm f1.4, which now prevents the other half from complaining that I've too much stuff an should sell things I don't use
Me too, I'll have a go as and when I can, with a similar setup except Olly M1, same lens.
I'm in, now what to do with the other 29 days this month :D
Same boat, mate. Just need Gav to get his thinking cap on for the next one ;)

Even a clue would help :D