Nikon D750 & D780

The answer lies in the thread title. ;):D
Please excuse my stupidity. The posts immediately above are discussing the Tamron v Nikon 70-200f2.8 lenses so I wondered whether anibap was looking at P'moz prices for these lenses.

All is now clear ! Apologies again.
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Please excuse my stupidity. The posts immediately above are discussing the Tamron v Niokon 70-200f2.8 lenses so I wondered whether anibap was looking at P'moz prices for these lenses.

All is now clear ! Apologies again.

No need to apologise mate!!! I was only kidding.
I can get £700 or slightly more from my 8 month old D610 and was wondering if spending around £260 more for the D750 is a good decision or should I stick with my D610.
I know only I can answer this based on what I shoot and what I need, but just asking what would you do if you were in a similar situation.

I am going to shoot more indoor ballet and low light street in coming months hence the AF of the D750 is really tempting me.

Hi anibap, looking at the comparison tool on DPReview the high iso performance of D610 looks very similar to D750 to me, see here:

I suspect the AF of the D750 is MUCH better though so it might be worth a punt on a D750 for the ballet photography.
Hi anibap, looking at the comparison tool on DPReview the high iso performance of D610 looks very similar to D750 to me, see here:

I suspect the AF of the D750 is MUCH better though so it might be worth a punt on a D750 for the ballet photography.

Thanks Gary. I looked at that yesterday as well and surprisingly they are like almost same even up to ISO 12800 while shooting raw. with jpeg D750 has noise advantage.

Other than AF on D750, few other features are also nice.
Hi anibap

I only ever look at the RAW images there as this tells you more about the sensor performance. The jpegs really tell you about the synergistic combination of sensor performance and in-body NR which is basically a Nikon-determined compromise between noise and detail.

Anyway, I doubt that you will be anything other than super-happy with the D750. As lots have pointed out, the 24-120f4 kit from P'moz is great value as well as a versatile, though not exactly low-light friendly, walkabout set-up.

Good luck with your selection.
Time for a few pics again, a bit of a Tamron fest I'm afraid.

From the 150-600 VC

by John Norton, on Flickr

From the 70-200 VC

Bits of wheat
by John Norton, on Flickr

In green fields
by John Norton, on Flickr

I had my first lock up on the 150-600 the other day - its only happened once and is odd when it does, it just stops focussing - as soon as I realised what it was I popped the battery out and we were off again in a couple of seconds, a bit annoying though.
I can get £700 or slightly more from my 8 month old D610 and was wondering if spending around £260 more for the D750 is a good decision or should I stick with my D610.
I know only I can answer this based on what I shoot and what I need, but just asking what would you do if you were in a similar situation.

I am going to shoot more indoor ballet and low light street in coming months hence the AF of the D750 is really tempting me.

I wouldn't call it a good decision; I'd call it a no brainer. It's so much more capable than the D610. The AF difference is night and day and the ergonomics are way better.

That does suck and I wish these places would just be honest rather than keeping you hanging on, but on the up side if theres anything you fancied taking shed loads of high speeds bursts of nows the time :)

I'm a high volume shooter so I made a point of telling nikon that I'm really pushing the loaner's shot count up. Out 5 times with it this week taking advantage of the bats*** crazy, changeable light we've been having in Ireland.





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Just thinking have any of you tried the 35mm f2D. I thought about the 1.8 g fx but the d looks smaller and almost as wide, but I know little of the iq
Is it that much better? The d is pretty cheap

I didnt like the D. I like lenses sharp wide open because thats where I use them. The D is soft, lacks contrast and has a lot of CA wide open only getting better in the center (sharpness wise) at around F2.8 but mid and outer frame is still pretty soft.

You get what you pay for.
Thanks, that's just stopped me getting it, cheers :). I too prefer shooting wide open
It that the 1.4? Certainly given I have f4 covered at that range going wider does make more sense
Just thinking have any of you tried the 35mm f2D. I thought about the 1.8 g fx but the d looks smaller and almost as wide, but I know little of the iq

I have a 35mm g for sale - the D is smaller but the g is still a very light bit of kit. It sits very well on the D750 and is not front heavy. Its quite a nice size. Same width as the 50mm f1.8g, just a bit longer!
Has any1 had an issue with the camera getting stuck :confused:

2 or 3 times ive reached for my camera and the screen just shows an hourglass. It takes a battery removal to sort as turning the switch of has no effect. I haven't noticed anything specifically that I'm doing, the last time I'm sure the camera was left alone on the coffee table.
I have a 35mm g for sale - the D is smaller but the g is still a very light bit of kit. It sits very well on the D750 and is not front heavy. Its quite a nice size. Same width as the 50mm f1.8g, just a bit longer!
I'd seen, I was very close to putting in an offer but weighing up how much I'd use it
Can any one help me with flikr ? I'm trying to post a photo on a forum but only the link shows up - I would like to post the photo so the photo shows up and not the flikr link ?
I wouldn't call it a good decision; I'd call it a no brainer. It's so much more capable than the D610. The AF difference is night and day and the ergonomics are way better.

I'm a high volume shooter so I made a point of telling nikon that I'm really pushing the loaner's shot count up. Out 5 times with it this week taking advantage of the bats*** crazy, changeable light we've been having in Ireland.





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Four very nice shots Deci, with the first shot for me being "Excellent" with lovely lighting. I also favor the last shot very much and think you have captured a lovely expression.(y)

I wouldn't call it a good decision; I'd call it a no brainer. It's so much more capable than the D610. The AF difference is night and day and the ergonomics are way better.

I'm a high volume shooter so I made a point of telling nikon that I'm really pushing the loaner's shot count up. Out 5 times with it this week taking advantage of the bats*** crazy, changeable light we've been having in Ireland.





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Lovely shots with lovely processing. Do you use presets?
I have 2 colour presets - both are modified VSCO presets. B&W is my own creation. I use brushes, gradients, split tone and HSL sliders a lot.
Thanks. Gradients, is that a photoshop thing? (I use lightroom)
Thanks. Gradients, is that a photoshop thing? (I use lightroom)

Lightroom. The graduated filter and the radial filter. I couldn't edit without them - they're quick and effective. That being said, I don't heavily process images. Would rarely spend over a minute editing a pic from a wedding/couple shoot. If I haven't got a handle on it after 2 minutes I'll leave it and go back to it later.

Here's a before/after.

Just thinking have any of you tried the 35mm f2D. I thought about the 1.8 g fx but the d looks smaller and almost as wide, but I know little of the iq

I had the f2, and the only plus point was close focus ... I sold that and got a Sigma 1.4 art ... which rocks.
Yes. The ART. It is superb.

I'm looking fairly seriously at the Sigma 1.4 now, and so far it looks good - just got to be sure 35mm is the right length and if so source one.
I'm looking fairly seriously at the Sigma 1.4 now, and so far it looks good - just got to be sure 35mm is the right length and if so source one.

What would you be shooting at 35mm?

As an example, taken at the weekend ;)
Nine to Infinity by Paulie-W, on Flickr
Try your 24-120 at 35mm for a day or two. I prefer 50 but it's all subjective.

Yep, thats the plan, I'll also try at 24mm

@Paulie-W Not sure yet, I'm guessing it would be full or near full body portraits of the kids, something like the ones I did before of them in the fields
Yep, thats the plan, I'll also try at 24mm

@Paulie-W Not sure yet, I'm guessing it would be full or near full body portraits of the kids, something like the ones I did before of them in the fields

Well you`ll certainly have the *(insert correct word here, brain just fried a cell)* on a 35
Lightroom. The graduated filter and the radial filter. I couldn't edit without them - they're quick and effective. That being said, I don't heavily process images. Would rarely spend over a minute editing a pic from a wedding/couple shoot. If I haven't got a handle on it after 2 minutes I'll leave it and go back to it later.

Here's a before/after.

Ahh, the filters. Yeah I use these a lot. Really nice edit, you've really made it pop. I'm yet to figure out how to do that.