Nikon D750 & D780

I see a lot of love for the 85/1.8 in this thread. I keep trying to join the love-in but it remains the most useless lens I own (either too long or not long enough and doesn't focus close enough for me) so wondering if it's worth selling on. What do they fetch (I won't say used because it hardly has been) pre-owned? If it's not a lot I might as well hang on in case I need a paperweight.:D

I paid £269 for mine from DR if that helps...
So some weeks back my wife asked me what I wanted for Christmas. Since I was considering the D750/D810, I told her I'd like a D750. Her response was fine, but are you sure you can wait until Christmas? Her answer was promptly delivered few days later by Panamoz. A D750 and Sigma 35mm. :)

I haven't been able to use it as much as I'd like but it's definitely taking some getting used to coming from Canon. I really like the ergonomics and weight but constantly pressing the wrong dial/button and having to take my eye away from the viewfinder to look for the right buttons is somewhat spoiling it for me. I'm an impatient git but still, I guess that will improve with time. Got a wedding coming up soon (as a guest) so I'll have an opportunity to get some practice in.
Force yourself to use it.

I do. I go out with just that lens. And come home wishing I hadn't. :(

If the 105 macro wasn't so sluggish to focus and didn't weight a ton I'd have kept that. I didn't think I'd miss the extra 20mm, but I do. Odd because the lens I like using most is the 28/1.8. Love that one to bits. :)

That and my 18-35.

Force yourself to use it. I love it. I think I'd prefer the 58 though but at £900 I'll take a few steps back with 85...


Or trade it for a 60mm macro maybe? ;)
I do wish Nikon would make a 135mm f1.8. Would be sweeeeeeeet.

If they did, I'm sure it would be as sharp as a razor, but it wouldn't render skin tones like the f2 DC does, I'll bet
Now that I've (finally) tuned it the way it should be, it is stunning on my D700.
Sharp as a razor, beautiful smooth B/Gs, and those skin tones are fantastic.

Really can't wait to get it on a D750 !!
I cook, photograph and get to eat too :D

I like cooking and photographing food.

That's obvious. I think I should come and live next door, as I like to eat good food !
Maybe you could teach me how to take such lovely pictures too, if I said please..
That's obvious. I think I should come and live next door, as I like to eat good food !
Maybe you could teach me how to take such lovely pictures too, if I said please..

Sure, why not. Most of my food shots are taken with the modest 24-85 VR. While it has no macro capability, it's close focusing allows to close in and shoot with dof control. I also use the 85 1.8 at times when I need more dof and isolation, but due to long focusing, cropping becomes essential.

Most food photography is at daytime with natural light or in night with off camera bounced flash at angles that produces a more 3d type image with balance of shadows and light. It is actually simple.

Here's one more with 24-85 VR

Chicken Taco
by Anirban Acharya, on Flickr
I don't believe it is as simple as you make it sound Anirban - you are clearly very good at this, as well as taking pictures of your children !
However, I need to learn how to cook food that looks as good as yours does first and then I can try to take pictures.

The thing is, when I cook, no matter how it looks, it seems to be eaten long before I have a chance to get the camera ready. Could be down to me only feeding my girls once a week tho.....!
The thing is, when I cook, no matter how it looks, it seems to be eaten long before I have a chance to get the camera ready. Could be down to me only feeding my girls once a week tho.....!

Thanks for your kind words. I have similar challenge like what you said as I am impatient with food. My solution is simple. Set camera and flash before I cook and serve food at the final place. Then two rapid shots and the simply gorge on food :D:D:D
Anyone ever done any tethering with the D750 and Lr? Is it possible? If so, what do i need?


I reckon a cable at least ;)
Anyone using this particular setting? Custom Settings - F6 : Release button to use dial

I don't know how may D750 users use a particular setting that I found recently and love it - It allows you to change exp compensation, ISO)rec button) with only right hand and one finger and you don't have to use left hand and hold the exp / Movie record button while changing settings. This actually works with all the controls on the left panel of the screen !!, but most useful with Rec(ISO) and Exp comp.

The setting is Custom Settings - F6 : Release button to use dial: OFF (default is OFF and need to set it to ON to make this change)

This setting actually allows you to not keep holding the left panel or rec/exp button while you use the wheels to change settings. You just press the button once and release and use wheels to change settings and either press it again or any other button and voila. Marvellous.

May not work for everyone, but I am loving it. I noticed this was available in D610 as well, but I wish I had known this earlier.
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